00:00.000 --> 00:03.090 Johny Fernandez: The next question is how can lenders meet brokers? 00:03.750 --> 00:07.950 Sean Murray: How can lenders meet brokers? Well, if we're talking about 00:08.700 --> 00:13.650 offline Broker Fair, obviously, right? If you're if you're a lender, you want 00:13.650 --> 00:16.500 to meet brokers, I'm assuming you're talking about in person, you have to 00:16.500 --> 00:19.500 come to Broker Fair, you can probably come to our other shows, too. We call 00:19.500 --> 00:23.700 the other shows deBanked Connect. They're not as broker centric, but we do 00:23.700 --> 00:27.510 get a lot of brokers at them by virtue of where we hold the shows. We hold them 00:27.510 --> 00:32.820 in broker heavy communities in the country. And we do have a pretty large 00:32.820 --> 00:37.410 following from brokers. So if you're a lender who wants to meet brokers, I 00:37.410 --> 00:41.340 highly recommend a deBanked conference and specifically Broker Fair.