- This file was automatically generated by VIMEO 0 00:00:00.900 --> 00:00:03.200 All right, welcome back. So we have been talking 1 00:00:03.200 --> 00:00:07.000 to different people throughout the day regarding the industry their expectations 2 00:00:06.500 --> 00:00:09.500 and just the event overall. So go 3 00:00:09.500 --> 00:00:12.200 ahead and talk to the camera regarding who you are and 4 00:00:12.200 --> 00:00:16.500 who you're with sure. I'm Daniel 5 00:00:16.500 --> 00:00:19.600 I work for All Star Capital. We're a 6 00:00:19.600 --> 00:00:22.200 platform within Delta Bridge. We mainly deal 7 00:00:22.200 --> 00:00:25.400 with isos and Brokers that you know, send us files from you know, 8 00:00:25.400 --> 00:00:28.800 all across the industry. We can handle all different 9 00:00:28.800 --> 00:00:31.200 kinds of paper. We do, you know 10 00:00:31.200 --> 00:00:35.900 a paper through see paper d-paper. We'll 11 00:00:34.900 --> 00:00:37.200 do Weekly's we'll go out as long 12 00:00:37.200 --> 00:00:40.300 as 12 months. We'll you know fun deals as low as 13 00:00:40.300 --> 00:00:43.300 you know, one two eights, I would say our Niche is probably more 14 00:00:43.300 --> 00:00:46.400 in the like six months, you know one 40 type 15 00:00:46.400 --> 00:00:49.400 range, but we can handle all different kinds 16 00:00:49.400 --> 00:00:52.900 of paper. All right. So Daniel, let's talk a little bit about 2023. What 17 00:00:52.900 --> 00:00:54.900 are your expectations for this year for the business? 18 00:00:55.900 --> 00:00:58.400 I mean we plan on crushing it this year. I mean, 19 00:00:58.400 --> 00:01:01.500 that's the you know, but you know, there's there's all 20 00:01:01.500 --> 00:01:04.200 different kinds of changes that are happening within the industry. I mean, I've been doing this 21 00:01:04.200 --> 00:01:07.200 for about 10 years now. So I've definitely seen you know, 22 00:01:07.200 --> 00:01:10.500 all different kinds of ups and downs and you know different kinds 23 00:01:10.500 --> 00:01:13.700 of changes that have happened and you know, there's been changed with California and 24 00:01:13.700 --> 00:01:16.200 Utah and Virginia this year and I'm sure 25 00:01:16.200 --> 00:01:19.700 there'll be more coming and it's all about like rolling with the punches. You 26 00:01:19.700 --> 00:01:22.500 know what I mean? So let's talk about those changes. 27 00:01:22.500 --> 00:01:25.400 I mean the industries change and there's a lot of people that are new to the industry. 28 00:01:25.400 --> 00:01:28.200 What advice would you give them for? Someone that's been doing this for over 29 00:01:28.200 --> 00:01:28.700 a decade? 30 00:01:30.300 --> 00:01:33.400 Um, I think they'll always kind of be a need for this 31 00:01:33.400 --> 00:01:36.100 product and you know, no matter what kind of 32 00:01:36.100 --> 00:01:39.300 changes they have and you know different kind of regulations and stuff 33 00:01:39.300 --> 00:01:42.300 like that. That's not going to change the need for it'll be 34 00:01:42.300 --> 00:01:45.400 there. So it's just a matter of adjusting to that and you know, 35 00:01:45.400 --> 00:01:48.500 like I said rolling with the punches and you know figuring out how 36 00:01:48.500 --> 00:01:51.700 to you know, continue to exist within those regulations and 37 00:01:51.700 --> 00:01:54.100 I'm not too worried about it to be 38 00:01:54.100 --> 00:01:57.700 honest with you and then in regards to making money making like these 39 00:01:57.700 --> 00:02:00.300 big deals what's been the biggest deal that 40 00:02:00.300 --> 00:02:04.900 you've encountered just in the time that you've been doing this myself. 41 00:02:03.900 --> 00:02:06.100 The largest that I personally 42 00:02:06.100 --> 00:02:09.400 find is a million dollars. I am working on I don't want to jinx 43 00:02:09.400 --> 00:02:13.100 this right now but a 20 million dollar deal with our 44 00:02:12.100 --> 00:02:16.100 with directly with our credit line. I 45 00:02:15.100 --> 00:02:18.500 mean dude's doing like 40 million dollars a month. It's wild 46 00:02:18.500 --> 00:02:21.900 I don't know if it's gonna happen, but hopefully 47 00:02:21.900 --> 00:02:24.100 next year when you ask me this question, I'll have told you 48 00:02:24.100 --> 00:02:27.700 20 million years, but you know, so to get 49 00:02:27.700 --> 00:02:29.500 a deal that big I mean a lot of people 50 00:02:29.700 --> 00:02:32.200 want to do that they want to do the million dollar deals at 20 million dollar 51 00:02:32.200 --> 00:02:35.700 deals all that jazz. How do you even nurture something 52 00:02:35.700 --> 00:02:38.200 like that? How do you even fathom, you know 53 00:02:38.200 --> 00:02:41.000 to do something like that for those of you guys that are starting out? 54 00:02:41.700 --> 00:02:44.600 I mean, it's all about building relationships, you know, 55 00:02:44.600 --> 00:02:47.200 I mean, so like I'm dealing with Brokers. It's not like I was 56 00:02:47.200 --> 00:02:50.200 sitting there cold calling hundreds of people and thousands of people until I found 57 00:02:50.200 --> 00:02:53.500 this, you know, it's a broker of mine that I built a relationship with who reached 58 00:02:53.500 --> 00:02:56.400 out to me asking me. Hey, do you have a home for a 20 million dollar deal? 59 00:02:56.400 --> 00:02:59.800 And you know, I said sure, 60 00:02:59.800 --> 00:03:02.000 you know, let me see. Let me see and I you know, 61 00:03:02.200 --> 00:03:05.200 I reached out to our CEO and I'd be a little bit tough to 62 00:03:05.200 --> 00:03:05.400 do it. 63 00:03:06.300 --> 00:03:09.400 Just with our regular guidelines, but we have a credit facility that 64 00:03:09.400 --> 00:03:12.100 you know might have an appetite for bigger kind 65 00:03:12.100 --> 00:03:15.500 of deals like that. So we reached out to them directly and you know 66 00:03:15.500 --> 00:03:18.700 took a little doing and didn't know nothing is you know 67 00:03:18.700 --> 00:03:21.500 signed yet. But you know, hopefully hopefully we 68 00:03:21.500 --> 00:03:24.200 can get it done, you know, so in regards to those people that 69 00:03:24.200 --> 00:03:27.300 are kind of stuck in a rut and you know, 70 00:03:27.300 --> 00:03:30.200 they they can't make money like, you know business is hard 71 00:03:30.200 --> 00:03:33.000 for them. But advice would you give to them so I mean 72 00:03:33.400 --> 00:03:36.400 I've been doing this for a while and the people always ask me that that 73 00:03:36.400 --> 00:03:39.300 question, you know, I mean like who successful in this business and the people 74 00:03:39.300 --> 00:03:42.000 that are successful are the people that can just kind of 75 00:03:42.300 --> 00:03:46.000 hang in there because I know people that have come in and have crushed 76 00:03:45.100 --> 00:03:47.900 it right out the gate have hit a slump. 77 00:03:48.600 --> 00:03:51.500 Not able to handle it and that's it. They just faded 78 00:03:51.500 --> 00:03:54.800 away and you know, they're doing something else now, and I know people that you 79 00:03:54.800 --> 00:03:57.500 know had to really hold their breath for a little bit and are 80 00:03:57.500 --> 00:04:00.400 some of the most successful people in the industry. So it's all about, you know, 81 00:04:00.400 --> 00:04:03.800 wait until you find your strike wait until you know, catch a 82 00:04:03.800 --> 00:04:07.200 stride and you know, I mean like sticking it out there and you 83 00:04:06.200 --> 00:04:08.300 know, I mean the more effort it's 84 00:04:09.100 --> 00:04:12.100 There's there's not a whole lot of things in life like that. But you know where you 85 00:04:12.100 --> 00:04:15.200 kind of put in the effort and you know, you put in your 86 00:04:15.200 --> 00:04:18.300 time and stuff like that and you'll see it pay off but cash advance is definitely 87 00:04:18.300 --> 00:04:21.800 one of those things and you know, the the longer you do it the more you the more 88 00:04:21.800 --> 00:04:24.300 you put in the you know, the more you'll see the, you know, 89 00:04:24.300 --> 00:04:27.500 the fruitier laborers. So this is gonna be for social media platform. 90 00:04:27.500 --> 00:04:30.400 We're doing three quick little videos asking three 91 00:04:30.400 --> 00:04:30.900 quick questions. 92 00:04:32.800 --> 00:04:35.500 Lightning round, you know in 10 seconds. What makes 93 00:04:35.500 --> 00:04:39.700 a broker successful what makes someone in this industry successful perseverance, 94 00:04:38.700 --> 00:04:42.000 you know, just not 95 00:04:41.400 --> 00:04:44.200 not giving up and you know 96 00:04:44.200 --> 00:04:46.600 not being afraid to you know to 97 00:04:47.500 --> 00:04:49.900 to get out of your comfort zone and you know 98 00:04:51.100 --> 00:04:52.900 put in the extra effort and do what you got to do, you know. 99 00:04:53.500 --> 00:04:55.600 Alright, bro. Thanks so much change it. Appreciate it, man.