00:00.000 --> 00:02.940 Johny Fernandez: His advice for those looking to hire an accountant is to 00:02.940 --> 00:03.840 choose wisely. 00:03.990 --> 00:06.990 David Roitblat: The number one thing before anybody hires an accountant or 00:06.990 --> 00:11.460 bookkeeper, they should always make sure that they understand the principles of 00:11.460 --> 00:16.290 accounting. And the reason why that's so important is that when you when you book 00:16.290 --> 00:20.610 an item in QuickBooks and CRM system, eventually that ends up on the income 00:20.610 --> 00:25.890 statement and balance sheet. If you book the item wrong, you're gonna mess up the 00:25.890 --> 00:30.090 income statement and balance sheet. If the person you're hiring, understands 00:30.090 --> 00:36.150 accounting principles, they're, they're not likely to make those same typical 00:36.150 --> 00:42.690 bookkeeping mistakes. So that's number one, is to be more specific with the MCA 00:42.690 --> 00:46.380 space. You want to make sure that the that whoever you're hiring understands 00:46.380 --> 00:50.820 the difference between a loan and the difference between an events, and all 00:50.820 --> 00:56.010 parts of that they have to understand how syndicators want to see their 00:56.010 --> 00:59.040 reports. They have to understand how hedge funds want to see the reports, and 00:59.040 --> 01:03.630 they have them sent how a typical investor wants to see the reports. And 01:03.630 --> 01:07.080 then of course they also have them send how the owner of the MCA wants to see 01:07.080 --> 01:07.710 the reports.