- This file was automatically generated by VIMEO 0 00:00:00.080 --> 00:00:02.360 I have Frank Ebates from Spartan Capital, 1 00:00:02.900 --> 00:00:06.400 so let me shift over and make some room on the red carpet for you, sir. Hi, 2 00:00:06.400 --> 00:00:08.120 how are you? Hi. How's it going today? Very 3 00:00:08.120 --> 00:00:08.510 Good. 4 00:00:08.510 --> 00:00:12.440 Good. So tell me a little bit about the importance of events like this. 5 00:00:12.980 --> 00:00:14.760 Oh my God, it's hard to put it in words. 6 00:00:15.030 --> 00:00:18.560 It's such an amazing event for this industry, right? For MCA and, uh, 7 00:00:18.590 --> 00:00:22.800 revenue sales financing because it brings us all together. Mm-hmm. Right? I, 8 00:00:22.960 --> 00:00:26.960 I love to come here and see all our partners, our technology providers. Mm-hmm. 9 00:00:27.040 --> 00:00:30.080 Our ISOs, our brokers, our referral sources. So, uh, 10 00:00:30.200 --> 00:00:33.720 I really enjoy coming here and seeing them and talking to them. Mm-hmm. Uh, 11 00:00:33.820 --> 00:00:38.480 we spend so much time, uh, on the phone or talking to them through email and, 12 00:00:38.580 --> 00:00:39.110 uh, 13 00:00:39.110 --> 00:00:43.240 this event brings us all together and gives us the opportunity to get to know 14 00:00:43.240 --> 00:00:46.320 each other even more. So we could find ways to, uh, just, 15 00:00:46.320 --> 00:00:47.440 just work better together. 16 00:00:47.670 --> 00:00:48.220 Exactly. 17 00:00:48.220 --> 00:00:52.240 And I also think that location is very important to New York City's Screams 18 00:00:52.240 --> 00:00:54.160 Broker Fair and a perfect time. 19 00:00:54.160 --> 00:00:58.320 What's a better perfect time to have it then in the spring where the weather is 20 00:00:58.320 --> 00:00:58.680 getting warm? 21 00:00:58.680 --> 00:01:02.640 We're not in that third winter that everybody is always looking forward to. 22 00:01:02.640 --> 00:01:05.120 Well, not looking forward to, but always expecting in New York. 23 00:01:05.350 --> 00:01:07.520 What do you say about the location of having New York, um, 24 00:01:07.520 --> 00:01:08.920 broker Fair in New York? I 25 00:01:08.920 --> 00:01:12.840 Love it. I love it. I mean, it's so, so cool to be able to do this in May, uh, 26 00:01:12.860 --> 00:01:16.760 in New York. Right. So this is sort of like the birthplace for mca. Right, 27 00:01:16.760 --> 00:01:20.360 exactly. So it brings everyone together in one spot, one location. 28 00:01:20.360 --> 00:01:22.960 Weather is great. I mean, Sean, the bank, they just get it. 29 00:01:22.960 --> 00:01:23.793 You guys just get it. 30 00:01:24.060 --> 00:01:25.920 And now this is my second broker. Fair. 31 00:01:26.020 --> 00:01:28.360 Can What broker fair number is this for you? 32 00:01:28.940 --> 00:01:30.520 Oh my God, I can count 'em. I've done 'em all. 33 00:01:30.560 --> 00:01:33.920 I think I've been doing each one of them since, uh, 2019. 34 00:01:34.300 --> 00:01:37.400 Wow. So can you tell me a little bit, uh, how it has, um, 35 00:01:37.840 --> 00:01:40.680 transpired through the first time you've been to a broker Fair Event to now? 36 00:01:42.160 --> 00:01:45.960 I could tell you that Spartan Capital wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the 37 00:01:45.960 --> 00:01:49.960 broker fair. If it wasn't for the banked, if it wasn't for the ability, uh, 38 00:01:50.060 --> 00:01:53.320 of the banked and, uh, broker fair to bring us all together. 39 00:01:53.460 --> 00:01:56.480 We have grown tremendously. We've been able to meet new partners, 40 00:01:56.610 --> 00:01:59.960 we've been able to hire new people. We've been able to acquire, uh, 41 00:01:59.960 --> 00:02:01.320 new technology providers. 42 00:02:01.540 --> 00:02:05.760 And it's all because we come to these events and we get to know who's out there, 43 00:02:05.940 --> 00:02:09.440 who wants to do business with us, who wants to sell us, uh, equipment, 44 00:02:09.440 --> 00:02:12.480 who wants to sell us technology. So it's amazing. I love it. 45 00:02:12.700 --> 00:02:16.560 And if there's one thing you can tell viewers at home that may be a little bit 46 00:02:16.610 --> 00:02:19.680 weary about coming to Broker Fair and not sure if this is the right place for 47 00:02:19.680 --> 00:02:22.000 them in the industry, what could you tell 'em about it? 48 00:02:22.600 --> 00:02:25.200 I would tell 'em that there is something for everyone. 49 00:02:25.300 --> 00:02:28.560 If you're here to mingle and talk to your partners, you could do that. 50 00:02:28.580 --> 00:02:33.560 If you want to learn about industry events, industry news, uh, 51 00:02:33.560 --> 00:02:34.440 just developments, 52 00:02:34.500 --> 00:02:38.200 you could come and go to the shows and listen to the speakers, right, which, uh, 53 00:02:38.200 --> 00:02:39.800 have tremendous amount knowledge. Right. 54 00:02:40.140 --> 00:02:42.680 And if you just want to just learn about new products, 55 00:02:42.680 --> 00:02:46.560 you could do that as well. So there's so much to get out of this event. Uh, it, 56 00:02:46.560 --> 00:02:48.080 it's silly enough to come and attend 57 00:02:48.690 --> 00:02:49.523 Exact. Okay. 58 00:02:49.560 --> 00:02:52.600 I don't wanna keep you too much from mingling throughout the rest of the event, 59 00:02:52.820 --> 00:02:56.920 but all your points are super valid and I hope you make a ton of connections 60 00:02:56.920 --> 00:03:01.080 today and learn, uh, a ton of new insight at the panels going on. Good 61 00:03:01.080 --> 00:03:01.510 Seeing you. 62 00:03:01.510 --> 00:03:02.360 Good seeing you as well.