- This file was automatically generated by VIMEO 0 00:00:00.140 --> 00:00:04.120 Hi guys. I'm here back with Sal Castaneda from National Funding. So Sal, 1 00:00:04.150 --> 00:00:06.000 tell me a little bit about your time here at Brooker Fair. 2 00:00:06.380 --> 00:00:10.960 Uh, it's always, uh, an amazing experience. Um, as a platinum sponsor. 3 00:00:11.620 --> 00:00:14.320 Uh, obviously we get to see a lot of people that we, 4 00:00:14.350 --> 00:00:18.240 that we work with on a daily basis, but more importantly, uh, meeting new faces, 5 00:00:18.780 --> 00:00:22.960 uh, and also putting faces to the names that we work with, uh, on a daily basis. 6 00:00:23.060 --> 00:00:27.080 So it's a, it's always, uh, an amazing experience to, to get to do that. 7 00:00:27.250 --> 00:00:29.880 Right. So you've been a little bit of everywhere at the event today. 8 00:00:29.940 --> 00:00:33.760 You took the stage, you did your sponsor speech and you've been at the booth. 9 00:00:34.220 --> 00:00:37.520 So how has it been a little bit, you know, being all over the place? 10 00:00:37.830 --> 00:00:40.160 It's, uh, well, you get a good feel for it. Uh, 11 00:00:40.360 --> 00:00:42.560 I keep telling that I was telling you earlier. Yeah. You know, you, 12 00:00:42.560 --> 00:00:45.080 you get out of things, you know what you put into it. Uh, 13 00:00:45.080 --> 00:00:46.280 so if you come here with, uh, 14 00:00:46.280 --> 00:00:49.440 with those state of mind to actually make the best of it, meet new people, 15 00:00:49.820 --> 00:00:54.360 create new relationships, uh, fortify existing ones, uh, you know, 16 00:00:54.360 --> 00:00:58.520 you can't go wrong. Um, it's, it's definitely, uh, a place where, 17 00:00:58.520 --> 00:01:00.960 where you can make the right connections depending on, you know, 18 00:01:01.160 --> 00:01:02.240 whatever it is that you're looking to do. 19 00:01:02.550 --> 00:01:06.120 Exactly. And have you been able to sit in any panels today? 20 00:01:06.560 --> 00:01:10.160 I have not. I have not had the pleasure. I've, I've done it before in the past. 21 00:01:10.620 --> 00:01:14.440 Uh, definitely wanted to, to man the booth down. Yeah. And, and, and meet those, 22 00:01:14.500 --> 00:01:18.720 uh, those people and, uh, follow up with guys that I'm working with currently. 23 00:01:18.740 --> 00:01:18.990 So, 24 00:01:18.990 --> 00:01:19.580 Exactly, 25 00:01:19.580 --> 00:01:23.400 and that's one of the big takeaways of broker fair is just meeting those, um, 26 00:01:23.430 --> 00:01:26.280 connections, having that face-to-face interaction, like you said, 27 00:01:26.340 --> 00:01:29.360 and as opposed to the emails or the phone calls Correct. 28 00:01:29.360 --> 00:01:32.200 That we have throughout the week. So it's definitely a better feel to be, 29 00:01:32.220 --> 00:01:33.960 you know, stand guard at the booth. 30 00:01:34.080 --> 00:01:36.600 A hundred percent. A hundred percent. Uh, yeah, the, the, 31 00:01:36.740 --> 00:01:39.720 the face-to-face interaction is always, is always best. 32 00:01:39.750 --> 00:01:41.560 It's good you get to talk to people on the phone, 33 00:01:42.160 --> 00:01:44.040 shooting emails and that could kind of, you know, 34 00:01:44.270 --> 00:01:47.360 desensitize you a little bit to the actual interaction. Uh, 35 00:01:47.360 --> 00:01:48.800 and you'd be surprised at, uh, 36 00:01:49.100 --> 00:01:51.520 at the connections you can make with people when you're face-to-face and 37 00:01:51.720 --> 00:01:53.480 actually speaking with them in person. So. 38 00:01:53.510 --> 00:01:57.640 Exactly. And now this is not your first broker fair. It's not. So tell me, 39 00:01:57.640 --> 00:02:00.080 how has it changed from the first one that you've attended till now? 40 00:02:00.350 --> 00:02:04.200 It's evolved. It, it gets better every year. Um, 41 00:02:04.240 --> 00:02:08.840 I think Sean does a great job of, uh, getting different people out here, uh, 42 00:02:08.840 --> 00:02:09.720 talking about, you know, 43 00:02:09.750 --> 00:02:14.200 just within our industry there's so many different facets to it from leads to, 44 00:02:14.380 --> 00:02:18.600 you know, the legal aspect to brokers, to funders, uh, you know, 45 00:02:18.630 --> 00:02:20.440 just everything within the scope. 46 00:02:20.750 --> 00:02:24.200 He's always got people that come in that can provide good information that have 47 00:02:24.200 --> 00:02:28.280 been in the industry that you can rely on. Um, so again, 48 00:02:28.880 --> 00:02:30.520 wherever you are within the space, 49 00:02:30.740 --> 00:02:32.680 you're gonna be able to get some value from it. 50 00:02:32.990 --> 00:02:34.760 Exactly. And what's one thing you'll, 51 00:02:34.820 --> 00:02:36.680 you say you'll take away from today's event? 52 00:02:37.260 --> 00:02:39.640 Ah, let's see. Well, um, 53 00:02:40.530 --> 00:02:43.560 definitely the, uh, the, 54 00:02:44.220 --> 00:02:47.680 the market or the space as a whole, uh, definitely see that, that, you know, 55 00:02:47.920 --> 00:02:50.280 a lot of police are contracting a bit, so I've been able to, 56 00:02:50.300 --> 00:02:54.040 to communicate with some brokers that are looking to get onboarded, um, 57 00:02:54.140 --> 00:02:57.200 as well as, uh, funders that are out there and just getting, 58 00:02:57.310 --> 00:03:00.680 kind of get the feel for, for what's going on. Obviously, you know, 59 00:03:00.680 --> 00:03:05.120 2022 was amazing. You just swing back from, from all that pent up demand, 60 00:03:05.660 --> 00:03:07.760 uh, the pendulum's swinging back and, you know, 61 00:03:07.760 --> 00:03:11.400 things are kind of tightening up a little bit while the dust settles. So it's, 62 00:03:11.400 --> 00:03:14.520 uh, it's interesting with the, uh, the ebbs and flows of the, of the industry, 63 00:03:14.520 --> 00:03:17.600 of what's going on right now, just to see how we're adapting, uh, 64 00:03:17.840 --> 00:03:18.960 to the current space. So. 65 00:03:19.790 --> 00:03:22.040 Exactly. Well, thank you so much for chatting with us.