00:00.000 --> 00:02.070 Sonia Alvelo: Now those topics that we actually spoke with, 00:02.610 --> 00:06.960 they are in everybody's mind right now, you know, and Sean, I 00:06.960 --> 00:10.980 love Sean and the opportunity with the deBanked being here and 00:10.980 --> 00:15.180 talking about everything that is going on right now is just is 00:15.300 --> 00:18.750 fresh air, you know? Well, we talked a little bit about 00:18.750 --> 00:25.770 everything we talked about the process about, you know, with 00:25.770 --> 00:30.060 the PPP loans and how that it was, it will change in the 00:30.060 --> 00:35.460 industry actually. Closing costs, I mean, it was James 00:35.490 --> 00:38.280 actually was really detailed on the questions. And I think that 00:38.280 --> 00:41.100 we went a little bit over a little bit everything that we 00:41.100 --> 00:45.690 had in mind. So it helped me say, you know, say a lot of 00:45.690 --> 00:48.990 things about, about the funding industry, especially for the 00:48.990 --> 00:49.950 Latino community. 00:50.470 --> 00:53.440 Speaker 1: So why are these topics important right now for 00:54.040 --> 00:56.920 people in the industry, and people trying to get clients 00:56.920 --> 00:58.780 people tryna build up a business why are these topics? 00:58.780 --> 01:01.330 Sonia Alvelo: One relationships, you know, obviously, you know, 01:01.330 --> 01:04.120 you come over here, and you talk to everybody, and you get to 01:04.120 --> 01:08.530 know whoever, the lenders, the ISOs the new ideas, you know, 01:08.530 --> 01:11.530 what they're what are they doing what they have to offer? So, 01:12.190 --> 01:15.460 it's a huge opportunity for everybody who comes over here, 01:15.460 --> 01:17.890 regardless if they are in the panel or not, 01:18.540 --> 01:20.670 Speaker 1: What are you getting out of this event this Broker 01:20.670 --> 01:20.760 Fair? 01:21.170 --> 01:25.220 Sonia Alvelo: Um, you know, what other peoples they will see it 01:25.220 --> 01:29.720 as exposure, but connections, it just, it's all about 01:29.720 --> 01:34.340 connections, it's all about that lender, or that I saw of that if 01:34.340 --> 01:38.930 they have any, any deals that they you know, for me and 01:38.930 --> 01:41.750 specifically it's for the Latino community or Latino Spanish 01:41.930 --> 01:44.810 community if they have anything that I can actually help them 01:44.810 --> 01:46.730 with, and, and connections 01:47.130 --> 01:48.750 Speaker 1: Why are connections so important in this? 01:48.900 --> 01:50.850 Sonia Alvelo: It's super important in this industry, it 01:50.850 --> 01:54.510 just, you know, having that lender and you know, not deal 01:54.510 --> 01:56.940 with them over the phone, you know, come come and shake their 01:56.940 --> 02:00.930 hands and just talk to them and let them know your worries, what 02:01.410 --> 02:06.840 can they you know, if they can actually do something better to 02:06.870 --> 02:10.980 make possible those deals come through others of those deals, 02:10.980 --> 02:13.530 funder. You know, it's just that communication is super important 02:13.530 --> 02:17.580 for me. It's just this is a huge opportunity for my company and 02:17.580 --> 02:21.600 for everybody else's. So I hope everybody gets the chance to say 02:21.600 --> 02:24.630 hi and talk to everybody and just, you know, see what it's 02:24.630 --> 02:26.820 all about and come back next year.