00:00.210 --> 00:01.650 Johny Fernandez: Let's talk about your experience here. I 00:01.650 --> 00:04.440 mean, how so far What's it been like being here at Broker Fair 00:04.440 --> 00:05.160 2021? 00:05.190 --> 00:06.720 Bob Squiers: Well, the best thing about the Broker Fair is 00:06.720 --> 00:09.270 getting everybody back together in the room, seeing old 00:09.270 --> 00:13.920 customers, connecting with them again, and hopefully meeting new 00:13.920 --> 00:15.390 ones. And, you know 00:15.720 --> 00:17.370 Johny Fernandez: There's been different conversations 00:17.370 --> 00:20.640 regarding, you know, different panels, different discussions, 00:20.670 --> 00:23.340 you know, throughout the day. What's been your best takeaway 00:23.340 --> 00:26.040 so far from these panels and discussions? 00:26.100 --> 00:28.710 Bob Squiers: Um, honestly, I haven't been into the panel 00:28.710 --> 00:32.400 discussions yet. I've just been kind of mixing and mingling 00:32.730 --> 00:35.850 downstairs at the, you know, at the booths. 00:35.850 --> 00:37.740 Johny Fernandez: Yeah. So let's talk a little bit about 00:37.740 --> 00:39.930 networking. I mean, this is a big event, from networking, you 00:39.930 --> 00:43.110 get to meet people get to see old clients, meet new clients, 00:43.350 --> 00:46.860 and just build your portfolio if that's what you want to do. So 00:47.070 --> 00:50.040 what's the best thing about that just like versus being on the 00:50.040 --> 00:50.820 phone for example? 00:51.030 --> 00:52.860 Bob Squiers: Yeah, most of our business is done on the phone. 00:52.860 --> 00:54.930 So the best thing about this what I love about deBanked 00:54.960 --> 00:58.590 putting this together is we get the face to face the interaction 00:58.590 --> 01:02.100 to see the people, like I said, meet with old clients, see new 01:02.100 --> 01:04.920 clients, meet clients that we've been talking to on the phone and 01:04.920 --> 01:06.330 finally put a face to a name. 01:06.360 --> 01:09.270 Johny Fernandez: Yeah, so 2020 was obviously a weird year for 01:09.270 --> 01:13.980 everyone. And then we fast forward to 2021 for 2022, what's 01:13.980 --> 01:15.990 your goal and the companies goal that you're with? 01:16.410 --> 01:18.810 Bob Squiers: Our goal is really just to keep improving on the 01:18.810 --> 01:23.040 services that we do. Yeah, hone the database and the marketing 01:23.040 --> 01:27.120 services to zero in on the best customers that still need and 01:27.120 --> 01:29.190 are eligible to get you know, financing. 01:29.220 --> 01:30.780 Johny Fernandez: Yeah and what advice would you have for people 01:30.780 --> 01:33.480 that are not here today and that missed out on this great 01:33.480 --> 01:34.200 opportunity? 01:34.590 --> 01:37.230 Bob Squiers: Make sure you come to Miami and in March. 01:37.680 --> 01:39.090 Johny Fernandez: Awesome. All right. Thank you so much. 01:39.090 --> 01:39.540 Appreciate it. 01:39.540 --> 01:40.680 Bob Squiers: All right. Nice meeting you Johnny.