00:00.000 --> 00:01.800 Justin Thompson: It's been an amazing experience, the 00:01.800 --> 00:05.130 relationships that come together and see each other once a year, 00:05.160 --> 00:08.460 the new relationships that are being built the opportunity to 00:08.460 --> 00:11.640 learn what's out there, the events that are being put on, 00:11.910 --> 00:16.080 it's a great opportunity to come into one place from brokers all 00:16.080 --> 00:19.200 across the country, funders all across the country, and get 00:19.200 --> 00:20.250 together and cross pollinate. 00:21.000 --> 00:22.770 Speaker 1: And what's been your biggest takeaway, so far? 00:23.310 --> 00:24.960 Justin Thompson: Biggest takeaway is this, this industry 00:24.960 --> 00:28.410 is thriving. There's brokers getting into the space, there's 00:28.470 --> 00:30.870 lenders that are continuing to invest in the space. There's 00:30.870 --> 00:34.200 software platforms that are coming into this space. There's 00:34.200 --> 00:36.180 the technology and the evolution, in this industry is 00:36.180 --> 00:37.560 continuing to thrive. 00:38.540 --> 00:40.820 Speaker 1: And what are you looking forward to most here 00:40.820 --> 00:41.240 today? 00:42.440 --> 00:44.690 Justin Thompson: Continuing to build the relationships, seeing 00:44.690 --> 00:47.300 what new products are out there, see what new technology is out 00:47.300 --> 00:50.480 there. And understanding that this is a great opportunity for 00:50.480 --> 00:52.940 us to get together and learn from each other. 00:53.540 --> 00:56.270 Speaker 1: Now, what now you were part of that group? What 00:56.270 --> 00:58.310 was that group speaking before that panel? 00:58.580 --> 01:01.220 Justin Thompson: Yeah, so that was the funders in the business. 01:01.340 --> 01:04.760 Speaker 1: Okay. So tell me about that panel. Exactly. What 01:04.760 --> 01:07.460 did you talk about? Why do you think that panel was important 01:07.460 --> 01:10.760 for this event? Are you trying to help people with that a panel 01:10.760 --> 01:11.930 like that? Explained to me that panel. 01:12.050 --> 01:13.790 Justin Thompson: Absolutely. So I believe that panel was the 01:13.790 --> 01:17.570 only panel that had all lenders on it, not just brokers, but all 01:17.570 --> 01:21.890 lenders and the moderator Jared Weiss is a broker. So it's great 01:21.890 --> 01:24.860 that he moderated and us three up there as lenders. And I think 01:24.860 --> 01:28.430 it's important for brokers to understand what lenders how 01:28.430 --> 01:31.250 lenders view, the space, the lenses that we see the world 01:31.250 --> 01:34.910 through how we interact and work with the brokers. And it's 01:34.910 --> 01:38.030 important that they hear what's important to us. That way, we 01:38.030 --> 01:39.860 continue to build those relationships and keep them 01:39.860 --> 01:40.340 stronger. 01:41.370 --> 01:44.550 Speaker 1: So do you think that panel was a success as far as 01:44.550 --> 01:46.680 getting connections and stuff like that? 01:46.740 --> 01:48.360 Justin Thompson: Absolutely. Probably the best panel of all 01:48.360 --> 01:53.460 time. That was a great panel, because there is great questions 01:53.460 --> 01:56.160 that were being asked by the moderator. And we talk through 01:56.160 --> 01:59.280 how we view our business which is important for brokers to know 01:59.460 --> 02:02.310 because the more that they know about our business, the more 02:02.310 --> 02:04.530 they can place paper appropriately. The more that we 02:04.530 --> 02:07.470 can build a relationship. We can build a book and we continue to 02:07.470 --> 02:09.000 be both successful at the same time.