00:00.000 --> 00:02.040 Johny Fernandez: What patterns have you seen, especially after 00:02.070 --> 00:05.370 2020, in regards to them focusing on something versus 00:05.370 --> 00:06.900 trying to be a jack of all trades? 00:07.140 --> 00:09.570 Oz Konar: Well, I think people notice that the old the jack of 00:09.570 --> 00:12.510 all trades mentality doesn't really work. You need to niche 00:12.510 --> 00:16.260 down on specific skill sets for you to claim your mountain. If 00:16.260 --> 00:18.450 you're trying to claim the biggest mountain that becomes a 00:18.450 --> 00:22.500 problem until 2020. That was okay, you can get by but now we 00:22.500 --> 00:25.620 know that if you want to survive and thrive, that's more 00:25.620 --> 00:28.380 important. Obviously, you need to define what it is that that's 00:28.380 --> 00:31.230 going to make the biggest impact and the biggest ROI on your 00:31.230 --> 00:33.660 investment, your time and your money and resources. 00:33.660 --> 00:35.570 Johny Fernandez: So for people not here that they're watching 00:35.570 --> 00:38.780 from home, right, what piece of advice would you give them 00:38.930 --> 00:41.930 regarding the specific skill that they should be going at? 00:42.540 --> 00:44.490 Oz Konar: Well, I think they should definitely cling to a 00:44.520 --> 00:46.710 business loan brokerage industry, this industry has been 00:46.710 --> 00:50.040 booming for for a long time. And, and the future is brighter 00:50.040 --> 00:52.440 because of what's happening with the traditional banks, right? 00:52.710 --> 00:55.140 The one thing that people need to focus on I know it's such a 00:55.200 --> 00:58.590 still a broad word is online marketing. So if you're not 00:58.590 --> 01:01.230 involved with online marketing, any type of online marketing and 01:01.230 --> 01:04.260 within online marketing unless you're niching down into one of 01:04.260 --> 01:07.320 the categories, it could be YouTube ads, Facebook ads and 01:07.320 --> 01:09.660 then Tik Tok ads, as you're going to have great difficulty 01:09.660 --> 01:11.820 because the landscape is changing really fast. 01:11.970 --> 01:14.250 Johny Fernandez: So let's talk a little bit about that when when 01:14.250 --> 01:17.460 it comes to this the the landscape changing fast and 01:17.460 --> 01:20.820 people having to adjust pretty much right, you know, every six 01:20.820 --> 01:23.880 months or every year. What do you say to that and someone 01:23.880 --> 01:27.000 that's having that's struggling? Adjusting? 01:27.120 --> 01:29.820 Oz Konar: Yeah, I mean, every change is difficult, right? So 01:29.820 --> 01:32.100 that happens to everyone whenever something changes so 01:32.100 --> 01:35.040 fast, people will struggle. That's the part of my talk. I 01:35.040 --> 01:39.480 want to show them how they can adjust because the the key is to 01:39.600 --> 01:43.080 learn the skill of learning a new skill. Otherwise you jump 01:43.080 --> 01:45.600 from Tik Tok one day thinking that that's gonna be the big 01:45.600 --> 01:48.000 thing and it changes to something else then you're like 01:48.000 --> 01:51.840 wait, I wasted all this time on this very one tool. Now this 01:51.840 --> 01:54.960 changed but if you can follow patterns, it makes your job a 01:54.960 --> 01:57.870 lot easier to survive and thrive as a business loan broker.