00:00.000 --> 00:03.720 Johny Fernandez: I think one thing and this is very, very weird, but I'm just 00:03.720 --> 00:08.850 going to share this with everyone that taking off your shoes is a massive Game 00:08.850 --> 00:12.240 Changer when you get home and when you're making phone calls, I read 00:12.240 --> 00:15.330 something. It's scientifically proven that when you take off your shoes that 00:15.330 --> 00:19.860 you work with, for some reason your body registers that it's time to relax. It's 00:19.860 --> 00:24.810 time to, to like not do anything. It's time to just chill by taking off your 00:24.810 --> 00:28.980 shoes, and I realized that when I take off my shoes after a day after day at 00:28.980 --> 00:35.100 the office, for some reason once the shoes are off, mentally I'm checked out. 00:36.300 --> 00:38.520 Sean Murray: Alright, so yeah, got it. You got to be out. You got to keep the 00:38.520 --> 00:38.940 shoes on 00:38.940 --> 00:43.080 Johny Fernandez: Keep your shoes on. Stay saying the game. Yeah. Because you 00:43.080 --> 00:43.920 don't want to slack off 00:43.920 --> 00:47.010 Sean Murray: Because what the shoes comes off. It's over. 00:47.040 --> 00:49.920 Johny Fernandez: And I didn't share this with you. But I'm saying this. Now. It's 00:49.920 --> 00:52.920 something that it's scientifically proven when you take off your shoes. 00:53.130 --> 00:56.250 After a long day work for some reason you just check out mentally. 00:57.000 --> 00:58.500 Sean Murray: Okay, that's great information. 00:58.500 --> 01:00.480 Johny Fernandez: Yeah. So that's my phone. 01:00.690 --> 01:01.650 Sean Murray: Keep your shoes on out there! 01:01.680 --> 01:03.510 Johny Fernandez: Keep your shoes on and make good phone calls.