00:00.600 --> 00:02.760 Johny Fernandez: What is a daily average balance? 00:04.130 --> 00:08.180 Sean Murray: What is a daily average balance? So this comes 00:08.180 --> 00:12.530 up again in underwriting kind of like monthly deposits. So, a 00:12.530 --> 00:16.340 daily average balance is a factor that underwriters use to 00:16.340 --> 00:20.450 gauge the cash flow of a business. Because if, if the 00:20.450 --> 00:24.260 success of the deal hinges upon pulling out a percentage of 00:24.260 --> 00:27.260 future receivables, then they're gonna need to be able to keep 00:27.440 --> 00:30.890 cash in the bank in order for this all to work out. And so 00:30.890 --> 00:33.920 they're not only gonna evaluate monthly deposits, and the 00:33.920 --> 00:36.110 frequency of deposits, but they're going to look to see how 00:36.110 --> 00:38.540 much money ends up staying in the bank. And they're gonna look 00:38.540 --> 00:43.550 at it on on a sort of an average daily basis. It's cause you 00:43.550 --> 00:46.310 can't just have money in the account at the end of the month, 00:46.310 --> 00:49.730 but nothing in there for the other 29 days, right. So they're 00:49.730 --> 00:53.060 gonna look at look at on average, how much you keep in 00:53.060 --> 00:55.280 the bank account. And that's going to play a factor into an 00:55.280 --> 01:00.170 approval. Because if the if the, if the goal is to debit, say, 01:00.200 --> 01:05.390 $1,000 per week, from the account, and the average daily 01:05.390 --> 01:09.110 ending balance is about 50 bucks, well, there's a high 01:09.110 --> 01:13.340 likelihood that we're gonna head into either NSFs or overdrafts 01:13.760 --> 01:16.850 and that funder may not be able to get their money, right. And 01:16.850 --> 01:20.210 it might be terms that are just, you know, that don't work for 01:20.210 --> 01:23.360 the merchant. So the average daily ending balance is 01:23.360 --> 01:26.060 something that underwriters look at to figure out whether or not 01:26.210 --> 01:29.000 the terms of the deal are compatible with the cash flow of 01:29.000 --> 01:29.660 the business.