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  • Getting deals done

    Good evening,

    We are now in 2016 and anyone who has been in this industry for the past decade knows that the market for a cash advance today is not the same market it was years ago. The industry has grown dramatically and the market has become deeply saturated. As a result, when direct lenders give you a call trying to tell you what separates them from everyone else, they usually sound exactly like the guy before them. So lets cut through the bullshit because everyone now a days offers add-ons, competitive commission structures, quick turnaround times, and syndication platforms.

    So here at Discount Merchant Funding, their is one thing that will always make us unique. THE WAY WE LOOK AT YOUR DEALS!

    It's simple, IF THE DEAL MAKES SENSE, WE WILL FUND IT. Our funding cap is non-existent. We have funded million dollar deals to 5,000 dollar deals. We really shine though in the $75,000 - $1 million range. With these deals we request financials, conduct a merchant interview with yourself and the merchant on the phone. Get a true understanding of the big picture and see if our products are in line with the merchants needs. We will even help you to close the deal with no reduction in your points!

    Do we fund used car dealerships all the time? No of course not, but IF THE DEAL MAKES SENSE, WE WILL FUND IT, and we have before when the dealership shows high deposits and healthy financials. We even fund deals in California. If you don't believe that we will fund anyone that can make a good use of our money watch the video below.
    (No one would even touch this guy, he had recent bankruptcy and was in the middle of a divorce! But after talking with the merchant, looking at financials and really understanding the merchants needs, we funded him. He is now the owner of the highest producing Dominoes in the world and a current investor in our company.

    So if your goal is to make more money than you did last year and build a long lasting mutually beneficial relationship with a experienced Direct Lender give me a call or shoot me an email!

    Thanks for your time,

    Tyler Adwar
    Funding Expediter
    Discount Merchant Funding
    1393 Veterans Memorial Highway Suite 202-S
    Hauppauge, NY 11788
    T: 631-438-0562 C: 631-617-9717 F: 888-633-3219
