00:00.660 --> 00:02.940 Sean Murray: And you have posted, you've been posting your 00:02.940 --> 00:07.020 stories a lot on social media, Twitter, and I've seen you 00:07.020 --> 00:09.240 posting a lot on LinkedIn because I've shared your stories 00:09.570 --> 00:12.990 on there on LinkedIn. How, what's the value of LinkedIn for 00:12.990 --> 00:14.220 you when you share like a story? 00:14.430 --> 00:17.640 Adam Zaki: LinkedIn is huge. I mean, you know, email go, only 00:17.640 --> 00:20.820 goes so far, a phone call only goes so far. Nobody wants to 00:20.820 --> 00:24.330 talk on the phone anymore. You know, Facebook is, you know, for 00:24.330 --> 00:27.390 your parents posting pictures of cats. Now, I'm not going to go 00:27.390 --> 00:30.480 on in a journalistic matter and message somebody on Facebook. So 00:30.750 --> 00:33.360 LinkedIn is like the perfect balance of social media and 00:33.360 --> 00:35.850 professionalism. Yeah, I mean, I can message somebody on 00:35.850 --> 00:38.280 LinkedIn, they could see where I work, how long I've worked 00:38.280 --> 00:40.710 there, where I'm from, when where I went to college, what 00:40.710 --> 00:44.340 type of degree I have. It's the perfect place for a journalist. 00:44.520 --> 00:46.680 And I'm sure these people that watch the show to merchants, 00:46.680 --> 00:49.380 brokers, people in finance, can message each other and do 00:49.380 --> 00:52.680 business. Yeah, you slide into somebody's Instagram, DMs, you 00:52.680 --> 00:55.350 don't look serious trying to do business, but but a LinkedIn 00:55.350 --> 00:59.160 message is legit. And so it just goes, I mean, some people pay 00:59.160 --> 01:01.560 for LinkedIn before I worked here when I was job searching. 01:01.590 --> 01:04.260 Yeah, totally worth it to pay for LinkedIn. Like without What 01:04.260 --> 01:07.350 do you get if you pay for it, you get a, you get a debit to 01:07.350 --> 01:09.000 your account for almost $70, 01:09.030 --> 01:11.790 Sean Murray: You get you get debit, it's very expensive. But 01:11.790 --> 01:12.630 that's one of the benefits. 01:13.710 --> 01:16.200 Adam Zaki: But on top of you know, the price, I mean, there's 01:16.200 --> 01:19.020 some benefits, when you're job searching, you can see the 01:19.020 --> 01:21.570 profiles of everybody else that applied for that job in 01:21.570 --> 01:23.070 comparison to you. So 01:23.070 --> 01:24.510 Sean Murray: Okay, so you don't actually get to see their 01:24.510 --> 01:24.930 identity. 01:24.930 --> 01:27.360 Adam Zaki: No, but I can see how many people applied to that job 01:27.360 --> 01:30.090 that have a master's degree. How many people that applied to that 01:30.090 --> 01:32.670 job went to Ohio State University. Okay, you know, so I 01:32.670 --> 01:34.680 could see the demographics of people that I'm competing 01:34.680 --> 01:35.880 against in the job market. 01:36.510 --> 01:37.440 Sean Murray: I didn't even know that 01:37.440 --> 01:39.870 Adam Zaki: Behind a paywall. Okay. hugely beneficial if 01:39.870 --> 01:43.050 you're in the job market. I mean, now that I have a job yeah 01:43.050 --> 01:45.900 and, I'm not in the job market. I think that, you know, people 01:45.900 --> 01:49.860 can, I can see when people look at my profile, that's about it. 01:49.860 --> 01:52.200 I can message people I'm not connected with. 01:52.410 --> 01:54.180 Sean Murray: So there are some benefits you're still paying for 01:54.180 --> 01:54.300 it. 01:54.330 --> 01:57.750 Adam Zaki: No, oh, no, I know, a lot of effort. But I did my 01:57.750 --> 01:59.880 membership carried over for the first like two months I worked 01:59.880 --> 02:02.640 here. So I was able to use it. But it wasn't beneficial enough 02:02.640 --> 02:04.860 for me. I mean, most of the people will accept a random 02:04.860 --> 02:07.470 connection by me because I have the deBanked name in this 02:07.470 --> 02:10.680 industry. They know who we are. But before that, yeah, it was 02:10.680 --> 02:13.740 hugely beneficial on the job market. But LinkedIn is huge. 02:13.740 --> 02:16.050 Without it, my job would be very difficult. 02:16.080 --> 02:17.850 Sean Murray: Yeah. And I can just say, from personal 02:17.850 --> 02:22.680 experience, I've been on LinkedIn for 15 years. Legit, I 02:22.680 --> 02:27.990 signed up in 2007. And I have like, 10,000 followers, or 02:27.990 --> 02:31.680 whatever it is, but I stopped adding people like, like, a long 02:31.680 --> 02:37.920 time ago, people will add me. And I do accept those who's, you 02:37.920 --> 02:41.460 know, kind of industry experience matches what I'm 02:41.460 --> 02:45.900 interested in, right? So if you like sell precious metals, and 02:45.900 --> 02:49.380 you live in Canada, or you know, something, I'm like, what does 02:49.380 --> 02:52.710 this have to do with what we do? Right? Cause I don't want to get 02:52.710 --> 02:56.520 spammed, there's certainly like a lot of spam. On LinkedIn. Oh, 02:56.520 --> 03:01.110 man, I could tell but I use it all the time. You know, you know 03:01.110 --> 03:04.560 that I told you, I'm kind of on there, like 24/7. It's like the 03:04.560 --> 03:08.340 go to social network. For me, in terms of communicating 03:08.370 --> 03:10.410 Adam Zaki: It is right, though. You go on the weekends, it's 03:10.410 --> 03:13.260 dead. Yeah, Saturday, Sunday, nobody posts the LinkedIn. 03:13.440 --> 03:15.060 Sean Murray: It's like, they might as well just turn off the 03:15.060 --> 03:18.360 server. Why not? They do that at the government level, 03:18.390 --> 03:20.790 Adam Zaki: They should do it at LinkedIn, I'm sure we'd save a 03:20.790 --> 03:21.390 couple bucks. 03:21.420 --> 03:23.820 Sean Murray: If you go on to like New York State's website 03:23.820 --> 03:25.500 and you want it I don't know if it's still this way it was at 03:25.500 --> 03:27.510 least a couple years ago. And you want to do like a UCC 03:27.510 --> 03:31.290 search, basically, like find out if anyone has any outstanding 03:31.290 --> 03:35.280 debt, where a like a UCC or lien has been filed. You couldn't do 03:35.280 --> 03:40.050 it after like 10pm on a weekday. And on the weekend, it was just 03:40.050 --> 03:44.100 down because it was closed. But I don't think that people think 03:44.100 --> 03:48.450 about the internet being like, closed at a certain time. But it 03:48.450 --> 03:51.360 does happen on government websites. And it is it is I've 03:51.360 --> 03:54.300 seen what you've seen, like going onto LinkedIn that there's 03:54.300 --> 03:56.460 just not a whole lot happening. Like if there's something I 03:56.460 --> 04:00.000 really want to post on Friday, and it's too late in the day. I 04:00.000 --> 04:02.550 don't post it on definitely don't post it on LinkedIn on 04:02.550 --> 04:05.880 Friday night. No, you know, you're on LinkedIn on a Friday 04:05.880 --> 04:10.740 night. Yeah. I don't know, you know, you gotta you gotta have 04:10.740 --> 04:13.470 some time. You gotta have some time to unwind, you know, 04:13.470 --> 04:15.420 Adam Zaki: Let me ask you though as an as somebody who hires 04:15.420 --> 04:18.090 people, as a business owner, if you see that someone is not on 04:18.090 --> 04:21.750 LinkedIn, versus then you have a candidate that is on LinkedIn do 04:21.750 --> 04:23.700 you to take the candidate that is on LinkedIn way more 04:23.700 --> 04:24.900 seriously than the one who's not. 04:25.110 --> 04:27.420 Sean Murray: Yeah, I think there's only so much I could say 04:27.420 --> 04:31.770 as to how we evaluate candidates. But being on 04:31.770 --> 04:39.690 LinkedIn is certainly a good sign. For sure. Because it's, 04:39.690 --> 04:43.800 it's, there's so many people that are on there, right? And it 04:43.800 --> 04:48.990 does showcase your kind of your professional record to the world 04:49.020 --> 04:52.950 right. There could be an element of why would someone not want to 04:52.950 --> 04:56.340 do that? Because if you give someone a resume, right, that's 04:56.340 --> 04:58.770 between me and you. Let's say let's say you gave me a resume, 04:59.010 --> 05:03.360 just a Word file and I look at it. How do I know how true it 05:03.360 --> 05:07.110 is? Right? I can call your references. Yeah, I could do 05:07.110 --> 05:10.350 that I could try to, you know, do my own homework or ask you 05:10.350 --> 05:15.120 questions. But when your resume is public, there's a lot more 05:15.120 --> 05:17.790 potential for someone to challenge you on it. Right. So 05:17.790 --> 05:20.100 if you went on and said, You were the, you know, the CEO of a 05:20.100 --> 05:24.570 large investment bank, right, and I got your resume? I don't 05:24.570 --> 05:27.600 know. Right? Yeah. I'd have to take your word for it. Maybe I 05:27.600 --> 05:30.300 weighed it out. Yeah. But if it's on, say, LinkedIn, you said 05:30.300 --> 05:33.240 he was CEO of a large investment bank, the odds are someone else 05:33.240 --> 05:37.410 is going to be like, hey, you're not, CEO, right. And don't get 05:37.410 --> 05:39.480 me wrong. Obviously, you and I have seen, there's plenty of 05:39.480 --> 05:42.570 fake profiles on LinkedIn, plenty of fake ones, too many 05:42.600 --> 05:45.390 for a variety of variety of purposes, whatever people are 05:45.390 --> 05:49.440 trying to do, but there is some sort of accountability as to 05:49.440 --> 05:52.590 your credentials, because you can be called out on it. 05:53.790 --> 05:56.610 Although I guess at the same time, we could all kind of just 05:56.670 --> 05:59.160 everyone could just assume that someone else would call someone 05:59.160 --> 06:01.890 else out. And so nobody calls anyone out. Maybe I'm thinking 06:01.890 --> 06:06.780 too much into it. But I felt like, you know, I feel like if I 06:06.780 --> 06:09.900 went on there, and I like completely lied, yep, that I run 06:09.900 --> 06:13.830 the risk of like being found out. And someone calling me out 06:13.830 --> 06:16.680 and catching me in the lie would blow my entire credibility. 06:16.980 --> 06:19.260 Because you know what I mean, it would just completely, I just 06:19.260 --> 06:22.200 feel like it would just like, Snowball. Yeah. Right. And like, 06:22.200 --> 06:27.000 if he's lying about that, what else is he lying about? So I 06:27.000 --> 06:29.460 think that LinkedIn, from that standpoint, is kind of one of 06:29.460 --> 06:33.960 those things where whatever that person put on paper, they were 06:33.960 --> 06:36.570 willing to also share with everyone else, you know what I 06:36.570 --> 06:38.550 mean, this wasn't just a lie between me and you that no one 06:38.550 --> 06:40.950 else is gonna find out about this is something that everyone, 06:41.130 --> 06:44.280 everyone else is, is also seeing, too. So for me, it's 06:44.280 --> 06:46.860 kind of like another another layer of like, you know, 06:47.130 --> 06:47.910 legitimacy 06:47.940 --> 06:50.700 Adam Zaki: Like social credit, no social credit scores, like a 06:50.730 --> 06:52.980 beat, everyone's scared of social credit. But that's what 06:52.980 --> 06:55.440 it is. Yeah, it's a way to, you know, verify somebody's social 06:55.440 --> 06:58.380 credibility in the workplace. And you know, some people post 06:58.380 --> 07:01.020 privately on LinkedIn, which is getting more and more like, it's 07:01.020 --> 07:03.210 insane with with the politics and like, the pictures of the 07:03.210 --> 07:05.070 kids on the LinkedIn. Yeah, that's a little it's getting a 07:05.070 --> 07:07.230 little much. But then you could see if someone you know, if you 07:07.230 --> 07:09.150 have a picture with the kids on LinkedIn, it's not the worst 07:09.150 --> 07:12.480 thing you see character in people. So it goes to show that 07:12.690 --> 07:15.510 it's just a great tool for people in the professional world 07:15.510 --> 07:18.060 to verify that it each other are legit. 07:18.180 --> 07:22.500 Sean Murray: Yeah, yeah. No, I totally agree. And I'm glad that 07:22.500 --> 07:26.790 you're using it and finding it valuable. Something I recommend 07:26.790 --> 07:31.110 to everyone, honestly, LinkedIn, I have heard that some, like, 07:31.410 --> 07:34.800 broker training courses will emphasize the value of LinkedIn. 07:35.850 --> 07:37.950 Maybe that's because they're small business owners or 07:37.950 --> 07:40.290 potential borrowers who are on LinkedIn. And this is a unique 07:40.290 --> 07:43.020 way to reach them through a professional correspondence. 07:43.050 --> 07:45.210 Because if you just get a cold call, again, you don't know who 07:45.210 --> 07:48.450 that is. You get a cold call email, you know, do you trust 07:48.450 --> 07:50.070 him. But if you're being reached, if you're being reached 07:50.070 --> 07:53.640 out to someone over LinkedIn, and it's a cold communication, 07:53.640 --> 07:55.680 they can go and check out your profile, kinda like what I was 07:55.680 --> 07:59.370 saying before. If there's any lies in there, that person has 07:59.370 --> 08:03.150 the potential of being found out by the masses, right? So it is 08:03.150 --> 08:07.200 that layer of legitimacy. And also, like you said, you know, 08:07.260 --> 08:10.560 DMing, somebody on Instagram, it's gross. Yeah, I don't 08:10.560 --> 08:14.850 really, I don't know that I really have ever done that in 08:14.850 --> 08:19.170 any professional capacity, unless there was no other way to 08:19.170 --> 08:24.210 reach that person. And like, they were only on Instagram. And 08:24.240 --> 08:26.880 you know, they had a YouTube channel or something. There was 08:26.880 --> 08:30.270 no website, and like, Instagram is the only way you can reach 08:30.270 --> 08:33.390 them. But I gotta tell you, when I've tried, I've never gotten 08:33.390 --> 08:37.920 any response. I don't I don't know what maybe because I don't 08:37.920 --> 08:39.900 have enough followers. You know what I mean, or that person is 08:39.900 --> 08:42.630 being spammed all the time. Maybe I don't know how to do 08:42.630 --> 08:45.240 messaging right on Instagram. That's a possibility too 08:45.660 --> 08:47.370 Adam Zaki: We'll have to show you we got great social media 08:47.370 --> 08:47.700 people here. 08:47.700 --> 08:48.180 Sean Murray: That's true.