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  • More money to lend = More profits. Can your company use more money?

    The summer months have always held a special place in my heart, harkening back to a simpler time in my life, when the school year would end, and a well-earned and deserved break would once again be upon me. So much promise was held on that final day of the school year; of adventures to come, infinite time with friends, trips to the beach and the most important - the ability to chart my own course, unfettered from the shackles of the school day.

    This weekend, as I contemplated and reflected upon my journey over these last 6 months through the alternative lending space, through the successes and failures, I couldn't’t shake the feeling of excitement that comes on the heels of metamorphosis. The evolution of our industry is taking shape and form even as I write this, as offering solutions for the client’s financial needs or distress has many times only served to further burden and encumber them, rather than lighten their load.

    The current model is not only unsustainable, it carries the same morally dubious odor that permeated the atmosphere in 2008, preceding and necessitating the protections and strictures of Dodd-Frank. I sense that same fetid stench settling upon us now, and I believe the solution lies in a reorganization of values; the development of a system and process to spur the change necessary for this reconciliation. As with any transmutation, the birth pangs will serve to strengthen the resolve and ultimate durability of this paradigmatic shift in alternative lending fundamentals.

    I mention this because the time is ripe, and the moment is nigh for Veritas Private Holdings to institute this change – we will be the standard bearer inculcating the industry and leading by example in true Socratic fashion – for as Hemingway put it so succinctly, “"the truth has a certain ring to it”"
    Last edited by Veritas_QualifyMyBusiness; 07-24-2018, 10:16 PM.
