- This file was automatically generated by VIMEO 0 00:00:01.215 --> 00:00:03.045 Hello, welcome back to D Bank tv. 1 00:00:03.345 --> 00:00:04.805 I'm Sean Murray, and today we're gonna 2 00:00:04.805 --> 00:00:05.925 talk about a few different things. 3 00:00:06.135 --> 00:00:09.045 First, let's talk about Section 10 71. 4 00:00:09.465 --> 00:00:11.165 People have heard that it's going away, 5 00:00:11.545 --> 00:00:14.605 but is it first, what is Section 10 71? 6 00:00:15.105 --> 00:00:17.645 For many of you who are not familiar, the Wall Street Reform 7 00:00:17.645 --> 00:00:19.125 and Consumer Protection Act 8 00:00:19.265 --> 00:00:23.165 of 2010 created an entire new regulator, 9 00:00:23.245 --> 00:00:26.005 a federal regulator called the CFPB, 10 00:00:26.425 --> 00:00:28.925 the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. 11 00:00:29.505 --> 00:00:32.685 And as part of that, it gave the CFPB the power 12 00:00:32.825 --> 00:00:36.285 to regulate an aspect of small business lending 13 00:00:36.875 --> 00:00:39.845 that includes the MCA product. 14 00:00:40.585 --> 00:00:41.965 Now, what it does, it, 15 00:00:41.985 --> 00:00:45.965 it mandates every company collecting data from every single 16 00:00:46.035 --> 00:00:47.485 applicant that they get 17 00:00:47.945 --> 00:00:49.765 and report it to the federal government. 18 00:00:50.225 --> 00:00:52.125 People have been dreading this for a long time 19 00:00:52.195 --> 00:00:54.525 because, as I mentioned, the law passed in 2010. 20 00:00:54.865 --> 00:00:57.765 And guess what? It's only now just about 21 00:00:57.765 --> 00:01:00.965 to go into effect except not so fast. 22 00:01:01.805 --> 00:01:05.085 Recently, the Senate voted to overturn the rules 23 00:01:05.275 --> 00:01:09.205 that the CFPB created in order to comply with the law. 24 00:01:09.635 --> 00:01:11.165 They said, we do not want to have 25 00:01:12.015 --> 00:01:14.965 small business lenders comply with the rules created 26 00:01:15.225 --> 00:01:17.405 by the CFPB to comply 27 00:01:17.405 --> 00:01:20.445 with Section 10 71 and the House. 28 00:01:20.865 --> 00:01:22.245 The house did the same thing. 29 00:01:22.595 --> 00:01:25.645 They also do not want people to have to comply 30 00:01:25.645 --> 00:01:29.645 with the rules, but they were very specific about the rules. 31 00:01:30.115 --> 00:01:31.725 They don't believe that people should have 32 00:01:31.725 --> 00:01:34.685 to follow the rules that the CFPB created. 33 00:01:35.635 --> 00:01:40.445 Mind you, these rules are long 888 pages worth of rules 34 00:01:40.955 --> 00:01:42.205 that have been put out there, 35 00:01:42.225 --> 00:01:44.605 and you may have read about onie bank.com. 36 00:01:45.215 --> 00:01:48.005 Those are the rules that Congress does not 37 00:01:48.005 --> 00:01:49.085 want people to follow. 38 00:01:49.635 --> 00:01:51.365 They feel that it's too burdensome. 39 00:01:51.915 --> 00:01:54.485 However, it does not invalidate. 40 00:01:54.765 --> 00:01:58.445 Congress has not invalidated the CFBs need 41 00:01:58.625 --> 00:02:00.925 to create rules by law. 42 00:02:00.985 --> 00:02:03.125 The ccf, PB has to create rules 43 00:02:03.545 --> 00:02:05.725 to collect data from small business lenders. 44 00:02:05.945 --> 00:02:08.685 And what Congress has done is just invalidated the 45 00:02:08.685 --> 00:02:10.285 rules that they've created. 46 00:02:10.675 --> 00:02:12.965 What they want to do is send the CFPB back 47 00:02:12.965 --> 00:02:16.605 to the drawing board to create all new rules, which is kind 48 00:02:16.605 --> 00:02:19.205 of crazy because it took 13 years to create those rules 49 00:02:19.205 --> 00:02:22.285 to begin with, but also not so fast. 50 00:02:22.715 --> 00:02:26.205 Even though Congress passed this particular resolution 51 00:02:26.225 --> 00:02:29.405 to invalidate the rules on a bipartisan basis, 52 00:02:29.915 --> 00:02:32.285 president Biden has sworn 53 00:02:32.285 --> 00:02:34.605 that he will veto what they wanted. 54 00:02:35.425 --> 00:02:39.525 So in all likelihood, this particular resolution will not go 55 00:02:39.525 --> 00:02:40.525 through as planned, 56 00:02:40.525 --> 00:02:42.125 even though Congress voted for it to happen. 57 00:02:42.505 --> 00:02:45.165 But even if Biden does not use his veto, 58 00:02:45.945 --> 00:02:49.965 all Congress has opted to do is to invalidate the rules 59 00:02:50.235 --> 00:02:53.525 that the CFPB has created to comply with the law, 60 00:02:53.905 --> 00:02:56.125 and it will force them to create all new rules. 61 00:02:56.745 --> 00:02:58.685 So if you are hoping that there will be no 62 00:02:59.065 --> 00:03:01.245 Dis uh, no, uh, data collection rules 63 00:03:01.955 --> 00:03:04.205 that will ever happen, you'd be sadly mistaken. 64 00:03:04.205 --> 00:03:05.605 There will be some type of rules, 65 00:03:06.105 --> 00:03:08.725 but given what is taking place, there might be some delay. 66 00:03:08.865 --> 00:03:10.525 That's Section 10 71. 67 00:03:10.905 --> 00:03:12.805 Pay attention to it because it's going to affect you.