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  • Mid Tier Experienced ISO Manager LF Employment - BA Major from Penn Wharton

    Hello, Hello,

    After, experiencing MCA sales, marketing, and free lance work. I decided that I want to stick to B2B sales.

    I have a short book of business with a few ISOs that submit daily, at my old firm. I just want 1-4 strong ISO who submit high quality work. Who I can manage with one heart, and one mind approach. There is no micro managing here.

    I have a degree from the University of Pennsylvania Wharton. For Business Administration. And a proven(while short) track record. I can assure you, that my work will be of utmost quality. It took me 5 days to produce what the average unskilled worker produced in 2 months at my old firm.

    I’m looking for a commission structure that encourages performance. That may include a draw against commission until I know both my self and your firm can work together. Sense we have to communicate on a daily basis.

    If you’re interested, Please call or text me at any time.



    (512) 914-2960
