00:00.720 --> 00:02.790 Johny Fernandez: Kind of walk me through being here at Broker 00:02.790 --> 00:06.060 Fair, what's been the one thing that you've taken away so far? 00:06.420 --> 00:09.990 Andrew Serrano: Yeah. So for. And, you know, I've been out 00:09.990 --> 00:12.900 doing this seven going on eight years. Number one thing is 00:12.900 --> 00:15.030 connections in this business, you need to know who you're 00:15.030 --> 00:18.690 working with. It's good to meet that face to face connection, 00:18.690 --> 00:24.120 especially because, you know, from the sales side to even the 00:24.120 --> 00:27.780 B, you know, B2B, us amongst each other. There's a lot of 00:27.780 --> 00:31.440 phone. So when you have the opportunity to put a face to a 00:31.440 --> 00:34.800 name, you know, even afterwards, sometimes people hang out, do 00:34.800 --> 00:37.860 other things have dinner go out. So it's really about making 00:37.860 --> 00:41.310 connections, but also updating each other, finding out what's 00:41.310 --> 00:45.240 working for certain people, what's not working. So it's just 00:45.240 --> 00:48.090 a good time, man. Good to be back after COVID, too. 00:48.120 --> 00:50.010 Johny Fernandez: Yeah, no, for sure. So where's your company 00:50.010 --> 00:50.580 base out of? 00:50.640 --> 00:51.960 Andrew Serrano: We are based out of Brooklyn, New York. 00:51.960 --> 00:54.090 Johny Fernandez: All right. So in New York City, there's a lot 00:54.090 --> 00:57.360 of changes going on. So like just in general, with everything 00:57.360 --> 00:59.940 that's going on? What's the one thing that you're looking for in 00:59.940 --> 01:02.790 regards to knowledge? Like, what's your takeaway from being 01:02.790 --> 01:04.140 in a place like this after COVID? 01:04.170 --> 01:06.690 Andrew Serrano: Yes, well, well, that's the big thing. Because 01:06.690 --> 01:09.870 right now, we've seen a large shift in the industry, where 01:09.930 --> 01:12.870 especially because, you know, as we both know, Uncle Sam has been 01:12.870 --> 01:16.710 very generous recently with what they've been offering. A lot of 01:16.710 --> 01:20.190 it right now is, as we transition from that a lot of 01:20.190 --> 01:22.350 these programs are ending at the end of the year, whatever the 01:22.350 --> 01:28.470 case is, how do we kind of get back to basics right now? Even 01:28.470 --> 01:30.480 the sale things are a lot different. But how do we get 01:30.480 --> 01:33.600 back to basics? How do we get back to where we were, you know, 01:33.630 --> 01:34.380 two years ago? 01:34.530 --> 01:36.750 Johny Fernandez: Yeah. So what are you looking at? What are you 01:36.750 --> 01:38.070 looking forward to the most? 01:38.580 --> 01:42.750 Andrew Serrano: You know, I, for me, it's definitely always 01:42.840 --> 01:48.210 generally technology. Because I like to know. You know, there's 01:48.210 --> 01:50.640 always new technology, always there's ways that we're 01:50.640 --> 01:56.160 integrating technology different. Back Office programs, 01:56.190 --> 01:59.820 software, so for me, it's always anything that has to do with, 02:00.240 --> 02:04.830 you know, whether it's lead generation, or to even like I 02:04.830 --> 02:08.940 said, the back office. Yeah. It's just that that's it for me. 02:09.000 --> 02:10.980 Johny Fernandez: So what advice would you say to someone that 02:10.980 --> 02:13.590 isn't here that's watching online about just this whole 02:13.590 --> 02:14.400 experience? 02:14.460 --> 02:16.530 Andrew Serrano: I would say if you're not here, you should be. 02:18.180 --> 02:21.300 But also, like I said, it's a beautiful experience. You get to 02:21.420 --> 02:26.130 meet people from all over the country, cause and it's actually 02:26.130 --> 02:30.030 interesting, the way that they sell, let's say in Texas, is not 02:30.030 --> 02:33.150 the same way that we sell here in New York. So even to learn 02:33.150 --> 02:36.150 the different styles, different cultures, different ways. You 02:36.150 --> 02:38.310 know, New Yorkers were very aggressive, they might have a 02:38.310 --> 02:40.740 little bit more of an educational approach in other 02:40.980 --> 02:43.410 parts of the country. So I just like to just see the different 02:43.410 --> 02:45.330 styles. Yeah, different people, you know. 02:45.630 --> 02:47.250 Johny Fernandez: Awesome. All right, man. Well, thank you so 02:47.250 --> 02:47.700 much for your time 02:47.700 --> 02:48.930 Andrew Serrano: Once again Johnny, thank you.