- This file was automatically generated by VIMEO 0 00:00:00.340 --> 00:00:03.520 My name's Larissa Brodo. I'm the account executive at De Banked. 1 00:00:03.620 --> 00:00:06.360 So at de banked we offer a variety of products for our clients. 2 00:00:06.620 --> 00:00:11.040 So on the site they can advertise with a web ad that includes an in-house 3 00:00:11.040 --> 00:00:15.400 graphic designer, um, a mobile version. Also at de banked, 4 00:00:15.400 --> 00:00:18.520 we have over 120,000 page views per month. 5 00:00:18.580 --> 00:00:22.560 So it's a great way to get your name and your face out into this industry. 6 00:00:23.060 --> 00:00:25.360 We also offer email campaigns, 7 00:00:25.500 --> 00:00:28.520 so that is sent directly to our subscribers. 8 00:00:28.940 --> 00:00:31.920 We have over 5,000 subscribers with de banked, 9 00:00:32.100 --> 00:00:35.320 and we also have a new product video advertisement. 10 00:00:35.460 --> 00:00:39.920 So you can basically create a little commercial like clip 30 seconds a minute. 11 00:00:40.020 --> 00:00:42.040 You can send us over something if you have it, 12 00:00:42.060 --> 00:00:45.880 or we can create it from scratch with you. I would say, you know, 13 00:00:45.900 --> 00:00:49.520 do it as soon as possible if you're not already advertising with us, 14 00:00:49.520 --> 00:00:51.680 because it'll get your name and your company, 15 00:00:51.750 --> 00:00:56.320 your message out to the industry because everyone is on de debunked.