00:03.120 --> 00:05.460 Johny Fernandez: Welcome back, you guys. We are live here from 00:05.460 --> 00:10.200 Bonita Springs at the 21st annual SEAA annual conference. 00:10.230 --> 00:11.280 Sean, do you hear that? 00:11.460 --> 00:13.020 Sean Murray: I do I hear music playing already. 00:13.200 --> 00:14.610 Johny Fernandez: It's it's coming to life. 00:14.640 --> 00:15.000 Sean Murray: Yeah. 00:15.000 --> 00:15.250 Johny Fernandez: We're back in full swing. We got Sean, Toucan 00:15.250 --> 00:15.630 Johny Fernandez: We're back 00:15.630 --> 00:15.900 Sean Murray: Yeah. 00:18.720 --> 00:24.180 Sean or Tou Sean. Yeah. And Johny Fernandez here, Sean. I 00:24.180 --> 00:27.780 love the music. It's vibrant energy. Yeah. So Sean real 00:27.780 --> 00:31.290 quick, let's really, really quick recap. So we've talked to 00:31.290 --> 00:35.370 different people in the payment world, kind of what they've told 00:35.400 --> 00:39.660 us about just being here. And also just overall, how they've 00:39.690 --> 00:43.350 moved forward after a crazy year. So you spoke with Shawn. 00:43.380 --> 00:45.330 Yeah. Go ahead and walk us through that not this Sean 00:45.330 --> 00:46.650 there's another. Go ahead. 00:46.660 --> 00:48.730 Sean Murray: The other Shawn, Shawn Smith from Dedicated. 00:48.730 --> 00:50.410 Yeah, we were just talking earlier if you if you didn't 00:50.410 --> 00:53.530 catch it before, what was interesting about his firm is 00:53.530 --> 00:56.350 that he works in the collections field, and you might think 00:56.350 --> 00:58.510 intuitively, that collections probably did pretty good, 00:59.050 --> 01:01.930 because of COVID. Because a lot of people probably had to stop 01:01.930 --> 01:03.520 their payments, pause their payments, and that would be a 01:03.520 --> 01:05.680 good opportunity for a collections firm. He actually 01:05.680 --> 01:09.070 said his company grew by three times. And he went from 30 01:09.070 --> 01:13.540 employees to 90 employees. Now that's like a massive increase. 01:13.540 --> 01:18.040 Yeah. And part of it, it wasn't just people needing to go on 01:18.070 --> 01:21.970 collection plans or whatever. It was also, lending companies, 01:22.000 --> 01:26.350 funding companies, who realized that their own internal customer 01:26.350 --> 01:29.830 support could not manage collections. So he saw a huge 01:29.830 --> 01:32.380 inflow for when he was telling me from companies managing their 01:32.380 --> 01:35.350 internal collections. And then finally, finally, using the 01:35.350 --> 01:37.510 resources of a third party collections companies, he said, 01:37.510 --> 01:39.820 that was like a really big part of it. Because if you work in 01:39.820 --> 01:43.600 the financial field, people like to bring things in house, not 01:43.600 --> 01:47.020 bring things, you know, to a third party where you might lose 01:47.020 --> 01:49.930 some of the control over your data, it might cost you more, 01:50.230 --> 01:52.930 but when COVID hit I think people said, okay, we can't do 01:52.930 --> 01:55.450 this on our own. And so his company actually grew by triple, 01:55.480 --> 01:57.040 which I thought was unbelievable. 01:57.040 --> 01:59.800 Johny Fernandez: Yeah. And same thing, with Sam Shapiro from 01:59.830 --> 02:03.340 Fundomate, similar situation, you know, he was actually, you 02:03.340 --> 02:06.100 know, COVID, hit, you know, they kind of had to kind of figure 02:06.100 --> 02:08.890 out what they were gonna do, they panicked, but as COVID 02:08.890 --> 02:12.550 started to go on, and that year and a half, he also, you know, 02:12.550 --> 02:15.640 pretty much ended up recovering and growing. And now they're 02:15.640 --> 02:18.010 kind of moving on to different projects. And it's really 02:18.010 --> 02:21.100 interesting to see that many people that we've talked to here 02:21.190 --> 02:25.420 in the world in the cash payment world, in the sorry, credit 02:25.420 --> 02:28.690 payment world, that they are really looking forward to what's 02:28.690 --> 02:28.850 Sean Murray: This is the cash conference, right. Cash 02:28.850 --> 02:28.900 coming up. 02:30.446 --> 02:33.483 conference. Only can only cash, here. Yeah, that's it. Yeah no, 02:33.531 --> 02:34.110 no payments. 02:34.110 --> 02:36.610 Johny Fernandez: No payments. But it's interesting to see how 02:36.610 --> 02:40.690 like, this whole world is changing the way we live our 02:40.690 --> 02:44.500 life, because of what's happened to us. Now. Everything's credit 02:44.500 --> 02:46.810 payment, you know, everything is, you know, kind of like what 02:46.810 --> 02:49.840 we talked about just, you know, through a credit card, or the 02:49.840 --> 02:53.020 different forms of payment, whether it's similar to a Square 02:53.050 --> 02:56.860 or a Venmo, or anything of that nature, and seeing how quickly 02:56.860 --> 02:59.680 things have accelerated from, you know, people like a taxi 02:59.680 --> 03:02.470 driver, not wanting to take credit to now like, that's 03:02.560 --> 03:04.630 pretty much the only thing they see, that's the only thing they 03:04.630 --> 03:06.970 use nowadays, especially in places like New York, where 03:06.970 --> 03:09.850 we're from. So it's really interesting to see that. And 03:09.850 --> 03:12.460 also, I think, something that we've heard from different 03:12.460 --> 03:15.580 people that we've talked to whether it was here on set or 03:15.760 --> 03:18.430 out, like, you know, just talking to people in the 03:18.430 --> 03:21.640 reception area, that people are excited to be here. They want to 03:21.640 --> 03:24.850 be here, you know, and we did speak with the event organizers, 03:24.850 --> 03:29.140 one of the guys from the board of directors, Derek, and he also 03:29.140 --> 03:32.470 chatted with us about that there's more than 900 plus 03:32.470 --> 03:33.580 people here alone. 03:33.540 --> 03:35.161 Sean Murray: I think he said over 1000, when you count 03:35.161 --> 03:37.140 walkins. Yeah. When he when he count the walkins. 03:37.140 --> 03:39.250 Johny Fernandez: So yeah, it's interesting. And you can really 03:39.250 --> 03:43.120 start, people can really start seeing just a difference, and 03:43.120 --> 03:46.120 where the world is going now that, you know, there's things 03:46.120 --> 03:48.850 like the vaccine and the restrictions are being lifted. 03:48.940 --> 03:52.120 He himself said that, you know, last minute, people were still 03:52.150 --> 03:55.930 wanting to sign up, there were walkins. And then also there was 03:56.290 --> 04:00.730 just a change in how they were doing things on a daily basis. 04:00.820 --> 04:04.240 So something we mentioned is that the event space is back, 04:04.330 --> 04:07.450 you know, these type of events, people want to be here. And I 04:07.450 --> 04:09.760 think that's something we've talked about before in the 04:09.760 --> 04:13.780 different shows that we've done that people are tired of Zoom, 04:13.840 --> 04:17.800 even the owner of Zoom is Zoomed out, and people want to do this 04:17.800 --> 04:21.520 we, we've seen this area right behind us packed with people, 04:21.640 --> 04:23.920 you know, people are enjoying themselves. And I think that 04:23.920 --> 04:27.610 what's what we've miss out on the most is that people actually 04:27.610 --> 04:30.280 want to be with other people and networking and being in the 04:30.280 --> 04:33.130 flesh. I've heard people tell you, oh my gosh, you're Sean 04:33.130 --> 04:37.150 Murray in the flesh in person. So that's definitely exciting. 04:37.150 --> 04:39.130 And it's definitely the vibe we've been picking up since 04:39.130 --> 04:42.700 we've been here. And it's going to be exciting for tomorrow too 04:42.820 --> 04:45.040 you know, different exhibits that are going to be happening 04:45.040 --> 04:47.620 exhibit halls that are going to be happening, the educational 04:47.620 --> 04:51.220 aspects of it, and also the networking. They have over 90 04:51.220 --> 04:55.810 booths here alone. So that's something you know that to take 04:55.810 --> 04:58.690 into consideration if you are coming and then also the 04:58.690 --> 05:02.050 different protocols that they put in place you know, despite 05:02.140 --> 05:04.750 this feeling normal, they're also taking into consideration 05:04.750 --> 05:07.690 that not everyone may feel like that, which is why we have our 05:07.690 --> 05:10.810 stickers. Yeah. We there's a yellow one, there's a red one, 05:10.960 --> 05:13.420 there's a purple one, there's a green one, each of them 05:13.420 --> 05:16.390 signifying something different. So this one have pretty much 05:16.450 --> 05:16.930 says. 05:16.960 --> 05:17.710 Sean Murray: This means you are. 05:17.740 --> 05:18.460 Johny Fernandez: Ready to party. 05:18.460 --> 05:20.820 Sean Murray: Ready to party. Yeah, I got all my shots. So you 05:20.820 --> 05:23.730 know, this isn't this isn't me just being bold you know this is 05:23.730 --> 05:26.400 me doing what I was supposed to do. And, and being you know 05:26.400 --> 05:31.140 completely safe and secure and embracing, you know, embracing 05:31.140 --> 05:33.450 the normal that I, you know, took the time to consider. 05:33.480 --> 05:34.920 Johny Fernandez: Yeah and same thing I've taken the proper 05:34.920 --> 05:37.800 precautions that I'd probably wear the green, the green 05:37.800 --> 05:40.980 sticker, you know, ready to talk to people. And something that 05:40.980 --> 05:44.100 I've seen very interesting here is that, you know, something as 05:44.130 --> 05:48.360 simple as a simple handshake. I see people's faces light up so 05:48.360 --> 05:51.540 much, because now we're back in person. And that's something 05:51.540 --> 05:53.430 that they haven't been able to do. And many people probably 05:53.430 --> 05:56.610 thought, will we still be able to ever do something like this? 05:56.640 --> 05:58.230 Sean Murray: Some people are holding on extra tight. 05:58.230 --> 05:58.500 Sean Murray: It used to be a format used to be a format. Hey, 05:58.500 --> 05:58.620 Johny Fernandez: Extra tight. 06:01.360 --> 06:04.960 how's it going? But now it's like, oh, it's so good to see 06:04.990 --> 06:10.150 you. It's like, oh, wow, oh your real, you know what I mean? It's 06:10.150 --> 06:11.860 the two handed. You know, it's the two handed. 06:11.860 --> 06:14.110 Johny Fernandez: But that's literally the phrase of the 06:14.110 --> 06:17.350 evening is wow, you're real. Yeah. Because people have come 06:17.350 --> 06:20.530 up to you and told you that. Yeah. So you went Toucan Sam, or 06:20.530 --> 06:24.970 Tou Sean? Yeah. Two Sean's, you know, you guys are a hit 06:24.970 --> 06:28.660 tonight. It's, that shirts a hit tonight. This shirts okay. That 06:28.660 --> 06:32.110 shirt is definitely your wife is probably so proud of you right 06:32.110 --> 06:34.220 Sean Murray: I don't well, I don't know what she thinks about 06:34.220 --> 06:34.350 now. 06:34.350 --> 06:36.470 me right now. I guess I guess we'll find out afterwards, 06:36.470 --> 06:40.130 especially given some events that happened earlier. But, you 06:40.130 --> 06:43.040 know, when we're not on camera, we are having some sidebar 06:43.040 --> 06:46.190 conversations here. And I keep using the word anecdotal, but I 06:46.190 --> 06:50.540 think it's appropriate to use, because these type of events, 06:50.540 --> 06:54.170 you get the best best anecdotal evidence before the statistical 06:54.170 --> 06:56.750 evidence come in to tell you that tells you what's happening. 06:56.960 --> 07:00.350 You find out what's happening in person at a show. Yeah. Right. 07:00.410 --> 07:04.430 So people would ask me all the time, Sean, how do you have your 07:04.430 --> 07:08.750 posts, so tight, you know, on the industry, right? How are you 07:08.750 --> 07:11.600 so dialed in? Yeah. Well, because I go to the shows, 07:11.720 --> 07:14.360 before you've gotten your quarterly report, or whatever it 07:14.360 --> 07:17.510 is, whoever you paid to get your data from. I already know 07:17.510 --> 07:19.010 because I already I already went to these shows. And I talked to 07:19.010 --> 07:21.470 him. I'm not patting myself on the back, right. Yeah. But I'm 07:21.470 --> 07:24.050 saying going to these type of events, makes all the difference 07:24.050 --> 07:26.780 in the world to find out what people are saying, right. And 07:26.810 --> 07:30.230 some of the anecdotal conversations I've had, are 07:30.230 --> 07:33.500 alluding to the fact that it's not just a, oh, we're 07:33.500 --> 07:36.920 recovering. I'm starting to hear some people say that it's 07:36.920 --> 07:40.610 already starting to look bigger than what it was before. 07:40.610 --> 07:40.750 Johny Fernandez: And I think something that we've heard 07:40.750 --> 07:42.070 people say here is that there's a comeback, that the comeback is 07:42.070 --> 07:43.090 here, we've talked about it before. But people are saying 07:43.090 --> 07:48.730 like you know, like, this is bigger. It's bigger. Bigger than 07:51.550 --> 07:54.070 the comeback. And this is something that they are ready to 07:54.070 --> 07:57.670 go full force, people here are ready to start working to 07:57.670 --> 08:01.420 recover from what they lost, and then even build off of that. So 08:01.480 --> 08:05.980 I think that within itself is very exciting to see. And to see 08:05.980 --> 08:08.740 people here down in South Florida, we've seen people that 08:08.740 --> 08:10.990 are from Florida, that are from New York, that are from 08:11.110 --> 08:14.020 Minneapolis, you know, from all over the country here 08:14.020 --> 08:17.170 specifically. And I think it's also interesting just to see how 08:17.170 --> 08:20.380 people have their mindset and where their minds are at not 08:20.380 --> 08:22.990 only when it comes to networking, but also with their 08:22.990 --> 08:25.600 business. And pretty much the pattern, like we've been saying 08:25.600 --> 08:28.060 is that they want to come back and they want to make sure that 08:28.090 --> 08:30.910 people are here, and they're ready to work, and they're ready 08:30.910 --> 08:34.900 to grow this, this, this space into something bigger than what 08:34.900 --> 08:36.160 it originally was. 08:36.220 --> 08:37.540 Sean Murray: You know, what could be challenging, though, 08:37.540 --> 08:39.580 about all that everyone wants to grow and get bigger. And this 08:39.580 --> 08:41.860 is, again, anecdotal evidence, but it's something I heard when 08:41.860 --> 08:45.550 I was in Miami last week, is that it's actually everyone's 08:45.550 --> 08:49.630 hiring, it seems like, but it's actually hard to get people to 08:49.630 --> 08:50.470 come work for you. 08:50.470 --> 08:52.430 Johny Fernandez: Well, and I think that goes back to what 08:52.430 --> 08:55.610 we've talked about before, just a simple fact that, you know, 08:55.640 --> 08:58.580 maybe, you know, moving, wanting to work remote, there's 08:58.580 --> 09:01.460 different factors that play into that. Maybe they're getting paid 09:01.460 --> 09:04.760 more on unemployment. So there's different factors. But I think 09:05.000 --> 09:08.600 what we can see and what we can say confidently is that people 09:08.600 --> 09:12.050 are hiring, the business is growing. Yeah. And now it's up 09:12.050 --> 09:15.650 to the individual employees that or people that are looking for a 09:15.650 --> 09:18.860 job, it's up to them what they want to do with, you know, 09:18.860 --> 09:20.990 what's out there, because the fact is that there is a 09:20.990 --> 09:24.170 comeback, people are ready to hit the ground running. 09:24.170 --> 09:26.310 Sean Murray: Yeah. You know, part of that might be 09:26.580 --> 09:29.070 unemployment benefits, you know, finally running the course, 09:29.310 --> 09:32.520 perhaps not doing any more stimulus. I'm not against any of 09:32.520 --> 09:35.910 those things in general. But I heard that it has impeded hiring 09:36.060 --> 09:38.670 in this particular field and the alternative finance field, I 09:38.670 --> 09:42.060 heard that that has been a barrier to getting people to 09:42.060 --> 09:46.200 come on board. And so you have firms, small companies, well 09:46.200 --> 09:50.190 large and small, that are facing that challenge of what do you do 09:50.490 --> 09:53.430 when you have a lot of availability? Yeah. And nobody 09:53.430 --> 09:55.740 wants to come work for you. And I've heard that the restaurant 09:55.740 --> 09:59.160 industry has also been quite, hit quite hard on that note as 09:59.160 --> 10:01.650 well and that They're they're opening back up, everyone 10:01.680 --> 10:03.780 everyone wants to go to restaurants again. But in terms 10:03.780 --> 10:06.840 of getting people to do that work, it's they're having a much 10:06.840 --> 10:11.100 tougher time. And that kind of feeds back into the funding 10:11.100 --> 10:14.430 world. Because people need capital to grow, they have all 10:14.430 --> 10:18.750 the other tools to grow, right. So if your job is to expand, and 10:18.750 --> 10:21.240 you get this money and you want to hire, and you can't hire, you 10:21.240 --> 10:23.700 know what I mean, like, you need every everything, in the chain 10:23.730 --> 10:27.450 everything in the chain needs to, to work. But on that note, 10:27.450 --> 10:30.180 though, I am still hearing despite the hiring challenges 10:30.180 --> 10:33.090 that are going on out there, that people already reporting 10:33.240 --> 10:36.780 numbers that far surpass their expectations, and in some cases 10:36.780 --> 10:40.170 already exceeding where some people were in 2019. You know, 10:40.170 --> 10:44.370 we we were just talking earlier that companies like, Dedicated, 10:44.400 --> 10:46.260 they tripled during COVID. 10:46.260 --> 10:46.450 Yeah, no thank you, no part of that. Yeah. 10:46.450 --> 10:48.056 Johny Fernandez: And it's interesting, because like you 10:48.105 --> 10:51.133 said, like, they did not expect that. And even the turnout for 10:51.182 --> 10:53.917 something as simple as this event. In the beginning, the 10:53.966 --> 10:56.897 event organizers specifically said, oh, we're gonna probably 10:56.946 --> 10:59.974 reach 700. And then they started seeing the patterns that were 11:00.023 --> 11:03.003 coming on. And they're like, no, wait a minute, this might go 11:03.052 --> 11:05.983 from 900 plus, because of how fast just everything is moving 11:06.031 --> 11:09.011 all of a sudden and just the growth. And just the simple fact 11:09.060 --> 11:11.942 that people, I believe, from what we've seen throughout the 11:11.991 --> 11:14.775 last couple of months that people want to get out of that 11:14.824 --> 11:17.608 normal, you know, that COVID world, people want to forget 11:17.657 --> 11:20.490 about that and move on with their life. And never remember 11:20.539 --> 11:23.225 any of this. And that's something we talked about, that 11:23.225 --> 11:23.274 So it's interesting. And businesses are growing at the 11:23.274 --> 11:25.912 once all this changes and restrictions are lifted, and 11:25.961 --> 11:28.941 things are back normal. We don't want to remember any of this 11:28.989 --> 11:31.823 ever again. Yeah. Cause I stress. Yeah. Like I don't and I 11:31.823 --> 11:31.871 end of the day. Yeah. And it's exciting to see that, but also 11:31.871 --> 11:35.046 don't know if you feel that way. But I'm ready to move on with my 11:35.095 --> 11:35.340 life. 11:42.970 --> 11:46.810 employment and that aspect, you know, that also kind of got has 11:46.810 --> 11:49.120 to go hand in hand. So definitely something for people 11:49.120 --> 11:52.300 to look into if they want a job. And if they're looking for a 11:52.300 --> 11:55.840 job. This space. They're hiring, they're growing, and they're 11:55.840 --> 11:58.030 gonna keep on growing and they've already grown. 11:58.420 --> 12:00.520 Sean Murray: Yeah. And it's true. 12:00.550 --> 12:01.810 Johny Fernandez: Yeah, I'm excited. 12:01.840 --> 12:03.760 Sean Murray: Yeah. You know, I guess we'll, I guess we'll find 12:03.760 --> 12:07.540 out what happens. You know, New York is coming roaring back. 12:08.320 --> 12:09.790 Miami felt like it was back. 12:09.820 --> 12:10.240 Johny Fernandez: Yeah. 12:10.330 --> 12:10.750 Sean Murray: Like. 12:10.750 --> 12:11.920 Johny Fernandez: Like, two years ago. 12:11.920 --> 12:15.520 Sean Murray: Yeah. Yeah, Miami has been back, been back, you 12:15.520 --> 12:19.390 know, for a while. So I guess we'll just continue to see. 12:19.420 --> 12:20.410 Yeah. As time goes on. 12:20.540 --> 12:23.030 Johny Fernandez: And I think as we continue to go throughout the 12:23.030 --> 12:26.000 next couple of hours, and we're here at the event, we'll 12:26.000 --> 12:28.610 definitely be hearing from different people. So tomorrow, 12:28.610 --> 12:33.080 we'll be hearing from different people in this space and kind of 12:33.080 --> 12:35.540 see what they have to say about, you know, the future, their 12:35.540 --> 12:38.660 future, their growth. And I think we're we're gonna see 12:38.660 --> 12:41.660 similar patterns throughout the next couple of guests that we 12:41.660 --> 12:45.860 speak that we speak with, and also to hear the speakers of the 12:45.890 --> 12:48.320 different exhibits that are going to be happening, and kind 12:48.320 --> 12:51.470 of see what they say and how, check out the industry has 12:51.470 --> 12:55.280 changed and what it will be moving forwards. You know, how 12:55.310 --> 12:56.330 it will be moving forward. 12:56.360 --> 12:58.280 Sean Murray: Yeah, it will be interesting to see what happens 12:58.280 --> 13:02.060 later tonight. Yeah. Because happy hours, cocktail hours, big 13:02.060 --> 13:04.100 part of these events, you know, their an essential part of 13:04.100 --> 13:08.750 networking. And I know how it goes normally. Yeah. This is not 13:08.750 --> 13:13.550 baby steps to in person events. This isn't like, you know, like 13:13.580 --> 13:16.190 a meeting. Yeah. This isn't like 50 people got together, and 13:16.220 --> 13:20.930 we're trying out we went right from nothing to 1000 people. And 13:20.930 --> 13:24.470 I'm really curious to see how it all how it all plays out. And I 13:24.470 --> 13:28.190 hope people kind of kind of eased themselves into it. Yeah. 13:28.220 --> 13:29.960 And don't get too out of control. I'm not saying that 13:29.960 --> 13:32.870 they are here. But in terms of just generally, around the 13:32.870 --> 13:35.450 world, because I'm imagining this is Bonita, Bonita Springs, 13:35.450 --> 13:38.210 Florida. Yeah. I'm trying to think of what Vegas is going to 13:38.210 --> 13:38.660 be like. 13:39.230 --> 13:40.310 Johny Fernandez: What Miami is. 13:40.370 --> 13:41.210 Sean Murray: Miami's going to be like. 13:41.210 --> 13:43.010 Johny Fernandez: We already kind of know how that. Yeah. That's 13:43.010 --> 13:43.400 gone. 13:43.400 --> 13:44.120 Sean Murray: Yeah, New York. 13:44.210 --> 13:44.600 Johny Fernandez: New York. 13:45.500 --> 13:46.250 Sean Murray: It's already starting to get. 13:46.250 --> 13:49.100 Johny Fernandez: I feel like New York is like baby steps. We hit 13:49.100 --> 13:51.050 the ground running. So it is going to be interesting to see 13:51.080 --> 13:54.590 what happens. Yeah. And how, you know, everything progresses 13:54.590 --> 13:57.140 throughout the next couple of months. And, you know, in the 13:57.140 --> 13:59.600 next couple of hours, we'll definitely see how things turn 13:59.600 --> 14:02.270 out here. So it's definitely going to be interesting to see. 14:02.480 --> 14:05.180 Sean Murray: We are seeing a lot of capital raising. Yeah. We're 14:05.180 --> 14:10.430 seeing lines of credit. We're seeing acquisitions. I mean, so 14:10.430 --> 14:18.290 much that it's like it reminds me of the .com era in a way 14:18.350 --> 14:21.200 where it's just just so much so much. There's so much going on. 14:21.500 --> 14:24.050 And it's happening side by side with what's happening in the 14:24.050 --> 14:27.560 crypto market. Yeah. Right. So it's like, if you go on Twitter, 14:27.980 --> 14:30.860 it looks like 1000 deals are happening a day. Yeah. And it 14:30.860 --> 14:33.440 gets you like pumped up and excited. And there's a lot of 14:33.680 --> 14:37.130 reason for optimism. And I think that there was a period of time 14:37.130 --> 14:39.680 when in the alternative finance space where the capital raising 14:39.680 --> 14:43.520 kind of died down. We had this big, it was kinda like a bubble. 14:43.940 --> 14:46.310 Right? It was the hot sexy thing. Everyone wanted to get a 14:46.310 --> 14:48.080 piece of it. They didn't understand it. They didn't know 14:48.080 --> 14:50.600 if it made money or not. But everyone was about scale. You 14:50.600 --> 14:53.210 know, how much can you fund whatever, and it just shot right 14:53.210 --> 14:58.010 up. Everyone got their fill, it came right down and we had that 14:58.100 --> 15:01.670 what we call really like the maturity phase. Yeah. And that's 15:01.670 --> 15:04.700 okay. It's okay. It's okay to go into the maturity phase because 15:04.700 --> 15:06.950 you can't be in an industry where you have hundreds of new 15:06.950 --> 15:10.340 players coming in every single day, forever. At some point, you 15:10.340 --> 15:12.650 got to have this weeding out process and it's just got to be 15:12.950 --> 15:15.860 your standard players. But all of a sudden, it's starting to 15:15.860 --> 15:18.920 feel like we're on that upswing again, because we're seeing new 15:18.920 --> 15:21.260 companies come in too. Yeah. I mean, we can see that just 15:21.260 --> 15:23.630 because I, you know, I see registrations on DailyFunder, 15:24.020 --> 15:26.780 registrations on deBanked, companies I've never heard of 15:26.780 --> 15:30.410 before. So when we say coming back, and you know, bigger than 15:30.410 --> 15:31.400 before and all this stuff. 15:31.640 --> 15:33.080 Johny Fernandez: That's literally what it means, because 15:33.080 --> 15:33.680 we're seeing it. 15:33.680 --> 15:36.110 Sean Murray: And it's yeah, it's not just the same old companies 15:36.110 --> 15:39.020 that are oh, we're doing, we're doing good. Now. We're literally 15:39.020 --> 15:42.650 seeing new players come into the space, we just reported on a 15:42.650 --> 15:45.680 company based out of California, they just raised a massive line 15:45.680 --> 15:49.010 of credit, I think it was around $20 million, extendable up to 15:49.070 --> 15:52.130 $30 million. This is their first line. This is this is a brand 15:52.130 --> 15:54.500 new company. Now the owners of the company have a lot of 15:54.500 --> 15:57.350 experience in the industry. Yeah. But they can start a brand 15:57.350 --> 16:02.390 new company. Now, post COVID and raise $20 million. I think that 16:02.390 --> 16:06.320 says a lot. Because the the wisdom was it's too late to 16:06.320 --> 16:09.050 start a company. You kind of missed the boat. But we're 16:09.050 --> 16:10.070 already seeing that's not the case. 16:10.070 --> 16:13.810 Johny Fernandez: Yeah. Well, now, I feel like now from what 16:13.810 --> 16:16.870 we've seen and what we've reported on, now's the time, if 16:16.870 --> 16:19.840 you want to start a business or get into whether it's this 16:19.840 --> 16:22.600 business, alternative finance, fintech, now's the time to do 16:22.600 --> 16:25.960 it. Because the boat is still there. Yeah. If people don't 16:25.960 --> 16:29.350 jump on it now. And they wait a year or two, the boat will have 16:29.350 --> 16:32.050 sailed already. And you know, they'll miss it. 16:32.110 --> 16:34.330 Sean Murray: Yeah, I think we said during one of these, one of 16:34.330 --> 16:39.280 these streams, is that people's mindset changed. Yeah. Because 16:39.280 --> 16:41.620 they realized that the world could kind of stopped at any 16:41.620 --> 16:46.090 time. Yeah. And you don't want to have regret. Yeah. Like, all 16:46.090 --> 16:48.100 of a sudden, all the things you want to do, you couldn't even do 16:48.130 --> 16:50.620 even if you wanted to do them. Yeah. So the opportunity was off 16:50.620 --> 16:54.550 the table. Now that the opportunity is here, again, I 16:54.550 --> 16:57.580 think that people should take it as a wake up call, like, it's 16:57.580 --> 16:59.950 now or never. Yeah. You're either going to do this, or 16:59.950 --> 17:01.930 you're not going to do this. And there are people doing it 17:01.930 --> 17:05.290 starting brand new companies, and raising money in industries 17:05.290 --> 17:08.020 that are quite mature that have been around for a while. So if 17:08.020 --> 17:10.300 you're out there wondering like, you know, maybe it's not a good 17:10.300 --> 17:13.120 time, this would probably be the last good time you'll ever have, 17:13.000 --> 17:16.870 Johny Fernandez: Yeah. And we literally got to a point in the 17:13.270 --> 17:13.870 to be honest. 17:16.870 --> 17:22.120 world where it sucked. And it's still kind of there, like, we're 17:22.510 --> 17:25.660 going back full swing into things. But we're not there yet. 17:25.660 --> 17:28.390 So this is the opportunity. And like I said, we've talked to a 17:28.390 --> 17:31.090 lot of these guys today. And they've said they're expanding 17:31.090 --> 17:33.880 and they're growing. And now's the time to hop on. Because if 17:33.880 --> 17:37.270 you don't, you're gonna lose the chance. Yeah. And like you said, 17:37.270 --> 17:39.790 it's the last time to do something like this. It's the 17:39.790 --> 17:44.110 last good chance. Yeah. So it's exciting. So we'll definitely 17:44.110 --> 17:46.870 keep everyone updated in regards to what to what tomorrow will 17:46.870 --> 17:49.330 bring tomorrow, we'll have a number of interviews with 17:49.330 --> 17:52.420 different people with different businesses and different, you 17:52.420 --> 17:55.030 know, people in this space. 17:55.030 --> 17:55.570 Sean Murray: You hear that? 17:55.570 --> 17:56.590 Johny Fernandez: I do. Do you hear that? 17:56.620 --> 17:56.920 Sean Murray: Yeah. 17:56.950 --> 17:59.290 Johny Fernandez: It's exciting. It's that's reception right now 17:59.290 --> 18:01.960 that's going on. And then throughout the day, we'll we'll 18:02.020 --> 18:04.720 give you guys some footage of what's going on inside there to 18:04.720 --> 18:08.050 show you guys just like the atmosphere that's going on. And 18:08.050 --> 18:11.620 then that will pretty much be what we will that will be what 18:11.770 --> 18:14.830 we will be bringing to you guys tomorrow. Yeah. And then Sean, 18:14.830 --> 18:17.710 hopefully, you wear another one of these exciting shirts. I'm 18:17.710 --> 18:18.490 excited to see what. 18:18.490 --> 18:19.870 Sean Murray: Oh, I got a whole wardrobe full. 18:21.700 --> 18:23.590 Johny Fernandez: And if you guys liked the show, you can comment 18:23.800 --> 18:26.980 on Twitter, on Facebook, you know, whatever, on deBanked. 18:27.010 --> 18:29.200 Send us an email about what you guys think about this shirt 18:29.200 --> 18:33.040 about Tou Sean. And that will be exciting. That will be it. I'm 18:33.040 --> 18:36.610 excited for the rest of this event. And you know, we'll see 18:36.610 --> 18:37.540 what happens tomorrow. 18:37.540 --> 18:39.849 Sean Murray: Yeah. No, I want to say thank you to the Southeast 18:39.895 --> 18:42.678 Acquirers for even having us here and allowing us to do this 18:42.725 --> 18:45.647 been a great benefit to us. We hope that the attendees like it, 18:45.694 --> 18:48.569 we hope that if you're watching it that you get some value out 18:48.616 --> 18:51.585 of it. You know we we just want to show you what's happening out 18:51.631 --> 18:54.229 there in the industry, that people are back together, we 18:54.275 --> 18:56.826 want to tell you what's happening in payments. It's all 18:56.873 --> 18:59.470 related. And so Southeast Acquirers, you know, thank you 18:59.517 --> 19:02.532 so much for having us here. It's a great show. The fact that they 19:02.578 --> 19:05.408 they've been able to put on a show with 1000 people, already. 19:05.454 --> 19:08.145 I mean, I gotta tell you, I don't think I don't think that 19:08.191 --> 19:11.020 we would have been capable to do to do something like that so 19:11.067 --> 19:13.664 soon. So I mean, you know, my hat is off to them. That's 19:13.711 --> 19:16.355 pretty amazing. So you know, great job. And they're doing 19:16.401 --> 19:18.350 awesome things, for the payments industry, 19:18.779 --> 19:20.631 Johny Fernandez: And we're excited to see you guys right 19:20.679 --> 19:23.576 here tomorrow morning. We'll be live streaming throughout the 19:23.624 --> 19:26.047 day. For more of that information. You can go ahead 19:26.094 --> 19:28.849 and check that out online. So for now, I'm Johny Franny's, 19:28.897 --> 19:30.750 here live from Bonita Springs, Florida. 19:31.499 --> 19:32.579 Sean Murray: I'll see you tomorrow. 19:32.579 --> 19:35.520 Johny Fernandez: And who is this guy? Tou Sean? 19:35.520 --> 19:37.290 Sean Murray: Tou Sean, Sean. 19:37.290 --> 19:38.520 Johny Fernandez: Alright, we'll see you guys next time.