00:00.000 --> 00:03.570 Sean Murray: Sure, so you said that you've, you've helped 00:03.570 --> 00:07.650 businesses get PPP EIDL. You didn't charge them. But what, so 00:07.650 --> 00:11.820 what I'm curious about and all that, right, is that you worked 00:11.970 --> 00:15.900 a lot with the, you know, the Latin community during COVID. 00:15.900 --> 00:19.320 And I'm curious, you know, and we've asked this question, I've 00:19.320 --> 00:21.270 asked this question a bunch of times, you know, what were 00:21.360 --> 00:23.880 merchants telling you? What were small businesses telling you, 00:23.940 --> 00:26.670 but I feel like I've never gotten that answer, specifically 00:26.670 --> 00:30.420 from the Latin demographic, like, what was the Latin? What 00:30.420 --> 00:32.910 was the Latin community telling you during COVID? 00:32.930 --> 00:36.200 Sonia Alvelo: They were devastated, you know, just not a 00:36.200 --> 00:41.630 lot of information in the Latino community. In terms about, well, 00:41.630 --> 00:46.040 nobody was expecting what happened. First of all, we as a 00:46.040 --> 00:49.850 company, we, you know, had a rough time as well as everybody. 00:51.230 --> 00:53.630 But we decided, okay, you know, what, there's something that we 00:53.630 --> 01:00.800 can do in that time, which was, help them with the SBA. And, you 01:00.800 --> 01:03.650 know, the stories, they break my heart, it wasn't easy, because 01:03.650 --> 01:06.860 you know, what, I was listening to those stories over and over, 01:06.860 --> 01:10.940 and, you know, what are we gonna do? We don't have the money. I 01:10.940 --> 01:14.540 didn't have the answers, Sean at all, you know, I was worried 01:14.540 --> 01:17.090 about my own company at the time, but, you know, listening 01:17.090 --> 01:20.240 to them, I understood that it you know, it wasn't, I wasn't 01:20.240 --> 01:23.420 the only one, you know, that who was going through that, I think 01:23.420 --> 01:27.710 it's it's not a lot of information for the Latino 01:27.710 --> 01:31.520 community through crisis. And that's, I think that I got 01:31.520 --> 01:33.800 overwhelmed. Because everybody was calling and getting trying 01:33.800 --> 01:38.900 to, you know, Latino community, they, if I do have a job with 01:38.900 --> 01:42.110 you, they gonna tell somebody else, and they're gonna tell 01:42.110 --> 01:46.100 somebody else. And you know, my phones, it was like ringing and 01:46.100 --> 01:49.670 ringing throughout the days. And trust me, I get calls from 01:49.670 --> 01:53.030 Puerto Rico, Latinos at seven o'clock in the morning, or at 10 01:53.030 --> 01:56.810 o'clock at night. And sometimes I have to stop and think, okay, 01:56.810 --> 02:02.840 you know, what, I'll call them tomorrow, but we just, I am who 02:02.840 --> 02:06.650 I am now, because of them. So, you know, anything that I can do 02:06.650 --> 02:11.120 for the community, regardless, it's not easy. But I will do it. 02:11.450 --> 02:13.850 Sean Murray: Were there some who didn't even know about PPP or 02:13.850 --> 02:14.990 EIDL until you told them? 02:15.020 --> 02:18.050 Sonia Alvelo: It's it's crazy how many people to this day, 02:18.080 --> 02:20.300 they don't know, they don't even know about the increase. 02:20.900 --> 02:22.370 Sean Murray: They don't know about the increase? We're 02:22.370 --> 02:23.720 talking about the EIDL increase. 02:23.750 --> 02:23.990 Sonia Alvelo: Correct. 02:24.020 --> 02:26.120 Sean Murray: Okay, you're you're the first person to tell them 02:26.120 --> 02:26.540 basically, 02:26.570 --> 02:30.140 Sonia Alvelo: Yes. And it's scary, you know, you know, you 02:30.140 --> 02:33.950 know, first of all, I am surprised when they asked me, 02:33.980 --> 02:37.190 what is that? Uh, you know, at first, with the PPP. What is 02:37.190 --> 02:41.030 that? They had no idea. I was like, okay, I gotta translate 02:41.030 --> 02:43.970 this in Spanish, you know, this is not what I what I had in 02:43.970 --> 02:49.580 mind. Yeah. So but, um, the SBA.gov they have, you know, you 02:49.580 --> 02:53.210 know, the information in all the languages. So, that's what I 02:53.240 --> 02:56.120 realized, you know, I was like, okay, you got to read it first, 02:56.210 --> 02:58.640 you know, have to send that over, and you gotta read it, and 02:58.640 --> 03:02.180 then call me back, I wanted to make sure that they understand 03:02.270 --> 03:04.670 and the guidelines that we're changing, so it was, it was 03:04.670 --> 03:08.900 horrific, you know, the process but it's not like I said, again, 03:08.930 --> 03:12.710 not a lot of information for them. So I learned as like, you 03:12.710 --> 03:17.090 know, watching the news, you know, and through my, my, my 03:17.090 --> 03:20.780 actual lender for my business account. They were amazing with 03:20.780 --> 03:21.980 us. So yeah.