00:07.560 --> 00:10.080 Johny Fernandez: Located just north of Central Florida Elevate 00:10.080 --> 00:13.140 Funding has its headquarters in Gainesville deBanked took a trip 00:13.140 --> 00:15.870 there to chat with CEO Heather Francis. 00:15.960 --> 00:19.110 Heather Francis: So we are a merchant cash advance provider 00:19.110 --> 00:25.170 to small businesses. We are a boutique type shop. So we're, I 00:25.170 --> 00:28.530 say boutique because we like quality over quantity. We're not 00:29.850 --> 00:34.170 a big powerhouse in a space. But we are, I think one of the 00:35.370 --> 00:38.610 funders in the space that are really more conscientious to the 00:38.610 --> 00:40.830 small business owners and you know, the product that we're 00:40.830 --> 00:44.280 providing. And the services that we're giving them. 00:44.310 --> 00:46.440 Johny Fernandez: Francis has been in the alternative finance 00:46.440 --> 00:49.590 business world for more than a decade. She says her company's 00:49.590 --> 00:53.310 location away from big cities like Miami or Manhattan is an 00:53.310 --> 00:53.560 Heather Francis: Gainesville is always had that college feel, 00:53.560 --> 00:53.970 advantage. 00:57.560 --> 01:03.770 but it's starting to adjust a little bit to more of family and 01:03.770 --> 01:07.220 young professionals. So we're seeing a big growth in that now. 01:07.430 --> 01:11.750 Most of its medical I mean US is Shands US. And that's a big, 01:11.750 --> 01:16.190 huge medical facility there. So a lot of that is, you know, what 01:16.190 --> 01:20.030 is here is medically based, you know, health based. So there's 01:20.030 --> 01:23.300 not always a lot of finance to go from, but I think it makes 01:23.300 --> 01:27.500 Elevate stronger, in the sense that when we bring on people, 01:27.530 --> 01:31.430 they're not from this industry, they're from other areas, 01:31.430 --> 01:34.670 they're from other backgrounds. And they make us as a whole 01:34.670 --> 01:37.460 better because they're bringing in different ideas, different 01:37.460 --> 01:42.560 ways to handle things. And I find that just makes us stand 01:42.560 --> 01:45.890 out and different, you know, in the alternative finance space. 01:46.040 --> 01:48.140 Johny Fernandez: Her business approach is unique and 01:48.140 --> 01:48.560 Heather Francis: You know, embarked on my own, I wanted to 01:48.560 --> 01:48.710 meaningful. 01:51.270 --> 01:56.370 provide a product, again, at time, high risk being a credit 01:56.370 --> 01:59.640 profile, not high risk on stacking, but high risk with 01:59.640 --> 02:03.600 credit profile, I wanted to provide them something that made 02:03.600 --> 02:06.690 them feel of worth, something that said, you know, yes, this 02:06.690 --> 02:09.900 is my credit score, this is where I'm at. I know that and 02:09.930 --> 02:13.530 most business owners, I think what we fail to, to think about 02:14.070 --> 02:16.650 when we're underwriting and we're looking at files is that 02:16.770 --> 02:19.140 they didn't pay their car payment. So they keep the doors 02:19.140 --> 02:21.960 open. They didn't pay that credit card bill so that they 02:21.960 --> 02:24.630 could do payroll. And so when you look at a credit score, I 02:24.630 --> 02:29.880 don't think it's the true value of a business owner. And I 02:29.880 --> 02:33.930 wanted to have a product and a company that represented that 02:33.930 --> 02:39.120 and provided a path forward for those business owners to have 02:39.150 --> 02:44.220 financing that was meaningful, that was going to provide an 02:44.220 --> 02:45.600 opportunity to grow. 02:45.630 --> 02:48.150 Johny Fernandez: With the space changing constantly, Francis 02:48.150 --> 02:51.240 says she's always adjusting. So how does a company like yours 02:51.240 --> 02:56.100 compete with technology giants like Square and Paypall. And 02:56.100 --> 02:59.130 just companies and businesses that offer similar types of 02:59.130 --> 02:59.640 technologies. 02:59.640 --> 03:02.293 Heather Francis: Oh, it's very difficult to compete in that 03:02.357 --> 03:06.191 market. It's not easy at all, and we're constantly having to 03:06.255 --> 03:10.344 adjust and I would say, more, so keep looking to what the future 03:10.408 --> 03:14.241 like I said, you know, being proactive versus reactive from, 03:14.305 --> 03:18.075 you know, our IT guys, which you know, with our proprietary 03:18.075 --> 03:18.139 What do you think about having a direct sales? 03:18.139 --> 03:21.589 software, which is a huge benefit for us to be able to 03:21.653 --> 03:25.423 compete in that market, we're able to really quickly change 03:25.487 --> 03:29.001 things, we're really quickly able to have merchants who 03:29.065 --> 03:32.899 interact with our we call it Elevate view, who interact with 03:32.962 --> 03:37.052 that, have different looks when they come in, we're working with 03:37.052 --> 03:37.116 Um, it's something that we're, prior to this I didn't think was 03:37.116 --> 03:40.949 our marketing, you know, doing more information and training 03:41.013 --> 03:44.655 for our small business owners. We have a new thing that's 03:44.719 --> 03:48.169 coming out. It's a blog post that we're doing with our 03:48.233 --> 03:51.811 accounting company that we actually use. And they worked 03:51.875 --> 03:55.837 out some automation for elevate in ourselves in our accounting 03:55.901 --> 03:59.798 department. I was like man, if small businesses knew of this, 03:59.798 --> 03:59.862 a good fit for Elevate prior to COVID we were referral based, 03:59.862 --> 04:03.121 and could get away from you know, the day to day of 04:03.185 --> 04:07.146 accounting procedures and have this automation available, it'd 04:07.210 --> 04:11.235 be very beneficial for them to the business. So partnering with 04:11.299 --> 04:15.261 things like that and doing the education, I think kind of sets 04:15.324 --> 04:15.900 us apart. 04:29.280 --> 04:31.950 the type of product that we have was was very necessary for 04:31.950 --> 04:37.620 referral base, going forward, and what we noticed in COVID, is 04:37.620 --> 04:39.990 that you know, people's marketing dollars were very 04:40.110 --> 04:42.660 affective, which obviously affects applications we receive 04:43.110 --> 04:47.040 and it felt that it would be beneficial for Elevate itself to 04:47.040 --> 04:52.410 start working some direct. However, for us direct isn't 04:52.410 --> 04:55.140 going to be like a dialer. It's not going to be that on the 04:55.140 --> 04:59.520 phone. You know calling leads buying leads. Direct for us is 04:59.550 --> 05:00.240 SEO. 05:00.360 --> 05:02.910 Johny Fernandez: Francis says 2020 was a big year for the 05:02.910 --> 05:07.290 company. So let's talk about 2020. I mean, it was a big year 05:07.290 --> 05:09.570 for you guys, you guys rebranded, you guys had a 05:09.570 --> 05:13.620 million dollar in contracts, introduced new programs to help 05:13.770 --> 05:18.390 during small businesses. You know, in this time when things 05:18.390 --> 05:21.960 were just a lot of unknowns were going on. So explain how you 05:21.960 --> 05:23.190 guys did so well. 05:23.420 --> 05:27.950 Heather Francis: So that goes to, I think a little bit of the 05:27.950 --> 05:32.660 philosophy for me and our company is to be proactive, not 05:32.690 --> 05:37.460 reactive, we adjusted for our underwriters, they were able to, 05:37.550 --> 05:40.610 through our proprietary system, see what was restricted, we were 05:40.610 --> 05:42.710 able to change it on the back end, and they're like, oh, nope, 05:42.710 --> 05:45.680 we can't do that anymore. This is what it falls under. Now, 05:45.680 --> 05:48.950 this is the we call them tears. This is a tear that they're 05:48.980 --> 05:53.300 eligible for at this time. So we kind of we're really just trying 05:53.300 --> 05:56.540 to be like, in the now. And we would have weekly meetings on 05:56.540 --> 05:59.840 it, go over what we felt comfortable with, we created a 05:59.840 --> 06:05.240 new program, called it abound, it was for restaurants. And we 06:05.240 --> 06:08.510 were able to give them it was very small amount of money, it 06:08.510 --> 06:11.960 was to really help them just for immediate needs, whether it was 06:11.960 --> 06:14.780 reopening and having to get things stocked back into the 06:15.140 --> 06:18.080 restaurant. And it was very short term, but it was very low 06:18.080 --> 06:22.970 cost. And so we would do what we call a bound. And once we had 06:22.970 --> 06:26.210 that payment history and saw how they were performing, we were 06:26.210 --> 06:29.390 able to say okay, like, we know how you're going to behave, we 06:29.390 --> 06:32.000 know how you know your customers are behaving in this pandemic, 06:32.300 --> 06:35.930 will go ahead and throw more funds at you put you in one of 06:35.930 --> 06:38.810 our tier products and build it out that way. 06:38.870 --> 06:41.360 Johny Fernandez: She said businesses also had to adjust to 06:41.360 --> 06:44.390 get by and will continue to have to get creative. 06:44.460 --> 06:47.004 Heather Francis: So I think PPP was was huge. I think it did 06:47.064 --> 06:50.674 have a positive effect for the true and legitimate businesses 06:50.733 --> 06:54.165 that applied for and got it. So we would see that from our 06:54.225 --> 06:57.539 clients. But when COVID happened, we allowed for payment 06:57.598 --> 07:00.912 holds for those that were affected by COVID. We actually 07:00.972 --> 07:04.759 we had our software, we had our IT guy set up a software part of 07:04.818 --> 07:07.896 it that where we would label them as COVID effective 07:07.955 --> 07:11.565 affected. And then we would do payment holds and we would you 07:11.624 --> 07:15.057 know have them monitored and work with them on that. And a 07:15.116 --> 07:18.667 lot of them would be like, oh, you know, as soon as I get my 07:18.726 --> 07:22.573 PPP, we'll, we'll take that off. So we actually got paid off by a 07:22.632 --> 07:26.243 lot of people through the PPP. They just, you know, took care 07:26.302 --> 07:30.090 of their outstanding balance. We did see that it was beneficial. 07:30.090 --> 07:33.004 Johny Fernandez: Her advice to ISOs business owners and people 07:33.069 --> 07:34.170 in the MCA space. 07:34.200 --> 07:36.456 Heather Francis: Study, learn, know. There is a lot of 07:36.517 --> 07:40.360 misinformation in this space and a lot of misinformation on the 07:40.421 --> 07:44.324 products provided. And I've said this a couple of times I'm sure 07:44.385 --> 07:48.044 people who know me or have heard me talk and have heard this 07:48.105 --> 07:52.009 where it's like telephone in our space. Don't just try and learn 07:52.070 --> 07:55.790 how do I get to sell. How do I you know, convince this person 07:55.851 --> 08:00.060 take the money understand the product, understand what you're giving. 08:00.090 --> 08:02.293 Johny Fernandez: In Gainesville, I'm Johny Fernandez with 08:02.348 --> 08:03.120 deBanked News.