00:00.000 --> 00:03.660 Sean Murray: We're about to lead into another NFT segment, which 00:03.660 --> 00:08.370 is where we announce the winner of our NFT giveaway raffle. And 00:08.370 --> 00:09.480 the great news is Johny. 00:09.480 --> 00:10.200 Johny Fernandez: What's the great news? 00:10.200 --> 00:13.570 Sean Murray: We have people who entered, the last time we were 00:13.570 --> 00:17.380 on here zero people had entered. And we actually got from what we 00:17.410 --> 00:21.850 what we can tell six entrance. We have six entrance into the 00:21.850 --> 00:25.180 raffle. We're going to give we're going to choose one I have 00:25.240 --> 00:28.240 I'm gonna get a cup over here. This is the cup we printed out 00:28.420 --> 00:32.170 all the all the entrance. I know it's kind of old fashioned here 00:32.170 --> 00:34.690 we're doing some keys blockchain, what do we do? 00:35.050 --> 00:35.500 Johny Fernandez: We go old school. 00:35.500 --> 00:37.930 Sean Murray: We should have done it on the blockchain. Now that I 00:37.930 --> 00:40.240 look in this cup, and I just see names on a piece of paper. 00:40.270 --> 00:41.950 Johny Fernandez: That's the way to do it. There's just something 00:41.950 --> 00:42.490 about doing it this way. 00:42.490 --> 00:44.350 Sean Murray: I feel like voting should all be done via the 00:44.350 --> 00:46.810 blockchain now and here I am. Here we are about to pick out a 00:46.810 --> 00:50.170 name from a cut out piece of paper. 00:50.320 --> 00:50.770 Johny Fernandez: All right. 00:50.810 --> 00:52.220 Sean Murray: But that's how we're doing. That's how we're 00:52.220 --> 00:56.210 doing the announcement of the NFT giveaway raffle, the winner 00:56.210 --> 01:01.370 will get one of the 10 broker NFT's that we created. You must 01:01.370 --> 01:06.020 have an Etehereum wallet in order to receive the NFT. If you 01:06.020 --> 01:09.680 have a Coinbase account, that probably will not work because 01:09.680 --> 01:13.190 my understanding is that currently Coinbase although you 01:13.190 --> 01:16.730 can carry Ethereum on in your account, you cannot actually 01:16.730 --> 01:20.720 have the NFT itself, it will end up going somewhere at Coinbase. 01:20.870 --> 01:25.700 If you send an NFT to a Coinbase Ethereum address, it will be 01:25.700 --> 01:29.180 somewhere in the you know in the in the blockchain, but whether 01:29.180 --> 01:32.930 or not Coinbase right now has the ability to route that to 01:32.930 --> 01:35.690 your account that you can view it I'm not sure, they're working 01:35.690 --> 01:40.160 on that as a project currently. So if you want to be able to 01:40.310 --> 01:44.720 really receive your NFT, you should probably have a digital 01:44.720 --> 01:48.560 wallet, like an actual wallet not just not just like a crypto 01:48.560 --> 01:51.920 account, you can use something like MetaMask MetaMask.io we 01:51.920 --> 01:55.130 have no affiliation with them, but it's a very common browser 01:55.130 --> 01:59.600 wallet Ethereum browser wallet. And if we sent the NFT to your 02:00.020 --> 02:04.370 MetaMask Ethereum wallet, you will be able to see it there. We 02:04.370 --> 02:08.240 also have an Ethereum. We also have an NTF viewer on our 02:08.240 --> 02:13.640 website, too. And you can also see it on OpenSea.io. So you 02:13.640 --> 02:17.120 you'll also be able to see your NFT there, these are ERC 721 02:17.120 --> 02:19.790 tokens Johny was talking about. There's all these different 02:19.820 --> 02:23.090 types of NFT's and how they can be used. They're really just non 02:23.090 --> 02:26.030 fungible tokens. And you can program whatever you want to 02:26.030 --> 02:29.600 this token, these NFTs, this is artwork, so we're basically just 02:29.600 --> 02:33.530 putting a hyperlink to an image. In these particular NFTs. 02:33.560 --> 02:37.730 There's all different kinds. ERC 721 is basically respected as 02:37.730 --> 02:41.570 one of the one of their premier, real true non fungible tokens 02:41.570 --> 02:44.060 there's another kind that's very popular and OpenSea called like 02:44.060 --> 02:49.940 an 1155 token, which is called a lazy mentor lazy token, doesn't 02:49.940 --> 02:52.700 really cause any Ethereum gas to make. You're basically just 02:53.000 --> 02:56.300 pumping something into an existing token into an existing 02:56.330 --> 02:59.630 token. And there's all this question as to whether or not 02:59.630 --> 03:03.710 it's really fungible or non fungible. But these are true non 03:03.710 --> 03:07.850 fungible NFT's minted by hand on the Ethereum blockchain that we 03:07.850 --> 03:12.770 are giving away all tied to one of the 10 broker, NFT's, the 03:12.770 --> 03:16.790 originals. And we have six people who have entered all via 03:16.790 --> 03:21.620 Instagram. That's where we had the contest. And we then took 03:21.620 --> 03:25.490 the names, printed them out, cut them up onto little strips, and 03:25.490 --> 03:26.210 put them in a cup. 03:26.510 --> 03:28.940 Johny Fernandez: It's 1995 all over again. I love it. 03:29.060 --> 03:30.560 Sean Murray: That's how we're gonna do the giveaway. 03:30.590 --> 03:31.850 Johny Fernandez: All right, so. 03:32.240 --> 03:33.950 Sean Murray: So yeah, so I don't know, I don't know how you want 03:33.950 --> 03:38.480 to do this. So we got a we got six things in here. And by the 03:38.480 --> 03:40.790 way to the entrance from what we could tell were from the same 03:40.790 --> 03:45.140 company, right? So we decided whether or not that should be 03:45.140 --> 03:46.460 acceptable. We let it fly. 03:46.520 --> 03:46.760 Johny Fernandez: Okay. 03:46.790 --> 03:47.210 Sean Murray: All right. 03:47.240 --> 03:47.480 Johny Fernandez: Okay. 03:47.480 --> 03:49.550 Sean Murray: So we didn't know full transparency, full 03:49.550 --> 03:52.490 disclosure, there was a there was posts from two different 03:52.490 --> 03:56.030 people at the same company. That's two of the six. 03:57.320 --> 03:57.740 Johny Fernandez: All right. 03:57.980 --> 04:00.410 Sean Murray: But it is what it is. At least we don't have zero 04:00.410 --> 04:01.070 participants. 04:01.100 --> 04:01.550 Johny Fernandez: There you go. 04:01.600 --> 04:04.000 Sean Murray: And so again, if we announce your name, afterwards, 04:04.000 --> 04:07.030 we'll reach out to you on social media, we will ask you what your 04:07.030 --> 04:11.080 Ethereum wallet addresses and we will send you the NFT, we will 04:11.080 --> 04:13.780 make sure in advance that you have an acceptable NFT 04:14.560 --> 04:18.850 engineered wallet, so that when you get it, you actually get it. 04:19.000 --> 04:21.310 Right. So we'll help you out if you're like, oh, no, I don't 04:21.310 --> 04:24.460 really have the right thing. Yeah, well, alright. Are you 04:24.460 --> 04:27.130 ready to do this Johny? I feel like I'm just gonna keep talking 04:27.130 --> 04:27.760 about it but. 04:27.790 --> 04:30.760 Johny Fernandez: No, I'm excited I want to see which one they're 04:30.760 --> 04:35.170 gonna pick who who's gonna win it. And let's get moving. 04:35.200 --> 04:36.820 Sean Murray: There's just one other element to the whole 04:36.820 --> 04:37.090 thing. 04:37.120 --> 04:37.840 Johny Fernandez: What's the other element? 04:37.930 --> 04:40.810 Sean Murray: So sending an NFT requires Ethereum gas. 04:40.870 --> 04:41.230 Johny Fernandez: Okay. 04:41.410 --> 04:43.120 Sean Murray: Sending a transaction, you know, 04:43.150 --> 04:46.150 initiating a transaction on the Ethereum blockchain cost money, 04:46.390 --> 04:47.140 just to do. 04:47.320 --> 04:47.710 Johny Fernandez: Yeah. 04:47.830 --> 04:50.950 Sean Murray: So we may not send it instantaneously. We may have 04:50.950 --> 04:54.640 to wait until a part of the day in which traffic on the Ethereum 04:54.640 --> 04:58.360 blockchain is lower, so that it costs us less so that it doesn't 04:58.360 --> 05:01.630 cost us like $300 to send to you. That just goes to show like 05:01.630 --> 05:03.550 how wild the whole ecosystem is. 05:03.600 --> 05:06.210 Johny Fernandez: It's it's what I learned yesterday is that this 05:06.210 --> 05:09.570 is, this is no joke. I thought it was like, hey, here's a 05:09.570 --> 05:13.800 couple pictures, but seeing like just the amount of money that 05:13.800 --> 05:18.360 goes in and out of it like it's, it's, it's the metaverse, man. 05:18.450 --> 05:18.810 Sean Murray: Yeah. 05:18.840 --> 05:19.920 Johny Fernandez: It's the metaverse. 05:20.560 --> 05:23.320 Sean Murray: So the winner of this contest, will be able to 05:23.350 --> 05:26.140 pick one of the 10, we're not going to designate the one that 05:26.140 --> 05:29.350 you get. So there's 10 broker NFTs the winner can pick which 05:29.350 --> 05:32.140 one they want, and we'll send it to you. And even if the Ethereum 05:32.140 --> 05:35.260 network fees, don't come down, for whatever reason, you know, 05:35.260 --> 05:37.750 we'll send it to you anyway. But we might try to wait till the 05:37.750 --> 05:40.630 time of the day. But when the fees are a little bit lower, 05:40.660 --> 05:42.760 it's a complicated thing. And we're sending them manually 05:42.790 --> 05:45.190 this, we didn't hire any third party to do any of this for us. 05:45.340 --> 05:48.400 We have our own Ethereum smart contract. This is like a legit, 05:48.580 --> 05:52.540 true original NFT it's gonna be worth billions one day. That's 05:52.540 --> 05:53.200 my prediction. 05:53.230 --> 05:54.970 Johny Fernandez: All right. All right, let's get to it. 05:55.120 --> 05:56.920 Sean Murray: All right, so Johny, Johny, do you wanna? 05:57.100 --> 05:57.670 Johny Fernandez: I do. 05:57.790 --> 05:58.750 Sean Murray: Do you want to pick the winner? 05:58.810 --> 05:59.320 Johny Fernandez: Yeah. 05:59.830 --> 06:02.140 Sean Murray: All right. So five of them came from Instagram, and 06:02.140 --> 06:05.200 one came from LinkedIn. So if you see a name, that's not an 06:05.200 --> 06:08.290 Instagram handle, that person did it on LinkedIn, we decided 06:08.290 --> 06:08.950 to accept it. 06:08.980 --> 06:09.310 Johny Fernandez: Okay. 06:09.340 --> 06:10.480 Sean Murray: Hold on. We gotta shake it up. 06:10.480 --> 06:11.680 Johny Fernandez: Shake it up, shake it up, shake it up. All 06:11.680 --> 06:19.960 right let's do this. All right. 06:20.080 --> 06:24.070 Sean Murray: Are you gonna read the winners? Or winner? Let's 06:24.070 --> 06:27.730 see. Let's see what we got. It's you can't even reach down there? 06:27.790 --> 06:32.110 Johny Fernandez: I got big hands. All right. 06:32.740 --> 06:33.730 Sean Murray: What do we what do we got? 06:33.760 --> 06:36.520 Johny Fernandez: Oh, okay. So this is probably the person that 06:36.520 --> 06:37.510 entered on LinkedIn. 06:37.570 --> 06:38.380 Sean Murray: Is it a name? 06:38.410 --> 06:38.770 Johny Fernandez: Yeah. 06:38.830 --> 06:39.340 Sean Murray: Okay. 06:39.490 --> 06:42.580 Johny Fernandez: So his name is Josh Feinberg. 06:43.000 --> 06:46.060 Sean Murray: Yes. Josh Feinberg. Okay. Josh Feinberg's our lucky 06:46.060 --> 06:46.480 guy. 06:46.510 --> 06:49.690 Johny Fernandez: Lucky guy like you got. So Josh, we will be 06:49.690 --> 06:53.170 sending you the information. And then you can pick out of one of 06:53.170 --> 06:53.620 the 10. 06:54.080 --> 06:56.540 Sean Murray: Yeah, you gotta send us an Ethereum address. So 06:56.540 --> 06:59.900 that Josh Feinberg, you have won a broker NFT. We need an 06:59.930 --> 07:04.220 Ethereumaddress from you from a working NFT Wallet. So might not 07:04.220 --> 07:06.710 be Coinbase. So hopefully you have that capability. But guess 07:06.710 --> 07:08.600 what? Guess what ladies and gentleman. 07:08.600 --> 07:09.620 Johny Fernandez: Are you feeling generous? 07:09.650 --> 07:11.300 Sean Murray: I am feeling very generous right now. 07:11.300 --> 07:11.780 Johny Fernandez: Okay. 07:11.840 --> 07:13.250 Sean Murray: I'm feeling very generous. 07:13.280 --> 07:13.850 Johny Fernandez: All right. 07:13.880 --> 07:16.610 Sean Murray: We're going to give away another one. There's gonna 07:16.610 --> 07:19.790 be two broker NFT's given away today. 07:19.910 --> 07:21.470 Johny Fernandez: Would you like to do the honors on this one? 07:21.800 --> 07:23.300 Sean Murray: Okay, I'll do the honors on this one. 07:23.300 --> 07:23.930 Johny Fernandez: I'll shake it up. 07:24.050 --> 07:26.270 Sean Murray: Oh you're going to shake it up? Okay. We're giving 07:26.270 --> 07:28.010 away another one. We're giving away another one. 07:28.010 --> 07:30.680 Johny Fernandez: It's like my bartending days. Margarita. 07:30.710 --> 07:31.190 Sure. 07:34.880 --> 07:36.140 Sean Murray: Drink it. Drink it down. 07:36.140 --> 07:40.680 Johny Fernandez: Drink it down. All right. All right. You ready? 07:40.830 --> 07:41.220 Sean Murray: Yeah. 07:41.280 --> 07:41.550 Johny Fernandez: All right. 07:41.570 --> 07:42.020 Sean Murray: I'm ready. 07:42.440 --> 07:43.220 Johny Fernandez: Alright, let's see do this. 07:43.750 --> 07:49.930 Sean Murray: All right, here we go. All right. We have an at. 07:50.440 --> 07:56.710 This is an Instagram handle an @LiorP1Hazog. That's probably 07:56.710 --> 08:00.460 his actual name. But I'm not sure that's the Instagram handle 08:00.460 --> 08:05.380 that has won the second giveaway broker NFT. So if you are 08:05.680 --> 08:10.330 @Lior1, @LiorP1Hazog. Congratulations, you have all 08:10.960 --> 08:14.710 your NFT we'll contact you after the show. We'll get your 08:14.710 --> 08:18.220 Ethereum information to you, whichever of the 10 broker 08:18.220 --> 08:19.840 entities that you want. 08:20.410 --> 08:22.900 Johny Fernandez: Awesome, you guys. Congratulations. Thank you 08:22.900 --> 08:26.290 guys for entering. We're probably I mean, maybe we'll do 08:26.290 --> 08:27.280 this again in the future. 08:27.490 --> 08:28.330 Sean Murray: I think so. 08:28.330 --> 08:28.900 Johny Fernandez: I think so. 08:28.930 --> 08:29.230 Sean Murray: Yeah. 08:30.250 --> 08:31.300 Johny Fernandez: NFT's are the future. 08:32.110 --> 08:34.690 Sean Murray: You oh, you're convinced. We've made a believer 08:34.690 --> 08:36.040 out of Johny Fernandez. 08:36.040 --> 08:38.490 Johny Fernandez: It yeah, I mean, I still like real things, 08:38.490 --> 08:40.590 though. Like, tangible. 08:40.620 --> 08:42.270 Sean Murray: You want to get you on a cup NFT? 08:42.720 --> 08:43.260 Johny Fernandez: Yeah. 08:43.350 --> 08:44.160 Sean Murray: You want the cup. 08:44.190 --> 08:44.730 Johny Fernandez: I want the cup. 08:44.760 --> 08:45.210 Sean Murray: Okay.