00:00.630 --> 00:03.330 Sean Murray: Hello and welcome back to deBanked TV. I'm Ron 00:03.330 --> 00:03.870 Burgundy. 00:04.920 --> 00:08.490 Johny Fernandez: And I'm his sidekick Johny Fernandez. This 00:08.490 --> 00:11.100 is Sean Murray in case you don't recognize him because of the 00:11.100 --> 00:13.410 stash. Mines is kind of growing in. 00:13.800 --> 00:14.610 Sean Murray: Are you doing it? 00:15.600 --> 00:16.380 Johny Fernandez: Possibly. 00:16.770 --> 00:17.970 Sean Murray: Oh, you got to decide now. 00:18.390 --> 00:19.410 Johny Fernandez: It's like right now. 00:19.470 --> 00:21.270 Sean Murray: Yes. Starts November 1. We told you we could 00:21.270 --> 00:22.650 grandfather you in for a day. 00:22.680 --> 00:23.970 Johny Fernandez: Yeah. Okay, so. 00:24.000 --> 00:25.920 Sean Murray: So if you didn't start yesterday, today's your 00:25.920 --> 00:26.190 last. 00:26.970 --> 00:28.110 Johny Fernandez: I haven't shaved at all. 00:28.110 --> 00:28.950 Sean Murray: Since when, since. 00:29.280 --> 00:29.970 Johny Fernandez: Since the first 00:30.000 --> 00:31.890 Sean Murray: Okay, are you in? 00:31.950 --> 00:34.470 Johny Fernandez: Yeah. Sure. 00:34.530 --> 00:35.880 Sean Murray: Are you gonna go? Are you gonna be allowed to do 00:35.880 --> 00:36.600 it for the whole month? 00:37.620 --> 00:38.370 Johny Fernandez: The stash? 00:38.400 --> 00:38.760 Sean Murray: Yeah. 00:38.790 --> 00:39.810 Johny Fernandez: Okay, yeah I'll do it. 00:39.810 --> 00:40.740 Sean Murray: You're gonna get permission? 00:40.830 --> 00:43.020 Johny Fernandez: I already got I got I got permission from. 00:43.080 --> 00:44.100 Sean Murray: You said it was for charity? 00:44.490 --> 00:46.020 Johny Fernandez: No I just told my girlfriend. I'm like, hey, 00:46.020 --> 00:46.800 we're doing this. 00:47.520 --> 00:49.560 Sean Murray: Alright .Awesome. This is gonna be great. 00:52.620 --> 00:54.300 Johny Fernandez: When are we gonna start the show, all right, 00:54.300 --> 00:56.310 so I'm Johny Fernandez. I'm gonna grow a stash just like 00:56.310 --> 00:57.990 Sean you can see Sean stash is. 00:57.990 --> 00:58.860 Sean Murray: Coming in real nice. 00:59.190 --> 01:02.100 Johny Fernandez: You're like a cop from Reno 911. 01:02.640 --> 01:04.350 Sean Murray: I don't know. I'm not really going for any look, 01:04.350 --> 01:05.910 this is just apparently how I look. 01:05.910 --> 01:06.300 Johny Fernandez: You put some sunglasses and you say, hey, let 01:06.300 --> 01:07.310 me get your license. 01:11.330 --> 01:13.460 Sean Murray: You, pull over your license and registration. 01:13.490 --> 01:17.120 Johny Fernandez: Let's go. I like it though. What's your wife 01:17.120 --> 01:17.390 saying? 01:18.530 --> 01:20.810 Sean Murray: She told me it's only okay, as long as it's for 01:20.810 --> 01:23.870 charity. So I am doing the whole Movember thing. If you want to 01:23.870 --> 01:27.740 participate in the Sean Murray mustache fundraiser you can I 01:27.740 --> 01:31.010 can give out the link on social media if you'd like to cheer me 01:31.010 --> 01:34.310 on and keep you going for as long as possible. As long as 01:34.310 --> 01:35.660 it's for charity, I can keep going. 01:35.780 --> 01:39.050 Okay, and it it's not like after November going into. 01:39.050 --> 01:40.520 That is that is questionable? 01:41.360 --> 01:42.230 Johny Fernandez: Does she like it? 01:42.470 --> 01:42.950 Sean Murray: No. 01:43.160 --> 01:48.440 Johny Fernandez: Really? Okay. All right. On that note, we're 01:48.440 --> 01:51.110 gonna get straight into things today. The first thing we're 01:51.110 --> 01:54.200 gonna be discussing is going to be new numbers coming in for the 01:54.200 --> 01:57.020 third quarter, we have a couple of companies we're going to talk 01:57.020 --> 02:01.280 about. So the first one we're gonna talk about is IOU or the 02:01.280 --> 02:04.820 company. We know that the lending online lender to small 02:04.820 --> 02:07.670 businesses announced that they have surpassed a billion dollars 02:07.820 --> 02:10.910 in total loan. Yeah. 02:12.100 --> 02:15.010 Sean Murray: A billion total in loans since inception. 02:15.130 --> 02:15.610 Johny Fernandez: Correct. 02:15.610 --> 02:17.410 Sean Murray: So that's for the life of the entire company that 02:17.410 --> 02:20.860 they reached that milestone. Quite recently, they made the 02:20.860 --> 02:21.910 announcement yesterday. 02:21.910 --> 02:25.980 Johny Fernandez: Yeah. And it's interesting, Sean, what, when a 02:25.980 --> 02:29.820 company reaches a billion, how much of an accomplishment is 02:29.820 --> 02:32.940 that? If these guys you know, I mean, people don't some people 02:32.940 --> 02:36.300 don't even get like to like a million. So the fact that it's a 02:36.300 --> 02:39.690 billion since it started, I mean, what does that speak in 02:39.690 --> 02:42.630 regards to its leadership? I'm just kind of curious to know, 02:42.660 --> 02:46.020 like, the way that the company is going and the direction that 02:46.020 --> 02:48.990 they're going, because a lot of people don't reach that. So. 02:49.260 --> 02:51.990 Sean Murray: Yeah, I don't know what it says about leadership in 02:51.990 --> 02:54.990 particular, but it definitely shows that they're more than 02:54.990 --> 02:59.190 capable of growing a pretty large portfolio. Being able to 02:59.190 --> 03:02.010 reach a billion dollars in loan origination over any period of 03:02.010 --> 03:06.000 time, can be attractive to potential investors who are 03:06.000 --> 03:13.530 looking to invest their money and buy pieces of it. So you 03:13.530 --> 03:15.780 know that's one, that's one thing. It's kind of like why you 03:15.780 --> 03:18.240 celebrate the benchmark is that like, hey, this company is 03:18.270 --> 03:21.000 capable of producing this amount, and their portfolios 03:21.000 --> 03:23.580 obviously performed well enough to continue having for that 03:23.580 --> 03:27.000 long. So, you know, I guess you could say, generally, it's, it 03:27.000 --> 03:30.960 says that the leadership has certainly accomplished 03:31.200 --> 03:35.580 something. And that IOU if I'm not mistaken, I actually have 03:35.580 --> 03:38.940 this right here. They've been around for 12 years. So they 03:38.940 --> 03:42.660 have weathered some ups and downs. And they have come out of 03:42.660 --> 03:46.560 COVID and are on an upswing right now. So that's probably a 03:46.560 --> 03:48.240 good thing. As far as the leadership goes. 03:48.450 --> 03:51.491 Johny Fernandez: Yeah. So we're gonna speak now about some 03:51.565 --> 03:55.794 capital, we know that they announced the third quarter of 03:55.868 --> 04:00.244 2020 financing increased $82 million, up 26% from the prior 04:00.319 --> 04:04.844 year period. So 26%. I mean, they did better, obviously, than 04:04.918 --> 04:09.666 last year. Let's talk about that a little bit more in regards to 04:09.740 --> 04:14.191 how long they've been around. And to get to this point, they 04:14.265 --> 04:17.010 have gotten to a billion but they're. 04:17.010 --> 04:19.190 Sean Murray: Just this is just for a quarter. Correct. Third 04:19.310 --> 04:24.320 thing. I know you did a billion dollars for the entire 12 years. 04:24.530 --> 04:27.860 This company did 390 million. And a quarter. And a quarter. 04:28.340 --> 04:32.960 This company is doing more than a billion a year. And they have 04:32.960 --> 04:37.550 increased significantly. So Essentium, is doing a lot more 04:37.790 --> 04:40.250 than IOU is, but they're also doing you know, a little bit 04:40.250 --> 04:42.950 different type of lending. IOUs more focus on the unsecured 04:42.950 --> 04:45.350 market. In that sense, Jim is doing more than the secured 04:45.350 --> 04:48.620 market so they can do a lot larger loans. But you know what 04:48.620 --> 04:50.780 this tells us when you have companies on both sides, 04:50.810 --> 04:53.720 unsecured and secured, going out and meeting you know, hitting 04:53.720 --> 04:57.650 all these milestones is that we clearly see a business finance 04:57.650 --> 05:01.220 market that's on the upswing and growing right now, we're hearing 05:01.220 --> 05:05.570 about, you know, the impact of COVID less and less, and PPP and 05:05.570 --> 05:09.680 EIDL are interfering with normal business loan origination less 05:09.680 --> 05:13.010 and less. So when you hear companies like IOU, Essentium, 05:13.730 --> 05:15.650 hitting these type of benchmarks, these type of 05:15.650 --> 05:17.990 milestones quarterly my milestones, I know you had a 05:17.990 --> 05:21.170 quarterly milestone as well, I'd say that the industry is 05:21.170 --> 05:22.130 starting to hit its stride. 05:22.220 --> 05:25.460 Johny Fernandez: Yeah, for sure. And then let's talk we'll go 05:25.460 --> 05:27.650 ahead and talk about the third company that we have. 05:28.530 --> 05:32.340 Sean Murray: So sure, lastly, we have Cross River bank. And you 05:32.340 --> 05:34.350 know, what did the bank have to do with alternative finance? 05:34.350 --> 05:37.200 Well, they're, they're pretty big in the fintech scene. They 05:37.200 --> 05:40.230 were pretty big in the PPP side of the world. But they also just 05:40.260 --> 05:42.930 announced an acquisition, they acquired a company called Better 05:42.930 --> 05:46.050 Fin and Better Fin is a financial platform that enables 05:46.110 --> 05:49.110 small business owners to access a wide range of financial 05:49.110 --> 05:52.590 products and markets data, and manage their own lending and 05:52.590 --> 05:57.600 cash flow processes. Why is this significant? It's because it's a 05:57.600 --> 06:00.510 bank, making this acquisition, not just another FinTech 06:00.510 --> 06:02.820 company. If we had said a fintech company made this 06:02.820 --> 06:05.550 acquisition, you'd say, oh, that makes total sense. It's genius. 06:05.550 --> 06:09.000 It's brilliant, right? But Cross River, the bank Cross River, is 06:09.150 --> 06:12.240 it acting like a fintech company. And that's what makes 06:12.240 --> 06:14.790 them very powerful, because what we're seeing right now is that 06:15.000 --> 06:17.940 FinTech companies who are banks are in a very good position, 06:17.940 --> 06:19.560 because they don't have to deal with a lot of the regulatory 06:19.560 --> 06:23.790 uncertainty. And they can rely on deposits, to, you know, to do 06:23.790 --> 06:26.430 their loans and so forth. Lending Club is a good example 06:26.430 --> 06:29.550 of that. You're having their best run in the last five years, 06:29.820 --> 06:33.420 primarily because they're now a bank. So Cross River, agile like 06:33.420 --> 06:36.300 a fintech company, what is in fact, a bank going out and 06:36.300 --> 06:38.520 making acquisitions like a fintech company, and I'd say, 06:38.670 --> 06:40.860 you know, keep your eye on them and what they're doing. They're 06:40.860 --> 06:42.540 definitely a fintech company to watch. 06:42.540 --> 06:44.970 Johny Fernandez: Yeah, that's good to know and speak about 06:44.970 --> 06:49.500 fintech. We're going to talk a little bit more about the NFT 06:49.500 --> 06:53.760 NYC conference I was able to attend yesterday, and just kind 06:53.760 --> 06:55.140 of walk you guys through a little bit about that my 06:55.140 --> 06:58.830 experience, the NFT NYC conference took place around 06:58.830 --> 07:02.970 Times Square. You can see I have my lanyard here to represent and 07:02.970 --> 07:05.670 show you know, we were there as media. But it was really 07:05.670 --> 07:08.550 interesting, because I think when we've talked about NFT, you 07:08.550 --> 07:11.790 know, we've talked about it. We've talked about it a little 07:11.790 --> 07:16.590 bit more in the spectrum of it being like a picture or an item 07:16.590 --> 07:21.060 that you know, you purchase, you know, through the wallet and 07:21.060 --> 07:24.660 just very base level. But I think going to NF T NYC 07:24.660 --> 07:28.470 yesterday specifically, I learned that NFT is being used 07:28.500 --> 07:31.830 in a multiple different in multiple different ways. You 07:31.830 --> 07:34.440 know, it's a multi day conference, but they also have 07:34.440 --> 07:38.460 in the program, you know, NFT, how NFT. and charities work 07:38.460 --> 07:41.550 together how and NFT and like the music and the hip hop 07:41.550 --> 07:46.380 industry work together, how NFT's and just disrupting the 07:46.380 --> 07:50.280 day to day world when it comes to like the economy, like all 07:50.280 --> 07:52.710 these different conferences were set up and I was able to chat 07:52.890 --> 07:54.960 with a number of different people that are doing different 07:54.960 --> 07:59.220 things with NFT's whether it's also you know, in real estate, 07:59.250 --> 08:03.450 or whether it's teaching others how to kind of jump in to the 08:03.480 --> 08:08.310 NFT world and the metaverse and cryptocurrency how that's kind 08:08.310 --> 08:11.430 of also implementing and how it's different. You know how, 08:11.640 --> 08:14.790 you know, it may all sound intertwine. But at the end of 08:14.790 --> 08:17.040 the day, it's all completely different. You know, talking 08:17.040 --> 08:19.620 about crypto talking about NFT's and then opening up their 08:19.620 --> 08:22.200 portfolio I had a lot of the guys open up their portfolio and 08:22.200 --> 08:25.680 show me the difference of like, how their theory was set up. 08:25.710 --> 08:27.480 Sean Murray: How did they show it to you? Was this like on a 08:27.480 --> 08:27.870 phone? 08:27.900 --> 08:30.480 Johny Fernandez: Yeah, it was on their laptop. Some of them on 08:30.480 --> 08:34.200 the phone, so them on the lapto. But you know, I spoke with a 08:34.200 --> 08:36.900 girl yesterday, for example, that she used NFT's to pay off a 08:36.900 --> 08:37.860 mortgage of a house. 08:37.860 --> 08:41.230 Sean Murray: So how does how does that work? What context are 08:41.230 --> 08:41.770 we talking about? 08:41.770 --> 08:44.358 Johny Fernandez: She she used her NFT and the NFT was accepted 08:41.930 --> 08:44.419 She gave them an NFT? 08:44.419 --> 08:47.899 by the developer that was working on her house, she lives 08:47.961 --> 08:51.747 out west. And because of that, she was able to pay out the NFT 08:51.808 --> 08:55.533 and give it to the developer and that's how they were able to 08:55.594 --> 08:58.770 work together and pay off the mortgage to her house. 09:00.050 --> 09:04.400 She gave them a couple of NFT's not just one. But then you know, 09:04.400 --> 09:09.620 she also at certain points she had to go cash out in a way and 09:09.920 --> 09:13.670 pretty much put that NFT cash into dollars put into her 09:13.670 --> 09:17.660 account and cash out and mortgage. 09:17.690 --> 09:20.450 Sean Murray: So this was like, she basically invested in NF T 09:20.450 --> 09:23.270 and and Kristin value and then she used the the increase in 09:23.270 --> 09:24.200 value the profit. 09:24.230 --> 09:24.590 Johny Fernandez: Yeah. 09:24.620 --> 09:25.010 Sean Murray: Okay. 09:25.070 --> 09:27.200 Johny Fernandez: And but basically, I mean, she's been 09:27.200 --> 09:31.040 doing this since like 2016 2017. So she's she's been in it a 09:31.040 --> 09:34.640 little bit longer and like the ups and the downs and how it 09:34.640 --> 09:38.240 works and when to put it what to put it in. And there was just a 09:38.240 --> 09:41.510 number of different conferences, a number of different speakers 09:41.720 --> 09:46.850 that just were able to break down like using NFT like when it 09:46.850 --> 09:50.900 comes to charity, for example, like using NFT when it comes to 09:50.900 --> 09:56.720 helping educate underprivileged youths and helping them learn 09:56.720 --> 10:00.860 about like getting out of poverty and go intergenerational 10:00.860 --> 10:06.890 wealth using NFT's and there was NFT's and art and NFT and it was 10:06.890 --> 10:09.620 just there's a whole world behind it. And it's something 10:09.620 --> 10:13.280 that I did not know existed until going there yesterday and 10:13.280 --> 10:15.440 like learning about like the metaverse, which is like 10:15.440 --> 10:21.260 essentially the internet, just like this whole world of economy 10:21.320 --> 10:23.420 that is all within the NFT community. 10:23.840 --> 10:28.280 Sean Murray: Did you walk away with any better opinion of NFT's 10:28.280 --> 10:30.290 versus the opinion we've. 10:30.410 --> 10:30.860 Johny Fernandez: Yeah. 10:30.920 --> 10:33.530 Sean Murray: Because, you know, in your mind, you've been so 10:33.560 --> 10:37.490 we've been so fixated on the art aspect of it. Yeah. And it being 10:37.490 --> 10:40.340 digital. And you having found there's always other components 10:40.340 --> 10:42.770 to it. Yeah. Did you walk away with a better opinion of NFTs? 10:42.770 --> 10:44.310 Johny Fernandez: I did. I texted you. And I was like, hey, I want 10:44.310 --> 10:47.640 to be part of the metaverse now. And he said, sure I did. Because 10:47.640 --> 10:50.400 I think what I learned and the way it was broken down to me, 10:50.430 --> 10:53.340 because I asked all these guys is like, hey, break this down to 10:53.340 --> 10:56.670 me like, I don't understand why you're so obsessed with it. 10:56.670 --> 10:59.700 Like, I want to be obsessed with it too, like talk to me. So. 10:59.700 --> 11:02.400 Yeah. Essentially, it ended up being broken down until like, 11:02.400 --> 11:06.270 Okay, you have money. And then you have your wallet through 11:06.270 --> 11:09.300 Ethereum. And you can transfer your money into the Ethereum 11:09.300 --> 11:12.840 wallet, this is your wallet. And now you can you've officially 11:12.840 --> 11:17.520 joined this world and now you can, you know, buy sell, like, 11:17.730 --> 11:21.300 do whatever through with an NFT and that NFT is yours. Like, no 11:21.300 --> 11:24.540 one's gonna tell you what to do. No one's gonna govern over you, 11:24.540 --> 11:27.090 it's yours. And you can do whatever you want with it. Yeah. 11:27.090 --> 11:29.730 And the other thing that really caught my attention is that 11:29.730 --> 11:32.670 other people, other industry leaders, you know, whether 11:32.880 --> 11:35.640 specifically in this scenario was like in medicine, and 11:35.670 --> 11:39.450 they're using NFTs to fund cancer research. And I'm like, 11:39.450 --> 11:43.800 wait, what, and this is, still being worked out. And this is a 11:43.860 --> 11:47.400 specific program. And I reached out to the guy and I was like, 11:47.400 --> 11:49.650 hey, like, I love I would love to get your information to learn 11:49.650 --> 11:52.920 more about it. But it's being funded for like cancer research, 11:52.920 --> 11:54.450 I was okay, like this. 11:54.450 --> 11:55.680 Sean Murray: What are they doing? They're like selling 11:55.680 --> 11:56.340 NFTs? 11:56.340 --> 11:58.610 Johny Fernandez: So they're exchanging the NFT's. And it's 11:58.610 --> 12:01.700 being and that's been able to hold the funding for certain 12:01.700 --> 12:05.600 projects. Okay. So it's interesting, because you really, 12:06.050 --> 12:09.260 it's not like for me, I now understand that it's not just 12:09.260 --> 12:11.390 like, oh, like, this is really cool picture that's in my 12:11.390 --> 12:15.110 Ethereum wallet, but there's more that can be done with it 12:15.170 --> 12:18.350 than just that, which, that's just part of one of the things 12:18.350 --> 12:20.930 that it does. It's like, Alright, we're gonna auction 12:20.930 --> 12:26.030 off, you know, this deBanked picture. But there's so much 12:26.030 --> 12:29.960 that's being done with it that you know, it. What we've 12:29.960 --> 12:36.380 discussed is a very small part of a bigger picture. Yeah. Okay. 12:36.410 --> 12:36.770 Yeah. 12:36.800 --> 12:38.960 Sean Murray: Well, I'm glad you're more into them now. Yeah. 12:38.960 --> 12:43.490 Since we're, we're about to lead into another NFT segment, which 12:43.490 --> 12:48.230 is where we announce the winner of our NFT giveaway raffle. And 12:48.230 --> 12:49.280 the great news is Johny. 12:49.280 --> 12:50.030 Johny Fernandez: What's the great news? 12:50.060 --> 12:53.570 Sean Murray: We had people who entered the last time we were on 12:53.570 --> 12:57.230 here zero people had entered and we actually got from what we 12:57.260 --> 13:01.700 what we can tell six entrance. We have six entrance into the 13:01.700 --> 13:05.180 raffle. We're gonna give we're going to choose one I have I'm 13:05.180 --> 13:08.720 gonna get a cup over here. This is the cup we printed out all 13:08.720 --> 13:12.020 the all the entrance. I know it's kind of old fashioned here 13:12.020 --> 13:15.590 we're doing some keys blockchain and what do we do? We should 13:15.590 --> 13:18.590 have done it on the blockchain. Now that I look in this cup, and 13:18.590 --> 13:20.090 I just see names on a piece of paper. 13:20.120 --> 13:21.830 Johny Fernandez: That's the way to do it. There's just something 13:21.830 --> 13:22.610 about doing it this way. 13:22.610 --> 13:24.230 Sean Murray: I feel like voting should all be done via the 13:24.230 --> 13:27.230 blockchain now and here i Here we are about to pick out a name 13:27.980 --> 13:30.050 from a cut out piece of paper. 13:30.230 --> 13:30.650 Johny Fernandez: All right. 13:30.690 --> 13:32.100 Sean Murray: But that's how we're doing. That's how we're 13:32.100 --> 13:36.120 doing the announcement of the NFT giveaway raffle, the winner 13:36.120 --> 13:41.250 will get one of the 10 broker NFTs that we created, you must 13:41.250 --> 13:46.200 have an Ethereum wallet in order to receive the NFT if you have a 13:46.200 --> 13:49.500 Coinbase account, that probably will not work because my 13:49.500 --> 13:53.280 understanding is that currently Coinbase although you can carry 13:53.280 --> 13:57.210 Ethereum on in your account, you cannot actually have the NF t 13:57.210 --> 14:00.780 itself. It will end up going somewhere at Coinbase. If you 14:00.780 --> 14:05.340 send an NFT to a Coinbase Ethereum address it will be 14:05.340 --> 14:08.850 somewhere in the you know in the in the blockchain but whether or 14:08.850 --> 14:12.870 not Coinbase right now has the ability to route that to your 14:12.870 --> 14:15.600 account that you can view it I'm not sure they're working on that 14:15.600 --> 14:20.490 as a project currently. So if you want to be able to really 14:20.490 --> 14:24.840 receive your NFT you should probably have a digital wallet 14:25.050 --> 14:28.680 like an actual wallet not just not just like a crypto account, 14:28.710 --> 14:31.770 you can use something like Metamask Metamasks.io We have no 14:31.770 --> 14:35.340 affiliation with them, but it's a very common browser wallet, 14:35.400 --> 14:40.470 Ethereum browser wallet. And if we sent the NFT to your Metamask 14:40.470 --> 14:44.550 Ethereum wallet, you will be able to see it there. We also 14:44.550 --> 14:48.900 have an Ethereum, we also have an NFT viewer on our website too 14:49.470 --> 14:53.850 and you can also see it on Opensea.io. So you'll also be 14:53.850 --> 14:58.230 able to see your NFT there these are ERC 721 tokens Johny was 14:58.230 --> 15:00.900 talking about there's all these different types of NFTs and how 15:00.900 --> 15:04.350 that can be used. They're really just non fungible tokens. And 15:04.350 --> 15:07.710 you can program whatever you want to this token. These NFTs, 15:07.740 --> 15:09.630 this is artwork. So we're basically just putting a 15:09.630 --> 15:13.590 hyperlink to an image. In these particular NFTs, there's all 15:13.590 --> 15:17.700 different kinds. ERC 721 is basically respected as one of 15:17.700 --> 15:21.450 the one of the premiere, real true non fungible tokens is 15:21.450 --> 15:24.690 another kind that's very popular on Opensea called like an 1155 15:24.690 --> 15:29.730 token, which is called a lazy mentor lazy token, doesn't 15:29.730 --> 15:32.490 really cause any Ethereum gas to make. You're basically just 15:32.760 --> 15:36.060 pumping something into an existing token into an existing 15:36.120 --> 15:39.420 token. And there's all these questions as to whether or not 15:39.420 --> 15:43.500 it's really fungible or non fungible. But these are true non 15:43.500 --> 15:47.670 fungible, NFTs minted by hand on the Ethereum blockchain that we 15:47.670 --> 15:52.590 are giving away all tied to one of the 10 broker, NFT's, the 15:52.590 --> 15:56.610 originals. And we have six people who have entered all via 15:56.610 --> 16:01.440 Instagram. That's where we had the contest. And we then took 16:01.440 --> 16:05.010 the names, printed them out, cut them up onto a little strips, 16:05.190 --> 16:06.090 and put them in a cup. 16:06.360 --> 16:08.820 Johny Fernandez: It's like 1995 all over again. I love it. 16:08.940 --> 16:10.440 Sean Murray: That's how we're gonna do the giveaway. 16:10.470 --> 16:11.730 Johny Fernandez: All right, so. 16:11.730 --> 16:13.790 Sean Murray: So yeah, so I don't know, I don't know how you want 16:13.790 --> 16:18.350 to do this. So we got, we got six things in here. And by the 16:18.350 --> 16:20.390 way two of the entrance from what we could tell were from the 16:20.390 --> 16:24.800 same company, right. So we decided whether or not that 16:24.800 --> 16:27.770 should be acceptable. We let it fly. Okay. All right. Okay. So 16:27.800 --> 16:30.230 we didn't know full transparency, full disclosure, 16:30.500 --> 16:33.020 there was a there was posts from two different people at the same 16:33.020 --> 16:38.900 company. That's two of the six. All right. But it is what it is. 16:39.230 --> 16:41.660 At least we don't have zero participants. There you go. And 16:41.660 --> 16:44.300 so again, if we announce your name, afterwards, we'll reach 16:44.300 --> 16:47.450 out to you on social media, we will ask you what your Ethereum 16:47.450 --> 16:51.230 wallet addresses, and we will send you the NFT, we will make 16:51.230 --> 16:55.040 sure in advance that you have an acceptable NFT engineered 16:55.040 --> 16:59.570 wallet, so that when you get it, you actually get it. Right. So 16:59.570 --> 17:01.430 we'll help you out if you're like, oh, no, I don't really 17:01.430 --> 17:02.900 have the right thing. Yeah. We'll help you. 17:02.960 --> 17:04.190 Johny Fernandez: All right. All right. 17:04.220 --> 17:06.350 Sean Murray: Are you ready to do this Johny? I feel like I'm just 17:06.350 --> 17:07.520 gonna keep talking about it. 17:07.520 --> 17:10.670 Johny Fernandez: But no, well I'm excited cause we're trying 17:10.670 --> 17:15.170 to get a pig who's gonna win it. And let's keep moving. 17:15.200 --> 17:17.060 Sean Murray: There's one other element to the whole thing. 17:17.090 --> 17:17.870 Johny Fernandez: What's the other element? 17:17.930 --> 17:21.860 Sean Murray: So sending an NFT requires Ethereum gas, sending a 17:21.860 --> 17:24.440 transaction, you know, initiating a transaction on the 17:24.440 --> 17:28.820 Ethereum blockchain cost money, just to do. Yeah. So we may not 17:28.820 --> 17:32.660 send it instantaneously, we may have to wait until a part of the 17:32.660 --> 17:36.650 day in which traffic on the Ethereum blockchain is lower. So 17:36.650 --> 17:39.590 that it costs us less so that it doesn't cost us like $300 to 17:39.590 --> 17:42.590 send to you. That's just goes to show like how wild the whole 17:42.860 --> 17:43.550 system is. 17:43.550 --> 17:46.270 Johny Fernandez: It's, it's what I learned yesterday is that this 17:46.270 --> 17:49.630 is, this is no joke. I thought it was like, hey, here's a 17:49.630 --> 17:53.680 couple pictures. But seeing like, just the amount of money 17:53.680 --> 17:58.060 that goes in and out of it like, it's, it's, it's the metaverse, 17:58.060 --> 17:59.980 man. Yeah. It's the metaverse. 18:00.610 --> 18:03.400 Sean Murray: So the winner of this contest, will be able to 18:03.430 --> 18:06.220 pick one of the 10, we're not going to designate the one that 18:06.220 --> 18:09.460 you get. So there's 10 broker NFTs the winner can pick which 18:09.460 --> 18:12.250 one they want, and we'll send it to you. And even if the Ethereum 18:12.250 --> 18:15.880 network fees don't come down, for whatever reason, we'll send 18:15.880 --> 18:18.220 it to you anyway. But we might try to wait to the time of the 18:18.220 --> 18:21.010 day. But when the fees are a little bit lower, it's a 18:21.010 --> 18:23.110 complicated thing. And we're sending them manually. There's 18:23.110 --> 18:25.630 we didn't hire any third party to do any of this for us. We 18:25.630 --> 18:28.540 have our own Ethereum smart contract. This is like a legit, 18:28.690 --> 18:32.680 true original NFT this could be worth billions one day. That's 18:32.680 --> 18:33.340 my prediction. 18:33.370 --> 18:35.110 Johny Fernandez: All right. All right. Let's get to it. 18:35.260 --> 18:38.140 Sean Murray: All right, so Johny, do you want to? Do you 18:38.140 --> 18:38.920 want to pick the winner? 18:38.950 --> 18:39.460 Johny Fernandez: Yeah. 18:39.960 --> 18:42.300 Sean Murray: All right. So five of them came from Instagram, and 18:42.300 --> 18:45.360 one came from LinkedIn. So if you see a name, that's not an 18:45.360 --> 18:48.450 Instagram handle, that person did it on LinkedIn, we decided 18:48.450 --> 18:49.110 to accept it. 18:49.170 --> 18:49.500 Johny Fernandez: Okay. 18:49.530 --> 18:50.670 Sean Murray: Hold on. We gotta shake it up. 18:50.670 --> 18:53.070 Johny Fernandez: Shake it up. Shake it up. Shake it up. Let's 18:53.070 --> 19:00.240 do this. All right. 19:00.240 --> 19:04.260 Sean Murray: Are you gonna read the winners? Or winner? Let's 19:04.260 --> 19:07.950 see. Let's see what we got. It's you can't even reach down there. 19:08.010 --> 19:12.330 Johny Fernandez: I got big hands. All right. 19:12.960 --> 19:13.950 Sean Murray: What do we what do we got? 19:13.980 --> 19:16.740 Johny Fernandez: Oh, okay. So this is probably the person that 19:16.740 --> 19:17.760 entered on LinkedIn. 19:17.810 --> 19:18.620 Sean Murray: Is it a name? 19:18.650 --> 19:19.010 Johny Fernandez: Yeah. 19:19.070 --> 19:19.550 Sean Murray: Okay. 19:19.700 --> 19:22.850 Johny Fernandez: So his name is Josh Feinberg. 19:23.210 --> 19:26.300 Sean Murray: Yes, Josh Feinberg. Okay, Josh Feinberg's the lucky 19:26.300 --> 19:26.690 guy. 19:26.690 --> 19:29.930 Johny Fernandez: Lucky guy, lucky guy. So Josh, we will be 19:29.930 --> 19:33.380 sending you the information and then you can pick out of one of 19:33.380 --> 19:33.860 the 10. 19:34.320 --> 19:36.780 Sean Murray: Yeah, you got to send us an Ethereum address, so 19:36.780 --> 19:40.080 that, Josh Feinberg, you have one a broker and NFT we needed 19:40.080 --> 19:44.190 an Ethereum address from you from a working NFT wallet so it 19:44.190 --> 19:45.810 might not be Coinbase. So hopefully you have that 19:45.810 --> 19:48.540 capability. But guess what? Guess what, ladies and 19:48.540 --> 19:48.840 gentlemen? 19:48.840 --> 19:49.860 Johny Fernandez: Are you feeling generous? 19:49.890 --> 19:51.570 Sean Murray: I am feeling very generous right now. 19:51.570 --> 19:52.050 Johny Fernandez: Oh, okay. 19:52.110 --> 19:53.520 Sean Murray: I'm feeling very generous. 19:53.550 --> 19:54.090 Johny Fernandez: All right. 19:54.150 --> 19:56.880 Sean Murray: We're going to give away another one. There's gonna 19:56.880 --> 20:00.060 be two broker NFTs given away today. 20:00.150 --> 20:01.740 Johny Fernandez: Would you like to do the honors on this one? 20:02.070 --> 20:03.570 Sean Murray: Okay, I'll do the honors on this one. 20:03.570 --> 20:04.200 Johny Fernandez: I'll shake it up. 20:04.200 --> 20:06.460 Sean Murray: Are you gonna shake it up? Okay. We're gonna be 20:06.460 --> 20:08.290 giving away another one. We're giving away another one. 20:08.350 --> 20:11.470 Johny Fernandez: My bartending days. Margarita? Sure. 20:15.160 --> 20:16.450 Sean Murray: Just drink it. Drink it down. 20:16.480 --> 20:20.980 Johny Fernandez: Drink it down. All right. All right. You ready? 20:21.130 --> 20:22.300 Sean Murray: Yeah. All right. I'm ready. 20:22.750 --> 20:23.530 Johny Fernandez: Alright, let's do this. 20:24.050 --> 20:30.200 Sean Murray: All right, here we go. All right, we have an at. 20:30.740 --> 20:36.230 This is an Instagram handle. An at Lior p one Hassah, that's 20:36.440 --> 20:39.890 probably his actual name, but I'm not sure that's the 20:39.890 --> 20:44.870 Instagram handle that has one the second giveaway broker NFT. 20:44.870 --> 20:49.220 So if you are at Lior one, Atlee, or P one hisab, 20:49.430 --> 20:53.360 congratulations, you have all your NFT, we'll contact you 20:53.360 --> 20:56.900 after the show. We'll get your Ethereum information to you, 20:56.930 --> 21:00.170 whichever of the 10 broker NFTs that you want. 21:00.740 --> 21:03.230 Johny Fernandez: Awesome, you guys. Congratulations. Thank you 21:03.230 --> 21:06.620 guys for entering. We're probably I mean, maybe we'll do 21:06.620 --> 21:07.610 this again in the future. 21:07.820 --> 21:08.660 Sean Murray: I think so. 21:08.660 --> 21:09.230 Johny Fernandez: I think so. 21:09.260 --> 21:09.620 Sean Murray: Yeah. 21:10.490 --> 21:11.660 Johny Fernandez: NFT's are the future. 21:12.440 --> 21:15.020 Sean Murray: You oh, you're convinced. We've made a believer 21:15.020 --> 21:16.370 out of Johny Fernandez. 21:16.400 --> 21:18.830 Johny Fernandez: It. Yeah. I mean, I still like real things, 21:18.830 --> 21:20.930 though. And it like, tangible. 21:20.960 --> 21:22.640 You want to get, you want a cup NFT. 21:23.090 --> 21:23.600 Yeah. 21:23.690 --> 21:24.500 Sean Murray: You want the cup? 21:24.530 --> 21:25.100 Johny Fernandez: I want the cup. 21:25.130 --> 21:25.580 Sean Murray: Okay. 21:25.580 --> 21:28.597 Johny Fernandez: Yeah, that's exactly. So I was discussion 21:28.597 --> 21:28.671 Sean Murray: Yeah, so we've been talking about Broker Fair on 21:28.671 --> 21:33.015 about this event NFT NY dot NYC. Let's talk about our event 21:33.089 --> 21:37.507 that's just a couple of weeks away. So Broker Fair is coming 21:37.581 --> 21:39.640 up, we've been receiving a lot of phone calls about it. And we 21:39.640 --> 21:41.620 here for like, you know, months at this point. But in the last 21:41.620 --> 21:42.220 30 days, ticket sales have really, really, really shot up. 21:42.220 --> 21:46.711 do have to say that it's gonna be the best event out there. I 21:46.785 --> 21:49.289 mean, I believe so what about you? 21:52.930 --> 21:59.680 And so now we're getting, we're getting really excited. We're 21:59.680 --> 22:02.980 selling multiple tickets every single day. Yeah, one day, we 22:02.980 --> 22:05.470 had a day where I was like, Oh, my goodness, we're gonna we're 22:05.470 --> 22:07.570 gonna sell out. I don't know if we're gonna get to that point 22:07.570 --> 22:11.440 for the show. But I am seeing very good optimistic trends. We 22:11.440 --> 22:15.910 are 33 days away from Broker Fair, 2021 December 6, in New 22:15.910 --> 22:19.180 York, you do have to be vaccinated, but you don't have 22:19.180 --> 22:21.160 to wear a mask. So that's gonna really help. 22:21.210 --> 22:24.180 Johny Fernandez: Yeah, because having a mask 24/7. And again, 22:24.180 --> 22:28.830 we just want to clarify that the vaccine, that is a mandate here 22:28.830 --> 22:32.160 in New York, to go anywhere you need a vaccine card. So it's not 22:32.160 --> 22:35.490 something that we've it's not something that we said to do. 22:35.490 --> 22:38.460 It's something that the venue is, you know, going to be 22:38.460 --> 22:40.560 checking, they're going to ask specific people, they're 22:40.680 --> 22:44.220 checking their vaccine vaccine cards. So if you have any 22:44.220 --> 22:46.770 questions about that, we have that information online. And 22:46.770 --> 22:49.440 also, if you want to reach out to us here at the office, we're 22:49.440 --> 22:50.850 more than happy to help you out. 22:50.850 --> 22:52.550 Sean Murray: It's not preventing anyone from buying tickets. 22:52.550 --> 22:54.860 We're selling so many tickets recently. I'm telling you, if 22:54.860 --> 22:57.080 you're like, you know, this vaccination requirements, you 22:57.080 --> 22:59.600 know, who's going to be there? Because if it isn't impeding 22:59.600 --> 23:02.840 people from coming, but when we could tell, no, it's not, it's 23:02.840 --> 23:04.700 not impeding anyone. We're selling a ton of tickets. We're 23:04.700 --> 23:07.610 very excited and optimistic about it. It is what it is as 23:07.610 --> 23:10.730 Johny said. Yeah. It's a city requirement. And we're selling a 23:10.730 --> 23:13.910 ton of tickets. Don't wait to the last minute. Yeah. We are 23:13.910 --> 23:17.750 not going to sell any tickets at the event itself. We never have 23:17.750 --> 23:21.200 done that. We're not going to do it this time. It's too much work 23:21.200 --> 23:23.870 to do. And we're probably going to shut off ticket sales about 23:23.870 --> 23:27.020 three days before, no matter where they are. Yeah. No matter 23:27.020 --> 23:30.050 where they are. And so, you know, even if even if we're, we 23:30.050 --> 23:33.680 don't hit full max capacity by by the last day, it doesn't 23:33.680 --> 23:35.810 matter. That will be the day that we shut off sales. So don't 23:35.810 --> 23:38.180 wait until the last day. If you show up on the day of Broker 23:38.180 --> 23:40.670 Fair, hoping to buy a ticket thinking we'll let you in. 23:40.910 --> 23:43.580 Unfortunately, we're just not going to have the capability of 23:43.580 --> 23:45.950 doing it. Yeah. Especially with the vaccination requirement. We 23:45.950 --> 23:49.670 got to know who everyone is in advance. So don't wait too late. 23:49.760 --> 23:54.350 Tickets are truly going fast now. Yeah. And we're getting 23:54.350 --> 23:55.430 very excited for December 6. 23:55.430 --> 23:57.340 Johny Fernandez: And something else to mention is that 23:57.340 --> 24:00.220 sponsorship that is sold out, we've had people contact us 24:00.220 --> 24:02.860 regarding that there's a waitlist for that. So. 24:03.010 --> 24:03.670 Sean Murray: And it's long. 24:03.700 --> 24:07.240 Johny Fernandez: Yeah, I mean, so that's, that's just a heads 24:07.240 --> 24:12.130 up that, you know, this is, we're three weeks away, and this 24:12.130 --> 24:15.670 is happening and people and it's no longer just, hey, it's a 24:15.670 --> 24:17.620 couple of months away, like, you know. 24:17.640 --> 24:19.980 Sean Murray: It's more than three weeks. Four and a half. 24:20.000 --> 24:21.860 Johny Fernandez: Four and a half, yeah. So it's exciting. 24:22.430 --> 24:25.370 But we're telling you guys, please be prepared to come to 24:25.370 --> 24:29.720 enjoy yourselves. I mean, right now, it is a great time to be in 24:29.720 --> 24:33.050 New York, because things are moving again here and it's 24:33.140 --> 24:34.610 picking the pace is picking back up. 24:34.820 --> 24:36.110 Sean Murray: You were just at a conference yesterday. 24:36.110 --> 24:38.780 Johny Fernandez: Yeah. And it was packed. I mean, people I 24:38.780 --> 24:39.050 mean. 24:39.080 --> 24:40.640 Sean Murray: They had what like 5000 people. 24:40.670 --> 24:42.290 Johny Fernandez: Yeah, yeah. So. 24:42.320 --> 24:44.180 Sean Murray: 5000 people at a conference in New York City. 24:44.330 --> 24:44.600 Johny Fernandez: Yeah. 24:44.630 --> 24:46.070 Sean Murray: So if you're like, Oh, who's going in New York 24:46.070 --> 24:46.490 City. 24:46.490 --> 24:47.690 Johny Fernandez: A lot of people are going to New York. 24:47.720 --> 24:49.880 Sean Murray: You know, this time of year during COVID whatever 24:49.880 --> 24:53.870 with vax requirements 5000 people at at an NFT show. 24:53.870 --> 24:55.731 Johny Fernandez: Yeah. So just imagine, and especially and 24:55.788 --> 24:59.427 something I will stress is that if you're new in the industry, I 24:59.484 --> 25:02.839 He's been a rookie in multiple different industries. And it 25:02.896 --> 25:05.910 takes a while for you to pick back up to pick up some 25:05.967 --> 25:09.095 momentum. So this is a place where you're going to meet 25:09.152 --> 25:12.564 people, we have the pre show, also going on not too far from 25:12.621 --> 25:16.260 the location and loosen. It's a perfect place to network to meet 25:16.317 --> 25:19.900 people, business partners, and really grow your business at the 25:19.957 --> 25:23.312 end of the day. And this is the place to do it. We've heard 25:23.369 --> 25:26.781 stories of people, they met at Broker Fair, they became, you 25:26.837 --> 25:29.908 know, some type of business partner, and they're doing 25:29.965 --> 25:33.605 business now. So this is a great place, especially if you're new 25:33.662 --> 25:37.017 into the industry and you want to meet the key players, you 25:37.074 --> 25:40.486 want to meet the people that talk on daily funder you people 25:40.542 --> 25:43.784 that we've interviewed people that we've done stories on, 25:43.841 --> 25:47.423 they're all going to be there. So my biggest piece of advice is 25:47.480 --> 25:50.779 if you are new to join this event, and it's worth the cost 25:50.835 --> 25:54.134 it is definitely is and it's cheaper for brokers. Yeah. So 25:54.191 --> 25:57.773 again, if you have any, if you have any questions you can reach 25:57.830 --> 26:01.242 out to us and or you can check out the the latest updates on 26:01.299 --> 26:04.825 our social media platforms and also on deBanked.com. So please 26:04.882 --> 26:08.294 reach out to us. We want you there. We want to meet you guys 26:08.351 --> 26:11.820 essentially, and hang out with you guys for the day. So yeah. 26:11.820 --> 26:13.919 Sean Murray: All right. All right. Well. Thanks for joining. 26:13.964 --> 26:16.689 We'll reach out to the winners after the show. Again, we gave 26:16.733 --> 26:19.503 away to broker and appease, and we're very excited to help you 26:19.548 --> 26:20.129 receive them. 26:20.129 --> 26:22.500 Johny Fernandez: Awesome. And of course if you haven't signed up 26:22.550 --> 26:25.779 for Broker Fair, please do. You have a couple of weeks left, and 26:25.830 --> 26:29.009 don't wait till the last minute. So again, I'm Johny Fernandez. 26:29.160 --> 26:30.240 Sean Murray: And I'm Ron Burgundy. 26:30.240 --> 26:31.470 Johny Fernandez: We'll see you guys next time.