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  • Funders needing ISOs - ISOs needing Funders

    Oh, the debacle of finding good resources. Most of you could agree that ISOs are the main source of deal origination for funding companies. Funders need ISOs in order to fund deals... ISOs crave funders who can fill the needs of their submission requirements (and more).

    Those Funders who are looking for ISOs need to understand that there are new funders popping up every minute. What makes you stand out? What is your niche? Most are your short term, stack, C/D paper, occasional B paper, high commission- but very horrible buy rates. I see the issues...

    Those ISOs who want Funders want the funder to stick to their word, and be that "Go-To" when they have a certain deal to place.

    I am a service provider in this industry. I provide service to every business aspect of those who participate in the Merchant Cash Advance Industry. I do not co-broker files. I like being the "Direct Connection" to Funding Companies for ISOs who are wanting to grow and perform business at a professional standard. The same goes for funding companies.

    I can assure you that there are evolving processes that are coming about in this industry and I am wanting to spill the beans sooooo bad on the new things to come... but I can't


    What I do want is to provide that secure process and network that this industry desperately needs. Whether you are new or a veteran in the industry, whether you need help or think you don't, there is a "section" or your sales or process that may need it but you don't want to admit it, and that is okay.

    Reason for this posting...
    I would like to get in touch with a few ISOs (New, Old) Who broker and/or syndicate or want to syndicate. I have been in touch with many and I want to make your business grow. Those who know me- know the ins and outs of this industry is a passion and I've been working far too long and a secure process, and let me tell you- it is around the corner

    If you are a Funder, same goes for you as well. I want you to be in touch with ISOs who can utilize your services but there is a process to become a go-to and I want to help you to.

    Feel free to email me-

    Completely confidential, No co-brokering, No taking of commissions, I don't want your money, etc.

    P.S. Those who promote under this thread should contact me You may be amazing to some, but I can make sure you are amazing to all if you are the real deal
    Amanda Kingsley
    Regional Director of Sales
    m: 321-750-5710
