00:01.500 --> 00:03.420 Johny Fernandez: Through this last year, kind of how did you 00:03.420 --> 00:04.890 guys handle 2020? 00:04.890 --> 00:09.130 Yokesha Cox: Oh, wow, 2020 was not as difficult for us. And as 00:09.130 --> 00:11.680 challenging for us as it was for other companies, we actually 00:11.680 --> 00:16.600 hired over 100 people in 2020. We navigated through working 00:16.600 --> 00:20.680 from the office to working hot from home very successfully, we 00:20.680 --> 00:23.800 are family. So we believe in one trust. So we just took our 00:23.800 --> 00:26.530 family from the office and made our family home, we incorporated 00:26.530 --> 00:29.980 teams and zoom and anything that kept us connected, that's what 00:29.980 --> 00:30.430 we did. 00:30.700 --> 00:33.580 Johny Fernandez: So moving forward to 2021. Everyone's 00:33.580 --> 00:36.430 coming back with a bang. How are you guys gonna move forward? 00:36.510 --> 00:39.090 Yokesha Cox: We are everywhere we need to be as an 00:39.090 --> 00:42.030 organization, one of the great things is that now we're able to 00:42.030 --> 00:44.670 travel. So we're able to make that face to face connection, 00:44.670 --> 00:47.370 we're able to speak with our clients, we're able to just have 00:47.370 --> 00:50.250 those conversations and figure out what it is they need. So 00:50.250 --> 00:53.070 whatever that we can do for them, we can just move forward 00:53.070 --> 00:53.460 with them. 00:53.670 --> 00:56.161 Johny Fernandez: So talk to me as a minority in this space. And 00:56.215 --> 00:59.411 as a female, what does it mean for you to come here and see 00:59.465 --> 01:02.931 other females also in the space, when it's an all boys club, for 01:02.985 --> 01:04.340 the most part indefinite. 01:04.350 --> 01:06.569 Yokesha Cox: It has been beautiful for me as an African 01:06.621 --> 01:09.844 American woman to walk in this space and see other women that 01:09.897 --> 01:13.120 look like me. There have been times where I've been to events 01:13.173 --> 01:16.396 such as this, and I'm the only female, I'm the only woman and 01:16.449 --> 01:19.249 then I'm the only woman of color. So to see how we've 01:19.302 --> 01:22.631 transcended those walls and it's no longer a boys club. It's an 01:22.684 --> 01:25.590 us club. And to see the women in here, it's phenomenal. 01:25.890 --> 01:27.820 Johny Fernandez: Any advice for females that are either 01:27.871 --> 01:30.969 interested in getting into the space or are nervous that they 01:31.020 --> 01:33.966 won't see as many females or minority females of their you 01:34.017 --> 01:37.014 know, skin tone in this space. Any advice to them, that are 01:37.065 --> 01:37.980 trying to jump in? 01:38.220 --> 01:40.479 Yokesha Cox: Take that step. Just because you don't see us 01:40.529 --> 01:43.291 doesn't mean that we're not here. We are here sometimes 01:43.341 --> 01:46.455 behind the scenes. I'm in sales operations. So you may not see 01:46.505 --> 01:49.618 me in the forefront, but I'm in the background working so take 01:49.668 --> 01:52.782 that step. Believe in yourself and trust and believe there are 01:52.832 --> 01:55.694 women in this industry and we are heavy hitters and heavy 01:55.744 --> 01:57.000 players in this industry.