00:00.000 --> 00:03.900 Sean Murray: So there's a company called MJ Capital Funds. 00:03.900 --> 00:06.600 This story is literally pretty fresh. Yeah. Like just happened. 00:06.600 --> 00:08.280 Johny Fernandez: Just happened in like the last 20 minutes. 00:08.280 --> 00:10.760 Sean Murray: Yeah, we found out about in the last 20 minutes. So 00:10.760 --> 00:15.680 there's a company down in South Florida called MJ Capital and MJ 00:15.680 --> 00:19.700 Capital was just charged by the Securities and Exchange 00:19.700 --> 00:24.380 Commission with committing a very large Ponzi scheme. So the 00:24.380 --> 00:30.110 charges are securities fraud. And it's alleged that the owners 00:30.140 --> 00:33.440 took or the owner owners I'm not sure exactly, they allege they 00:33.440 --> 00:34.160 put one person. 00:34.160 --> 00:35.240 Johny Fernandez: They put one person's name. 00:35.300 --> 00:38.960 Sean Murray: One person's name, and it's alleged that she took 00:38.960 --> 00:45.320 in between what was it 70 to $120 million from investors in 00:45.320 --> 00:50.480 under one year's time. And what she claimed she was doing with 00:50.480 --> 00:54.800 the money was that she was making MCA's and small business 00:54.800 --> 00:57.920 loans. So we went to the website, we checked them out 00:57.920 --> 01:00.860 online, right before we came on. Yep. Right. And it looked like 01:01.040 --> 01:04.220 you're run of the mill shop that we would normally report on, 01:04.250 --> 01:07.370 business lender MCA, we buy future receivables we'll fund 01:07.370 --> 01:09.680 your business, all that stuff, right? It's everything like 01:09.710 --> 01:12.410 normal. Yeah. As far as that we could tell. Yeah. Right. We went 01:12.410 --> 01:14.090 to the Instagram, went to the Twitter. 01:14.120 --> 01:17.150 Johny Fernandez: Everything looks legitimately normal. 01:17.150 --> 01:19.010 Sean Murray: Yeah, like this wasn't a company that was like, 01:19.250 --> 01:21.770 where you didn't know who the owners were, you know, super 01:21.770 --> 01:24.260 shady, you couldn't reach them, they seem to be like, embedded 01:24.260 --> 01:27.020 with like charities and stuff. And, you know, there it seemed 01:27.020 --> 01:30.890 they were very public facing. That was the impression I got 01:31.220 --> 01:36.650 from looking at it. And lo and behold, according to the SEC, 01:36.650 --> 01:40.310 they weren't really putting money into deals. In fact, the 01:40.310 --> 01:44.750 SEC said they only took they only used 2.9 million of the 100 01:44.780 --> 01:48.260 some odd million they collected to actually fund businesses. And 01:48.260 --> 01:52.730 that the rest went other places, right, to different bank 01:52.730 --> 01:56.750 accounts, entities controlled by the owner, paying like broker 01:56.750 --> 02:00.890 commissions and so forth, wasn't exactly made clear where all the 02:00.890 --> 02:03.800 money went, or how much is still there. It did mention something 02:03.800 --> 02:06.740 about cash withdrawals that the owner was using to taking some 02:06.740 --> 02:09.470 money out of the ATM. I don't know how you take 100 million 02:09.470 --> 02:10.220 out of the ATM. 02:10.340 --> 02:12.590 Johny Fernandez: To backtrack real quick regarding the story 02:12.620 --> 02:17.450 down in South Florida. For those who don't know, what exactly is 02:17.450 --> 02:21.320 a Ponzi scheme, and what what is a Ponzi scheme? 02:21.330 --> 02:23.220 Sean Murray: Okay, yeah, that's a good question. What is a Ponzi 02:23.220 --> 02:24.930 scheme, it's one thing to of lead somebody's running a Ponzi 02:24.930 --> 02:27.810 scheme, you know what what the heck is a Ponzi scheme, all 02:27.810 --> 02:31.140 right, so a Ponzi scheme is when you're taking money from new 02:31.140 --> 02:35.430 investors to paying back old investors. So in a Ponzi scheme, 02:35.460 --> 02:39.900 you're not actually investing the money, so to speak, you're 02:39.900 --> 02:42.270 giving the illusion that the money that's been invested is 02:42.300 --> 02:45.450 earning a return. The problem is that at some point, you're gonna 02:45.450 --> 02:48.720 have to prove it, right. Because if you're the first investor in 02:48.720 --> 02:52.230 a Ponzi scheme, let's say you put in 100 grand, and you were 02:52.230 --> 02:55.740 promised that your 100 grand has earned 20 grand, at some point, 02:55.740 --> 02:59.550 you're gonna be like, That's awesome. I'll take my 120k right 02:59.550 --> 03:03.360 now, right. And if you don't want the scheme to blow up right 03:03.360 --> 03:06.300 out of the gate, well, you're gonna have to come up with 120k 03:06.930 --> 03:09.360 as proof that everything worked, even though you didn't do 03:09.360 --> 03:11.910 anything with the money, or you tried and it failed, or 03:11.910 --> 03:15.840 whatever, right. So what you do in a Ponzi scheme is you then 03:16.170 --> 03:19.710 raise money from new investors and say, hey, I'll borrow, you 03:19.710 --> 03:22.410 know, I'll raise 500k from you, I'll take a million from you, 03:22.410 --> 03:25.260 I'll take 100k from you, right. And then you take from that 03:25.260 --> 03:28.230 money, you take 120k, and you give it to the first person, 03:28.560 --> 03:32.940 they get their 120k. It serves as proof that this that 03:32.940 --> 03:36.240 everything is legitimate, because the first guy got paid 03:36.240 --> 03:40.440 out his initial investment, plus a nice hefty return. And now all 03:40.440 --> 03:42.510 these other people are like, whoa, did you hear so and so 03:42.720 --> 03:46.860 turned his 100k into 120k, and they got paid out, it's legit, 03:46.890 --> 03:49.290 this person is not going to steal your money. But that money 03:49.290 --> 03:53.010 was taken from the other investors. The problem is, those 03:53.010 --> 03:55.710 investors are also expecting a nice hefty return on their 03:55.710 --> 03:59.730 money, but 120k of it just went out the door. So now that money 03:59.760 --> 04:02.610 now there's a shortfall, and she's promising, or he's 04:02.610 --> 04:06.360 promising a return on the actual amount, so now she's got to come 04:06.360 --> 04:09.630 up with even more for when those people want to cash out. So 04:09.630 --> 04:12.330 she's going to use proof of the first person getting paid out to 04:12.330 --> 04:14.910 convince other people to invest. And so you bring in other 04:14.910 --> 04:17.160 people, and when these people want to get paid out and take 04:17.160 --> 04:19.980 money from them, they pay out these people, and you keep going 04:20.010 --> 04:23.070 up and up and up and up and up, up the chain. And then the way 04:23.070 --> 04:27.720 that you can try to prevent a a Ponzi scheme from folding is 04:27.720 --> 04:31.260 that you convince people not to cash out, you tell them there's 04:31.260 --> 04:34.320 a penalty for cashing out. You tell them that you're going to 04:34.320 --> 04:36.570 reinvest their money and make even more money, you have to do 04:36.570 --> 04:38.790 everything in your power to prevent them from cashing out 04:38.790 --> 04:42.030 because the Ponzi scheme will collapse a lot quicker, hence, 04:42.330 --> 04:45.960 made off, made off was if you pull your money out, you can 04:45.960 --> 04:48.450 never come back in. Yeah. And why was that? Because he 04:48.450 --> 04:50.850 couldn't afford to have anyone pull out because the whole 04:50.850 --> 04:53.130 scheme would start to unravel. Yeah. So everyone's got to keep 04:53.130 --> 04:55.740 the money in because it's a fraud. Right. And there's no 04:55.740 --> 04:56.490 actual business. 04:56.520 --> 04:59.100 Johny Fernandez: Yeah, and I think we were reading according 04:59.100 --> 05:05.880 to the legal documents you know that this was all uncovered when 05:05.880 --> 05:11.400 someone decided to number one ring the alarm, but then also an 05:11.400 --> 05:16.320 undercover informant decided to invest some money in and see 05:16.320 --> 05:20.290 Sean Murray: Oh, yeah, that's that was kind of a twist in all 05:20.290 --> 05:20.350 what it was all about. 05:20.350 --> 05:20.980 this right so. 05:20.980 --> 05:22.180 Johny Fernandez: The undercover FBI agent. 05:22.180 --> 05:24.988 Sean Murray: Undercover FBI. So how did this all come? How did 05:24.988 --> 05:25.047 Johny Fernandez: How many people? 05:25.047 --> 05:28.689 this all even come out? Because this company raised more than 05:28.689 --> 05:32.331 100 million or between 7, 70 and $120 million in under a year. 05:32.390 --> 05:35.855 How did it how did it? How did it collapse? How do they get 05:35.914 --> 05:39.380 found out? That's the first thing we wondered. Yeah. Right. 05:39.439 --> 05:43.198 Because I just explained to you how it works. So someone alleged 05:43.198 --> 05:43.257 Sean Murray: Allegedly, allegedly. These are 05:43.257 --> 05:46.899 that this company was a Ponzi scheme in a very public way. The 05:46.958 --> 05:50.130 company that was sued MJ Capital, then sued the person 05:50.189 --> 05:53.831 alleging they were a Ponzi. And they won the lawsuit. They won 05:53.890 --> 05:57.355 the lawsuit and, and shut out the person who was making the 05:57.414 --> 06:01.174 allegation. And so they came out victorious, almost almost like, 06:01.174 --> 06:01.174 allegations, more than 2000 people invested more than 2000 06:01.232 --> 06:04.816 you know, as further proof that this was not a Ponzi. At some 06:04.875 --> 06:07.870 point, though, the FBI was following along and they 06:07.929 --> 06:11.219 strolled into the into the office twice, they first came 06:11.278 --> 06:14.508 in, and like it said, like in June this past June, this 06:14.567 --> 06:17.798 literally just recently happened. And they pretended to 06:17.857 --> 06:21.440 be an investor. And the reason we're telling you all this, is 06:21.499 --> 06:25.200 because guess what these type of offers occur out there all the 06:25.258 --> 06:28.959 time, she was raising money for syndication. Hello, if you were 06:29.018 --> 06:32.366 investing in MCA, or you know deals or business loans, or 06:32.425 --> 06:35.832 whatever and they're going to tell you, you're gonna get a 06:35.891 --> 06:39.357 nice return on your investment, pay attention to what we're 06:39.416 --> 06:42.646 telling you. He was promising between 120, 180% returns 06:42.705 --> 06:46.406 annually, which that number is not uncommon to be thrown around 06:46.465 --> 06:50.048 in the MCA industry. So they weren't even outrageous compared 06:50.107 --> 06:53.514 to what other people would say. Not that you can expect to 06:53.573 --> 06:57.215 really make that amount, but it wasn't out of control. Someone 06:57.274 --> 07:00.798 else might look at that number and look around and see other 07:00.857 --> 07:03.970 people kind of throwing out similar numbers. And this 07:04.029 --> 07:07.612 company was able to raise $100 million dollars in syndication 07:07.671 --> 07:10.902 money, right, look legit, everything looks fine, right? 07:10.961 --> 07:14.427 They they even won a lawsuit said that they were in a Ponzi 07:14.485 --> 07:18.127 scheme. But they were a Ponzi scheme. Right. And what did they 07:18.186 --> 07:21.828 do with the money? They didn't make any deals, they funded 2.9 07:21.887 --> 07:25.470 million of the worth the 100 million so on money, 100 million 07:25.529 --> 07:28.760 some odd dollars that they collected FBI, went in there 07:28.819 --> 07:32.402 undercover, pretended to be a syndicate, the FBI pretended to 07:32.461 --> 07:36.103 be an MCA syndicator. And they said I want to put in. Yeah, so 07:36.162 --> 07:39.627 first they came in and say I want to put this. Yeah, I want 07:39.686 --> 07:43.269 to put in 10k I want to put 10k into deals. She was like, all 07:43.328 --> 07:46.912 right, put you into deals. So FBI actually became a syndicate 07:46.970 --> 07:50.671 in the Ponzi scheme, watch the money not do anything. Then they 07:50.730 --> 07:54.254 came back a second time and did it again. Right. And so now, 07:54.313 --> 07:57.662 then they got a firsthand glimpse as to what was actually 07:57.720 --> 08:01.362 happening and not happening. And I assuming that they recorded 08:01.421 --> 08:05.004 all these encounters. Right. So this MCA syndicate was really 08:05.063 --> 08:08.353 the FBI. And just in the last week, the SEC shut down MJ 08:08.412 --> 08:12.112 Capital alleged it to be a Ponzi scheme. And yeah, I mean, it's 08:12.171 --> 08:15.754 the the the consequences, and the collateral damage, are only 08:15.813 --> 08:19.455 beginning to be felt as people just start to find out because, 08:19.514 --> 08:22.158 you want to know how many people she tricked? 08:29.800 --> 08:34.330 syndicates invested in this fake, allegedly fake, MCA 08:34.330 --> 08:36.400 company that looks like a legit company. 08:36.430 --> 08:38.020 Johny Fernandez: This was all in a year period. 08:38.050 --> 08:43.150 Sean Murray: All in a year. Pay attention people. Be be wary of 08:43.150 --> 08:45.550 your syndicates, if you're doing, if you're up to no good, 08:45.640 --> 08:49.270 right, but also don't start a Ponzi scheme. And if you're a 08:49.270 --> 08:51.610 syndicate pay attention to who you're investing in. 08:51.640 --> 08:52.960 Johny Fernandez: Well, and I think what's interesting is 08:52.990 --> 08:55.870 like, according to the legal documents, again, these are the 08:55.870 --> 09:00.730 allegations, and the fact that everything played out, you know, 09:00.730 --> 09:06.370 she or they decided to protect themselves to continue to make 09:06.370 --> 09:12.640 sure they look legitimate after you know, being sued after other 09:12.640 --> 09:16.360 people saying hey, like they're fake. And then after an FBI 09:16.390 --> 09:20.740 undercover FBI person comes in does the deal with them, you 09:20.740 --> 09:24.310 know, they pretty much were able to ride that out until, you 09:24.310 --> 09:29.080 know, the last couple of days where things blew up. So it's 09:29.080 --> 09:31.690 definitely gonna be interesting to see how this will play out. 09:31.870 --> 09:33.970 Sean Murray: Yeah, this is this is really up there in terms of 09:33.970 --> 09:38.620 the scale of of the alleged fraud. Yes. I think a another 09:38.650 --> 09:41.200 another big one that happened down there was a company called 09:41.530 --> 09:45.160 One Global Capital and if I'm not mistaken, that was that was 09:45.280 --> 09:48.040 more or less a Ponzi scheme and the size of that one was around 09:48.070 --> 09:49.810 300. I think around $300 million. 09:50.290 --> 09:51.760 Johny Fernandez: Do you know, do you remember what the time 09:51.760 --> 09:53.350 length of them being in business? 09:54.070 --> 09:55.120 Sean Murray: A lot longer than this one. 09:55.810 --> 09:58.060 Johny Fernandez: I find it interesting that within a year 09:58.060 --> 09:58.630 period. 09:58.930 --> 10:00.940 Sean Murray: Yeah. This is the thing this is an insane amount 10:00.940 --> 10:02.110 of money to raise in one year. 10:02.110 --> 10:02.860 Johny Fernandez: In one year. Yeah. 10:02.860 --> 10:05.386 Sean Murray: Yeah, for it to not be real, the fact that they were 10:05.440 --> 10:08.580 able to raise, you know, close to 100 million or more, they 10:08.580 --> 10:08.633 Johny Fernandez: This is a great example. Yeah. Yeah. 10:08.633 --> 10:11.933 said up to 120 million, they're not even entirely sure. Right, 10:11.987 --> 10:15.127 in a year's time is absolutely incredible. The next largest 10:15.180 --> 10:18.374 scheme that I know of in that area was One Global Capital. I 10:18.347 --> 10:18.427 Sean Murray: Look what happens more than 2000 people invested 10:18.427 --> 10:21.568 think they had raised like, 300 some odd million dollars, I 10:21.621 --> 10:24.655 think, what was the total amount, and this was done, that 10:24.708 --> 10:25.010 was done over like, like seven years or something, here's 10:25.010 --> 10:26.450 into this in a year. That's ridiculous. 10:26.450 --> 10:30.260 Johny Fernandez: And out of all years, so that's technically. 10:30.260 --> 10:31.255 someone, here's someone who went out and raised $100 million in a 10:31.225 --> 11:31.309 Out of all years. From 2020 to 2021. This all. 10:31.309 --> 10:34.715 year, made $2.9 million worth of deals, and then operated like a 10:34.768 --> 10:37.962 Ponzi scheme, allegedly, you know, from what from what we're 10:38.015 --> 10:41.422 being told, it's just insane. If you're being offered, you know, 10:41.475 --> 10:44.456 these, these high rates of return 120% ,180%, syndicate, 10:44.509 --> 10:47.490 MCA Business Loan, blah, blah, blah, be very, very, very 10:47.543 --> 10:50.631 careful and cautious. A lot of people are not not truthful 10:50.684 --> 10:53.611 about what they're doing. And they even might have good 10:53.665 --> 10:56.432 intentions in the in the beginning. But they're just 10:56.486 --> 10:59.839 terrible managers of money. They don't know what they're doing. 10:59.892 --> 11:03.086 There's a proper way to do MCA, MCA syndication, you have to 11:03.139 --> 11:06.226 follow securities' laws. If you do it, there needs to be a 11:06.280 --> 11:09.633 securities attorney involved. If you're gonna offer syndication 11:09.686 --> 11:12.986 if it just some person saying yeah, I'll invest in deals. I'll 11:13.040 --> 11:16.500 give, you a note, give you a big return blah, blah, blah. I mean. 11:35.000 --> 11:37.610 Sean Murray: Yeah, I just, it just, it's, it's so upsetting, 11:37.640 --> 11:41.210 because, you know, not that we're responsible for killing 11:41.210 --> 11:45.680 people, right? But. But this is, it's a scam, a legit scam. It's 11:45.680 --> 11:49.820 a legit scheme that has played out so many times before. And to 11:49.820 --> 11:51.950 see so many people rush rush to get it. 11:51.950 --> 11:54.033 Johny Fernandez: And I think this goes back to one of the 11:54.086 --> 11:57.393 earlier videos that we did was that yes do your due diligence. 11:57.446 --> 12:00.700 You have to really do your due diligence when you're making a 12:00.753 --> 12:04.113 deal. Doesn't matter what type of deal, it doesn't matter where 12:04.166 --> 12:07.633 you are, on the ladder, how many years of experience if you don't 12:07.686 --> 12:10.673 do your due diligence, as a business owner, as a client, 12:10.726 --> 12:13.500 etc. This is where you end up losing a ton of money. 12:14.220 --> 12:16.080 Sean Murray: Yeah, do your due diligence and doing due 12:16.080 --> 12:18.360 diligence isn't looking at their Instagram profile. 12:19.710 --> 12:22.696 Johny Fernandez: We did that. And it was legitimate, like she 12:22.764 --> 12:26.430 was working with like local charities, local community 12:26.498 --> 12:29.010 organizations, that you're like, wow. 12:29.010 --> 12:31.608 Sean Murray: They had a website, a YouTube channel. They had, you 12:31.658 --> 12:34.506 know, they were involved with charities, they were public 12:34.556 --> 12:37.354 facing, they weren't hiding in some shady back office or 12:37.404 --> 12:40.302 whatever, that made it look legit. By the way, that is not 12:40.352 --> 12:43.400 due diligence. That's something we do to just talk about on a 12:43.450 --> 12:46.598 show. You need to do real things like look at their financials, 12:46.648 --> 12:49.746 go through their systems, find out who's auditing the platform 12:49.796 --> 12:52.994 that the money's being invested on. That's due diligence, do not 12:53.044 --> 12:55.942 look at your social media and say, this looks legit to me, 12:55.992 --> 12:58.791 because that's how they intentionally are trying to fool 12:58.840 --> 13:00.390 you. Yeah. I'm pretty, I'm mad. 13:00.390 --> 13:02.978 Johny Fernandez: No, I, I think, I think the one thing that 13:03.040 --> 13:06.615 baffles me is that, like you said, this is we've seen this 13:06.676 --> 13:10.560 time and time and time again, and some people just don't learn. 13:10.560 --> 13:13.403 Sean Murray: They don't learn. I hope you learn now. For any of 13:13.460 --> 13:16.986 you out there who are, you know, thinking about syndicating or 13:17.043 --> 13:20.171 investing in deals, you got to be extremely, extremely, 13:20.228 --> 13:24.210 extremely careful. Because, you know, this had happened so many times. 13:24.210 --> 13:26.280 Johny Fernandez: And it will continue to happen. 13:26.280 --> 13:27.540 Sean Murray: It will continue to happen. 13:27.540 --> 13:29.400 Johny Fernandez: Just however long we're on this earth. 13:31.200 --> 13:33.338 Sean Murray: You know, for like reporters and stuff it's great 13:33.381 --> 13:36.480 because it's news, but I feel bad for all the people who were affected. 13:36.480 --> 13:37.680 Johny Fernandez: Yeah, absolutely. 13:37.680 --> 13:38.460 Sean Murray: It's a shame