00:00.780 --> 00:02.730 Johny Fernandez: All right, you guys. Welcome back. So I'm here 00:02.730 --> 00:05.340 with John Celifarco from Horizon Funding Group. 00:05.340 --> 00:06.030 John Celifarco: How's it going? 00:06.030 --> 00:06.930 Johny Fernandez: Good. How are you? 00:06.990 --> 00:09.270 John Celifarco: I am good. Very happy to be back at Broker Fair. 00:09.270 --> 00:12.000 Finally, it's been, well, it's been a minute. 00:12.540 --> 00:14.820 Johny Fernandez: So let's talk about your expectations. I mean, 00:14.850 --> 00:18.000 everyone's back here. Things feel like they're back. It's 00:18.030 --> 00:21.510 2019. All over again, walk me through what your expectations 00:21.510 --> 00:22.170 are for today. 00:22.290 --> 00:24.270 John Celifarco: Just reconnecting with people. It's 00:24.270 --> 00:27.180 been so long since you've been able to see people in person. 00:27.210 --> 00:30.780 Yeah, you try to get a feel for where all the companies are at 00:30.780 --> 00:33.270 how they've moved through COVID. And what the future holds. 00:33.300 --> 00:35.280 Johny Fernandez: So let's talk about horizon. Where are you 00:35.280 --> 00:38.790 guys at? How's business going? Let's talk about like, all the 00:38.790 --> 00:42.180 new implications you put in when we last spoke, what's the 00:42.180 --> 00:42.570 update? 00:43.080 --> 00:47.160 John Celifarco: What is up, thank God, all of the things 00:47.160 --> 00:50.340 that we put in place to help us get through COVID. Most of them 00:50.610 --> 00:55.770 have worked out, they've panned out deals of funding. And things 00:55.770 --> 00:58.740 are looking good. The future's bright. I mean, it was a tough 00:58.740 --> 01:02.910 go there for a little while. But all in all, we ended up I think 01:02.910 --> 01:05.970 better for it. We found that we could do some things we didn't 01:05.970 --> 01:10.650 know we could do. We trimmed some fat in places where we 01:10.650 --> 01:14.010 weren't being as profitable. And all in all, we've come out of 01:14.010 --> 01:15.420 COVID a better company. 01:15.720 --> 01:17.400 Johny Fernandez: So let's talk about today. There's different 01:17.400 --> 01:20.520 panels going on. There's a broker culture panel going on. 01:20.640 --> 01:22.830 There's discussions about New York law, there's just a whole 01:22.830 --> 01:25.980 bunch of different topics. What are you looking forward to the 01:25.980 --> 01:26.370 most? 01:26.400 --> 01:29.910 John Celifarco: I gotta say the law one I'm very interested with 01:29.910 --> 01:33.900 the the new law coming out in New York that can really affect 01:33.900 --> 01:38.730 us and everybody in general. And then also the great debate. 01:38.760 --> 01:41.760 That's always a great time seeing some of the leaders of 01:41.760 --> 01:45.510 the industry talk and sort of go back and forth on where the 01:45.510 --> 01:46.260 future holds. 01:46.320 --> 01:47.850 Johny Fernandez: Awesome. All right. Well, thanks so much. 01:47.850 --> 01:49.500 John Celifarco: My absolute pleasure, sir, always great 01:49.500 --> 01:52.480 Johny Fernandez: Awesome. Allright you guys, that's it for 01:52.480 --> 01:52.680 seeing you. 01:52.680 --> 01:56.800 us while we take a quick break and tune in in a little while.