00:00.330 --> 00:03.300 Johny Fernandez: What's been kind of the atmosphere so far 00:03.300 --> 00:04.680 here this morning? 00:04.710 --> 00:08.940 Eyal Levy: Fantastic atmosphere, people are happy that after this 00:08.940 --> 00:12.330 COVID of staying at home, they suddenly are out and could speak 00:12.330 --> 00:18.630 without masks and without the anything else. It's the world is 00:18.630 --> 00:21.000 coming back. And everybody's happy about it. I guess 00:21.059 --> 00:23.279 Johny Fernandez: let's talk a little bit about your shop, kind 00:23.279 --> 00:28.079 of walk us through where you're from the your shop, and like 00:28.079 --> 00:28.949 walk us through that. 00:29.470 --> 00:33.820 Eyal Levy: So what we're doing, we're funding MCA funders. So 00:34.360 --> 00:37.870 there are many MCAs that cannot get financing by regular 00:37.900 --> 00:42.850 traditional funders, We fund them with no personal guarantee 00:42.850 --> 00:49.480 no, no financial, we just do it based on the RTR. And right now 00:49.510 --> 00:53.830 in January, we're introducing a new product, which is a true 00:53.830 --> 00:59.170 marketplace, we will bring in ISOs, that will bring deals to 00:59.170 --> 01:04.060 our clients. And then in June, we will bring merchants through 01:04.060 --> 01:09.850 the ISOs to bring them and we will do artificial intelligence, 01:10.270 --> 01:17.380 artificial intelligence, AI using AI, in credit checking of 01:17.380 --> 01:19.870 the merchants themselves. So we're going to provide that for 01:19.870 --> 01:20.860 free for our clients. 01:20.860 --> 01:23.390 Johny Fernandez: So for someone that's interested in working 01:23.390 --> 01:26.630 with you, go ahead and walk us through what website they can go 01:26.630 --> 01:29.240 to, and the name of of your business, so everyone can kind 01:29.240 --> 01:30.140 of get a better idea. 01:30.170 --> 01:33.350 Eyal Levy: The name of the business is Banana Exchange. And 01:33.350 --> 01:37.130 they go to Banana Exchange. And right away, if you fill out your 01:37.130 --> 01:40.580 information, somebody will call you, they will take you through 01:40.580 --> 01:44.060 the process, the process is very fast and easy within five 01:44.090 --> 01:48.260 business days, we can fund you whether you have a million or 01:48.290 --> 01:53.510 $10 million, or 40 or 50 million. It's very, very 01:54.110 --> 01:56.750 efficient and cheap. 01:57.050 --> 01:59.840 Johny Fernandez: So for someone that's watching, you've been in 01:59.840 --> 02:02.960 the business for a while. The changes let's talk a little bit 02:02.960 --> 02:05.960 about regarding that. What changes have you seen and what 02:05.960 --> 02:08.420 have you been experiencing here so far, just talking to the 02:08.420 --> 02:11.510 people that are here, and that you haven't seen in the last two 02:11.510 --> 02:11.800 Eyal Levy: So what I just experienced is there are more 02:11.800 --> 02:11.990 years. 02:15.860 --> 02:21.980 CRMs in the market, there's the market grew, I think deBanked 02:22.010 --> 02:25.250 did an amazing job does an amazing job in introducing 02:25.280 --> 02:30.680 everybody to the market. And there's a lot of coherence in 02:30.680 --> 02:31.550 the market. So. 02:32.120 --> 02:33.560 Johny Fernandez: So kind of walk me through what's your 02:33.560 --> 02:36.650 expectation? I mean, you're someone you're a CEO, you're a 02:36.650 --> 02:39.860 CEO, you're a sponsor for us. What's your expectation for the 02:39.860 --> 02:40.430 event today? 02:42.290 --> 02:45.620 Eyal Levy: Expectation is that we will meet as much people as 02:45.620 --> 02:50.660 we can, we'll introduce the people to what we have new and 02:50.660 --> 02:54.710 to learn everything that's new about the market and who is 02:54.710 --> 02:57.980 doing what and if there's anything changing. 02:59.270 --> 03:03.350 Johny Fernandez: So we're ending 2021. We're about to enter 2022, 03:03.710 --> 03:05.780 what's your expectation for next year? 03:05.850 --> 03:09.640 Eyal Levy: Next year is going to be unbelievable. It's going to 03:09.713 --> 03:14.232 be an amazing, amazing, amazing year in the MCA, because we're 03:14.305 --> 03:18.751 getting out of COVID, hopefully. And you see the trend in the 03:18.824 --> 03:23.490 last six months. It's picking up tremendously for everybody. So. 03:23.700 --> 03:25.996 Johnny Fernandez: All right. All right well so thank you so much 03:26.046 --> 03:29.042 for your time, I appreciate your time. The first ceremony is 03:29.092 --> 03:32.287 about to start. So go ahead and let you go to that. So thank you 03:32.337 --> 03:35.333 again. And again. So like I said, so we've been hearing from 03:35.383 --> 03:38.379 different sponsors, we're going to be hearing from different 03:38.429 --> 03:41.524 attendees. The first session is about to start within the next 03:41.574 --> 03:44.370 10 to 15 minutes. So we will check that out and we'll be 03:44.420 --> 03:44.970 right back.