00:00.000 --> 00:03.000 Johny Fernandez: The Small Business Finance of the 2020 Inc 00:03.000 --> 00:04.590 5000 list came out and. 00:04.590 --> 00:05.220 Sean Murray: 2021. 00:05.250 --> 00:06.870 Johny Fernandez: 2021 I'm sorry, 2021. 00:08.340 --> 00:10.020 Sean Murray: I know it's still 2020 for a lot of us. 00:10.020 --> 00:12.360 Johny Fernandez: Yeah. So it's 2021 and we are actually 00:12.360 --> 00:14.490 familiar with some of the guys on that list. 00:15.170 --> 00:17.480 Sean Murray: We are, yeah. So I have it right here in front of 00:17.480 --> 00:20.780 me as well. So we just put out a story, or I guess really a list 00:20.810 --> 00:24.440 yesterday, the Inc 5000. For those of you who are not aware, 00:24.440 --> 00:27.500 they compile a list every single year of the fastest growing 00:27.500 --> 00:31.040 companies in America, the top 5000. The top 5000. Yeah, top 00:31.040 --> 00:34.820 5000. And so what I like to do is every year is go in and pick 00:34.820 --> 00:37.400 out the ones that are relevant to the audience that we write 00:37.400 --> 00:40.790 for. Last year, we made it like really broad we focused on 00:40.820 --> 00:44.090 fintech. I think I think the trouble with that is that we got 00:44.090 --> 00:48.200 everyone emailing us mad that they weren't included. And these 00:48.200 --> 00:50.450 were companies I never heard of. And they're like, we're fintech. 00:50.450 --> 00:53.000 And I'm like, are they right? Because they were like they were 00:53.030 --> 00:56.480 financial and technology. Yeah. But the problem with that was 00:56.480 --> 00:59.930 then you got like, literally like 1000 of the 5000 contacting 00:59.930 --> 01:01.850 you saying that they're technically fintech, and they 01:01.850 --> 01:05.060 want to know why they're not on the list that deBanked compiled 01:05.210 --> 01:08.930 of the list that the Inc 5000 made. It's like, it almost 01:08.930 --> 01:11.780 became too much, right? Yeah. So this year, I just narrowed it 01:11.780 --> 01:14.900 down and said, Let's just focus focus on the smaller segment, I 01:14.930 --> 01:18.740 compiled a list of the small business finance companies, not 01:18.740 --> 01:21.830 not merely companies that are within the ecosystem of Small 01:21.830 --> 01:25.490 Business Finance, but are really the funders in the small 01:25.490 --> 01:28.610 business finance industry. So I compiled a list of those that 01:28.610 --> 01:32.330 appear on the Inc 5000 to kind of see where everyone falls. And 01:32.330 --> 01:35.180 growth is a measure of, of revenue. It's not the most 01:35.180 --> 01:39.200 profitable companies in the country, it's not the biggest 01:39.440 --> 01:42.800 companies in the country, it's supposed to be growth, right? 01:43.490 --> 01:46.880 And these companies have to submit themselves. So if you're 01:46.880 --> 01:49.100 looking at the list, and you're like, wait a minute, this 01:49.100 --> 01:51.920 company that I know, or my company is not on here, and I 01:51.920 --> 01:53.990 grew more than them. That's because you didn't submit 01:53.990 --> 01:57.350 yourself. And if you don't do that, then you can't be on it. 01:57.440 --> 01:59.960 Right. So you have you have to actually do something to end up 01:59.960 --> 02:03.350 on the list. Yeah. But all the same. For those who submitted 02:03.350 --> 02:05.900 themselves, it doesn't mean that they'll end up on it. They might 02:05.900 --> 02:08.960 not be large enough. They might be too old it's supposed to be 02:08.960 --> 02:11.210 for newer companies. Yeah. You're not supposed to see a 02:11.210 --> 02:17.330 company that's been on here for like, 100 years. Yeah. Yeah, 02:17.330 --> 02:19.070 you're not supposed to see really old companies it's 02:19.070 --> 02:21.500 supposed to be for, you know, newer, you know, kind of like 02:21.500 --> 02:25.400 startups. But that, you know, you wouldn't expect to see like 02:25.430 --> 02:28.070 a company that's been around since like, 1900, as like the 02:28.070 --> 02:29.330 fastest growing in America. 02:29.330 --> 02:31.790 Johny Fernandez: Yeah. Okay, that makes sense. And I know, 02:31.790 --> 02:34.250 like, sort of we were talking about is like, once you sign up 02:34.250 --> 02:37.430 for this process, and see if you're eligible, technically, to 02:37.430 --> 02:40.430 be on the list, you're gonna have to also include things like 02:40.520 --> 02:43.520 your taxes and things like the last three years for them to 02:43.520 --> 02:47.330 actually measure, you know, if you qualify to be on the list. 02:47.330 --> 02:48.590 Sean Murray: Yeah, that's exactly right. So my 02:48.590 --> 02:52.400 understanding of it is that you have to submit your last three 02:52.400 --> 02:56.840 years financials in order for them to verify your growth. So 02:56.840 --> 02:59.720 it's not just a fill in the box, and hey, we grew 1,000,000%. 02:59.750 --> 03:02.540 Yeah. Type of deal. There is a level a level of verification, 03:02.570 --> 03:05.960 although they'd I don't know how deep they go into checking all 03:05.960 --> 03:08.750 of it. I'm, you know, maybe there's ways to kind of budget 03:08.750 --> 03:12.380 if you really wanted to. Yeah. I'm not sure. But we did. We did 03:12.380 --> 03:16.460 compile a list and the top one on our list right now. It's 03:16.460 --> 03:19.640 actually a company I've never I've never heard of, until 03:19.640 --> 03:21.890 today, a company called Crestmont Capital came in at 03:21.890 --> 03:26.930 number 44. Reporting 7,404% growth, I looked them up. They 03:26.930 --> 03:31.250 appear to be honestly like a broker shop in California, small 03:31.250 --> 03:33.380 business finance brokerage shop in California, apparently 03:33.380 --> 03:36.710 number, the number of 44th fastest growing company in 03:36.710 --> 03:39.530 America. So kind of hard to believe, you know, that there's 03:39.530 --> 03:42.110 someone I've never heard of, but that's why the list is kind of 03:42.110 --> 03:44.750 valuable. Get you get to find out what everyone's doing out 03:44.750 --> 03:48.440 there. Yeah. Right. And then next below them was a company 03:48.440 --> 03:54.980 called Capital Dude, at 1044. And they grew by 463%. So for 03:54.980 --> 03:57.320 those who are not familiar with Capital Dude, they are they are 03:57.320 --> 04:00.680 related to a company called Central Diligence Group. There's 04:00.680 --> 04:04.160 a connection between the two. There's like common ownership. 04:04.310 --> 04:08.690 Okay. So I like the name though. Yeah. Dude, Capital Dude. Yeah. 04:09.290 --> 04:12.440 I actually, I emailed them yesterday. And I said, Hey, I 04:12.440 --> 04:14.960 saw you guys are two of your companies were ranked pretty 04:14.960 --> 04:18.080 high on the list. Right? Which is kind of unusual to have two. 04:18.110 --> 04:21.320 Yeah. And so I did ask him a few questions about it there's a 04:21.320 --> 04:24.350 story up on our site went up late last night around midnight, 04:24.980 --> 04:31.550 asking the dude, how they do it, and. How they dude it. How they 04:31.550 --> 04:42.080 dude it. Almost almost there. Yeah. You know, so here's what 04:42.080 --> 04:43.910 they told me. They told me that basically it's good sound 04:43.910 --> 04:47.570 underwriting the partners have a lot of experience. Most of them 04:47.570 --> 04:49.850 have been in the industry for more than 10 years, small 04:49.850 --> 04:52.640 business finance, NCAA, whatever it is, you know, in their 04:52.640 --> 04:56.660 background. And these are these are these are guys who were 04:56.660 --> 05:00.350 underwriting deals back in the 08, 09 recession. Okay. So 05:00.350 --> 05:04.280 they're used, they were used to sudden downturns. Yeah. And they 05:04.280 --> 05:08.270 did tell me that this year, the pandemic wasn't really like, 05:08.870 --> 05:12.620 there was the great recession. Yeah. But there were things that 05:12.620 --> 05:15.650 they learned from the last recession about how to act. Like 05:15.650 --> 05:18.770 when everything just blowing up, you know, the literally the sky 05:18.770 --> 05:20.990 is falling. If you've never gotten to a sky is falling 05:20.990 --> 05:26.090 scenario, in any shape, or form. It's you. I don't think I've 05:26.090 --> 05:28.610 been. Just panic you, you've been through one? 05:28.610 --> 05:30.500 Johny Fernandez: Yeah when the skies falling. Heck, yeah. I've 05:30.500 --> 05:31.730 been through it twice in my life. 05:32.540 --> 05:34.100 Sean Murray: All right, more, more on that. And more on that. 05:34.100 --> 05:34.970 And more on that. 05:35.890 --> 05:37.810 Johny Fernandez: But you know, but I think I think to get back 05:37.810 --> 05:40.750 to you're point to what you were saying, you know, these guys 05:40.750 --> 05:44.560 have experience, you know, they have, at the end of the day 05:44.560 --> 05:48.070 experience is key, I think in any scenario possible. So the 05:48.070 --> 05:50.500 fact that these guys went through that experience back in 05:50.500 --> 05:55.090 2008, 2009. And now, you know, when we go through something 05:55.090 --> 05:58.480 very similar. They know what to do. Exactly, yeah. They've 05:58.480 --> 06:01.390 pretty much, you know, got they've gone through it already. 06:01.690 --> 06:04.660 And they're prepared. And, you know, that's why they're 06:04.660 --> 06:05.200 growing. 06:05.230 --> 06:07.270 Sean Murray: Yeah. And they told me that they didn't even stop 06:07.270 --> 06:09.850 funding. They continued straight through. I mean, I guess that's 06:09.850 --> 06:12.460 how you grow. Yeah. You can't end up on the list if you don't 06:12.460 --> 06:16.060 grow. Yeah. So this is 2021. So you know, I guess that would 06:16.060 --> 06:20.260 include 2020, as well. Here they are here they are growing. Yeah. 06:20.290 --> 06:24.430 And one side effect of the pandemic is that certain 06:24.790 --> 06:27.370 companies that we're on here last year, they're not on the 06:27.370 --> 06:30.310 list this year. Either they didn't grow, or they didn't 06:30.340 --> 06:32.620 submit themselves to be on the list. I don't know. I don't know 06:32.620 --> 06:35.500 which it is. Yeah, but there's a lot of companies that I expected 06:35.500 --> 06:37.510 to see on here, because they've been on there in previous years. 06:37.690 --> 06:40.900 They weren't on here and 2021. But all a sudden, the dude, 06:40.960 --> 06:44.350 yeah, the dude comes in at like number two on our list, right? 06:44.350 --> 06:45.860 Johny Fernandez: You watch New Girl? 06:46.370 --> 06:46.760 Sean Murray: I don't. 06:46.780 --> 06:48.760 Johny Fernandez: Okay. There's there's a character there that 06:49.360 --> 06:51.790 he has an inside joke. But when he says a certain word, like, 06:51.820 --> 06:58.600 dude he'll he'll see it very like. Winston, Winston Bishop. 06:58.810 --> 06:59.620 That's his name. 06:59.650 --> 07:01.120 Sean Murray: If for all yeah, for all of you who are of 07:01.630 --> 07:05.830 whatever show he's talking. Yeah. Sorry. That's how next 07:05.830 --> 07:07.750 time I call them that's how I'm gonna pronounce it, is this 07:07.750 --> 07:09.220 Capital Dude? 07:11.220 --> 07:12.990 Johny Fernandez: But no, I think this list is definitely 07:12.990 --> 07:15.540 valuable. At the end of the day, if you guys have not checked it 07:15.540 --> 07:18.840 out, definitely go check it out and see the list. It's on our 07:18.840 --> 07:22.470 website. debanked.com. And these are guys that you know, some of 07:22.470 --> 07:25.290 them we are familiar with. And yeah, some of them we've never 07:25.290 --> 07:28.350 heard of. But yeah, it's definitely worth a shot. And 07:28.380 --> 07:31.020 there's towards the bottom. You know, if you don't see your 07:31.020 --> 07:34.560 name, and you know you think we forgot you, let us know, you can 07:35.010 --> 07:38.460 email us at info@debanked.com. You know, and we definitely want 07:38.460 --> 07:39.540 to hear from you guys out there. 07:39.600 --> 07:41.777 Sean Murray: Yeah, and for exactly. And, you know, we're 07:41.828 --> 07:44.461 not perfect. So it's 5000 companies is a lot to scan 07:44.512 --> 07:47.601 through. So if we missed one, you know, please forgive us and 07:47.652 --> 07:50.690 let us know we'll add you if you're a small business finance 07:50.741 --> 07:53.830 company. Last year, we did a fintech. But, you know, yeah you 07:53.881 --> 07:57.071 just mentioned there was a few on here that we know like Pierce 07:57.122 --> 08:00.160 Capital, somebody that we're familiar with, Channel Partners 08:00.211 --> 08:03.401 Capital, ApplePie Capital, NAB, Forward Financing. So there are 08:03.452 --> 08:06.592 some stalwarts of the industry that are still on the list. And 08:06.642 --> 08:09.732 then there's some that are not on here for some reason, maybe 08:09.782 --> 08:12.770 because they didn't grow we don't know. But yeah, if you're 08:12.821 --> 08:15.859 not on here, and you shouldn't you felt like you should have 08:15.910 --> 08:18.240 been. Yeah, shoot us an email like Johny said,