00:01.590 --> 00:03.420 Johny Fernandez: So far being here, what have you seen? What 00:03.420 --> 00:06.900 have you observed so far about just the come back in the space? 00:07.530 --> 00:10.410 Justin Novak: Well, first of all, it's good to be back, here 00:10.410 --> 00:14.220 live with people, you know, we've all been kind of cooped up 00:14.220 --> 00:17.670 stuck at home past 12 months and some change. So it's just good 00:17.670 --> 00:22.260 to be back and meeting new people. And feeling like, you 00:22.260 --> 00:26.070 know, a lot of innovation happening in the space, I'm new 00:26.070 --> 00:30.690 to the payments world, I come from an e-commerce background. 00:30.870 --> 00:33.900 And so there's just so much to learn, which is it's 00:33.900 --> 00:34.770 fascinating. 00:35.370 --> 00:37.350 Johny Fernandez: So as someone that's new, and that's, you 00:37.350 --> 00:42.330 know, still under the age of 30, let's walk us through, like, how 00:42.330 --> 00:44.820 have you seen the younger generation kind of walking in 00:44.970 --> 00:46.350 and taking over the space? 00:48.510 --> 00:50.779 Justin Novak: They, I mean, they're brilliant, you know, 00:50.833 --> 00:53.859 they're motivated, they're hungry. And I think there's a 00:53.913 --> 00:57.425 lot we can learn from them. Even me being 28. And I have a lot of 00:57.479 --> 01:00.775 mentors that are older than me, but I also have, like cousins 01:00.829 --> 01:04.071 and friends and colleagues who are younger than me that I've 01:04.125 --> 01:07.367 realized there's so much to learn from them and just the way 01:07.421 --> 01:08.880 they think about the world. 01:08.880 --> 01:11.047 Johny Fernandez: And what advice would you give someone that's 01:11.095 --> 01:14.033 looking to get into the space that's either completely new to 01:14.081 --> 01:16.923 the whole concept of it, or someone that's young and that's 01:16.971 --> 01:17.790 trying to get in? 01:18.510 --> 01:21.714 Justin Novak: Yeah, there's so much change happening in this 01:21.784 --> 01:25.755 space and there's so many opportunities to to find a work 01:25.825 --> 01:29.935 environment that's, that's suitable for you. I feel back in 01:30.005 --> 01:34.394 the day, traditional finance, it was very what's the word? Like 01:34.464 --> 01:38.644 it was, tt wasn't for everyone. But nowadays, with like, say 01:38.714 --> 01:42.964 crypto, you know, it's it's more open minded, so maybe that's 01:43.033 --> 01:46.726 more suitable for you. And there's a lot of different 01:46.795 --> 01:50.976 shades in between traditional finance and crypto. So I think 01:51.045 --> 01:54.599 you know, there's something out there for everyone.