00:00.000 --> 00:02.100 Rolonna Taylor: We chose deBanked because we're a full 00:02.100 --> 00:05.940 service collections agency. And deBanked has always been a great 00:05.940 --> 00:11.130 platform for us to reach out to potential clients. We are 00:11.130 --> 00:16.590 experts in the MCA relm and we see deBanked, is that perfect 00:16.590 --> 00:18.720 opportunity to really put ourselves out there with an 00:18.720 --> 00:22.590 amazing company who really supports our industry. 00:23.820 --> 00:25.260 Speaker 1: How are you feeling about this event? 00:25.920 --> 00:28.950 Rolonna Taylor: It's been absolutely amazing. We felt very 00:28.950 --> 00:32.520 comfortable. We were able to interact with everyone on a one 00:32.520 --> 00:37.260 on one personal level. We met people who we feel like we will 00:37.260 --> 00:40.860 work with for years to come. And we really appreciate the 00:40.860 --> 00:43.680 experience all around it's been very enjoyable. 00:43.680 --> 00:45.810 Speaker 1: Why is this a valuable tool in the industry? 00:47.450 --> 00:50.960 Rolonna Taylor: Um with everything going on in the world 00:50.960 --> 00:55.880 today. Most people have moved to using the internet only. This is 00:55.880 --> 01:00.140 a great face to face way to really meet people and shake 01:00.140 --> 01:03.590 hands. And I feel like face to face relationships lasts a lot 01:03.590 --> 01:06.950 longer than just meeting people online. So this is very 01:06.950 --> 01:10.400 important. And I'm very, very glad that we were able to do it 01:10.400 --> 01:13.310 this year. I know last year we weren't able to get together 01:13.310 --> 01:16.640 like this because of COVID. So this year, we had to be here and 01:16.640 --> 01:17.900 we are so happy that we did