00:00.480 --> 00:02.100 Johny Fernandez: Back you guys. So guys, I am here with 00:02.100 --> 00:04.410 Zulaikha, Zulaikha pleasure to have you here. 00:04.440 --> 00:05.040 Zulaikha Jooya: Thank you so much. 00:05.040 --> 00:07.410 Johny Fernandez: So kind of walk me through. I mean, this is the 00:07.410 --> 00:11.160 first event that we've done since 2020 2019. What's been 00:11.160 --> 00:12.540 your experience like so far? 00:12.720 --> 00:14.430 Zulaikha Jooya: It's been fantastic. Actually, I've never 00:14.430 --> 00:18.060 been to a Broker's Fair. So coming in doing the meet and 00:18.060 --> 00:20.490 greet last night, and then coming in and seeing the same 00:20.490 --> 00:24.240 faces here today. It's been really fantastic gotten to know 00:24.240 --> 00:27.750 the US market. I'm originally from Canada. So coming in and 00:27.750 --> 00:30.960 seeing how things work here. All the different rules, 00:30.960 --> 00:33.750 regulations, all the different types of vendors, all the 00:33.750 --> 00:37.080 different products, it's been a really enlightening experience. 00:37.170 --> 00:39.030 Johny Fernandez: So walk me through I mean, there's been a 00:39.030 --> 00:41.460 lot of different panels, a lot of different discussions with 00:41.460 --> 00:43.920 different people. What's been your favorite thing so far? 00:44.100 --> 00:46.890 Zulaikha Jooya: Um, I actually love the panel of all the 00:46.890 --> 00:50.160 different lenders. So I think they had a panel with people 00:50.160 --> 00:52.380 from multiple different lenders, and they were kind of talking 00:52.380 --> 00:54.960 about their expertise, what works in their industry in their 00:54.960 --> 00:59.310 business. What are the pros and cons? What are the new trends? 00:59.550 --> 01:01.770 So it's fantastic hearing it from people that are doing 01:01.770 --> 01:04.710 really well in this industry right now. And kind of giving 01:04.710 --> 01:07.050 you a foresight of what's what's to come in the future. 01:07.230 --> 01:09.090 Johny Fernandez: So something that we've been hearing a lot is 01:09.090 --> 01:13.080 that everyone, it's better to find a niche, You know, for the 01:13.080 --> 01:15.840 type of business that you want to do. So for you kind of walk 01:15.840 --> 01:19.260 me through your the what you can disclose about your current 01:19.260 --> 01:23.010 business, where you guys are at, you know, obviously, whatevers 01:23.010 --> 01:23.310 alive. 01:23.370 --> 01:24.870 Zulaikha Jooya: Sure, no problem. So we're actually 01:24.870 --> 01:29.550 looking at getting into the MCA business here in the US. And 01:29.550 --> 01:34.830 particularly MCAs and obviously loans in the future. But it is 01:35.640 --> 01:38.640 more into the MCAs and it it is something that's obviously very 01:38.640 --> 01:41.790 popular in the States, and getting to really know how 01:41.790 --> 01:45.060 things work here. What are the rules and regulations here? 01:46.230 --> 01:48.780 Because it's very, it's state by state here. And as you I was 01:48.780 --> 01:51.540 just listening to a panel on New York law, it works very 01:51.540 --> 01:55.020 differently for each state. So it's been great getting to know, 01:55.590 --> 01:58.140 obviously, as well as what industries are booming here. 01:58.740 --> 02:01.920 It's different, I guess, cross country, maybe there might be 02:01.920 --> 02:04.650 different industries that do well, on the east coast and 02:04.650 --> 02:06.420 different ones that do well, on the west coast. Definitely 02:06.420 --> 02:09.240 different ones that do well in Canada. So it's been really 02:09.240 --> 02:09.660 interesting. 02:09.660 --> 02:12.000 Johny Fernandez: So coming from Canada, I mean, what exactly 02:12.000 --> 02:15.420 would you say has been the biggest difference in markets? 02:15.510 --> 02:18.330 And then coming here meeting everyone from the States? Like, 02:18.330 --> 02:18.990 what would you say? 02:19.020 --> 02:20.610 Zulaikha Jooya: So the Canadian market, I would say, is much 02:20.610 --> 02:23.160 more conservative, that Canadian merchant is much more 02:23.160 --> 02:26.010 conservative. And there's definitely tons of opportunity 02:26.010 --> 02:28.320 here in the US that there isn't in Canada, in Canada, they've 02:28.320 --> 02:33.480 got two major leading companies, and maybe a couple of younger 02:33.480 --> 02:37.530 companies underneath. But in the US, there's a huge amount. And 02:37.530 --> 02:40.020 there's so much opportunity for everybody in this industry to 02:40.020 --> 02:45.630 succeed. There's a lot of a lot of different types of um I guess 02:45.630 --> 02:46.410 lending as well. 02:47.310 --> 02:49.200 Johny Fernandez: So as your first time here, what would you 02:49.200 --> 02:52.050 say to someone else that didn't have the opportunity to make it 02:52.050 --> 02:52.470 today? 02:52.860 --> 02:54.390 Zulaikha Jooya: I would definitely say come in. It's 02:54.450 --> 02:56.940 more than anything it's been a fantastic networking event. I 02:56.940 --> 02:59.460 mean, we've gotten to meet people that have gone through 02:59.460 --> 03:02.190 the whole cycle, they started off as maybe somebody like a 03:02.460 --> 03:05.970 cold caller closer and moved into either some sort of 03:05.970 --> 03:11.400 software or a COO or a CEO or starting their own lending 03:11.400 --> 03:14.400 company. So it's really a fantastic place for anything, 03:14.670 --> 03:18.420 lending worlds, either whether you're a broker or a lender, or 03:18.420 --> 03:21.960 in the software industry to come in and and get to know what 03:21.960 --> 03:24.810 everybody does, cause it's like a full circle of people. Yeah. 03:24.840 --> 03:26.400 Johny Fernandez: Awesome. Well, thank you so much for your time. 03:26.400 --> 03:28.260 I'll let you go and enjoy the rest of the conference. 03:28.260 --> 03:28.800 Zulaikha Jooya: Thank you so much. 03:28.800 --> 03:29.250 Johny Fernandez: No problem.