00:00.000 --> 00:01.440 Johny Fernandez: Hey I'm Johny Fernandez 00:01.470 --> 00:03.990 Sean Murray: I'm Sean Murray, Sean Murray with deBanked Live. 00:04.019 --> 00:06.329 Johny Fernandez: This is live as it gets 00:06.360 --> 00:08.820 Sean Murray: Literally watch me run into the studio and get 00:08.820 --> 00:09.270 mic'd up 00:09.300 --> 00:11.640 Johny Fernandez: and then get mic'd up, that's, that's 00:11.730 --> 00:12.600 authenticity. 00:13.140 --> 00:15.030 Sean Murray: Yeah. So today we're the correspondents. And 00:15.030 --> 00:17.700 we're also the tech team is if there's any, you know, technical 00:17.700 --> 00:18.630 difficulties 00:18.690 --> 00:19.530 Johny Fernandez: Any glitches, 00:19.560 --> 00:21.660 Sean Murray: You can blame the tech team, which is us 00:21.690 --> 00:24.330 Johny Fernandez: We're sorry. We're sorry. We're, we apologize 00:24.330 --> 00:27.570 in advance. So Sean? 00:27.630 --> 00:27.990 Sean Murray: Yeah. 00:28.020 --> 00:28.590 Johny Fernandez: Have you been? 00:28.770 --> 00:29.850 Sean Murray: I've been okay, how about you? 00:29.880 --> 00:32.670 Johny Fernandez: I've been Alright. We're back. We're back. 00:33.300 --> 00:36.630 Took a couple couple weeks off, but we're back. So I'm back. You 00:36.630 --> 00:37.770 Sean Murray: We'll I'm happy to have you back. 00:37.930 --> 00:41.020 Johny Fernandez: Thank you can't complain. So Sean, you want to 00:41.020 --> 00:47.140 start, start kind of recapping everything. So first topic is 00:47.290 --> 00:51.190 going to be COJs? Let's talk a little bit about that. 00:51.190 --> 00:54.000 Sean Murray: Yeah. So we just put out a story. On our website. 00:54.000 --> 00:58.200 It's about putting a proposal to ban COJs nationwide, you out 00:58.200 --> 01:00.210 there might be thinking like, wait a minute, this is an old 01:00.210 --> 01:04.500 story COJs have already been banned. And I think what has 01:04.500 --> 01:07.950 gotten lost in some of the translation is that the law that 01:07.950 --> 01:11.460 came out a few years ago in in New York, it wasn't a federal 01:11.460 --> 01:16.290 law. Yeah. It was totally addressing COJs in New York 01:16.290 --> 01:20.190 State. It didn't actually apply to any other state. Yeah. And 01:20.220 --> 01:24.570 what what that law said that you can't file a COJ in the New York 01:24.570 --> 01:29.970 State courts against non New York State businesses, and 01:30.000 --> 01:35.220 residents. Yeah. And so that was kind of a landmark decision, 01:35.220 --> 01:40.410 because New York happened to be the primary venue for people to 01:40.410 --> 01:44.430 file the COJs in. And that's because the court system there 01:44.430 --> 01:51.120 was so friendly, and efficient at filing them and giving you 01:51.120 --> 01:54.360 judgment. Yeah, because you can have confessions of judgment in 01:54.360 --> 01:57.810 other states. But New York has happened to be able to get it 01:57.810 --> 02:00.150 done quicker. Like some states, they require like a special 02:00.150 --> 02:02.400 notice, you have to tell someone, you're gonna file the 02:02.520 --> 02:05.790 COJ, you have to wait 30 days, if you don't check the boxes 02:05.790 --> 02:08.490 off, and you don't you're not going to get your judgment. New 02:08.490 --> 02:10.950 York would just like, you know, file it, bam, judgment go, you 02:10.950 --> 02:13.620 know what I mean? So, when we talked about the end of the COJ 02:13.620 --> 02:16.680 era, a couple years ago, we were specifically talking about New 02:16.680 --> 02:21.240 York, and that did kind of end the you know, the the widespread 02:21.240 --> 02:24.540 use of COJs, at least that pertain to the to the small 02:24.540 --> 02:28.590 business financing industry. And so now, when we re-introduced 02:28.590 --> 02:33.570 the topic of a COJ, COJ ban, this is at the federal level. 02:34.350 --> 02:38.370 And they're already banned on consumer loans. Yeah. So what 02:38.370 --> 02:42.360 they want to do now is band COJs is at the business and 02:42.360 --> 02:45.060 commercial level for every single state, because 02:45.060 --> 02:48.300 technically right now you can go and file a COJ in another state. 02:49.110 --> 02:54.090 But it requires you to have the merchant sign a non New York 02:54.090 --> 02:58.290 State COJ, right. So you can't just use the old COJ from like 02:58.290 --> 03:00.720 five years ago, you'd have to go and use the one properly 03:00.720 --> 03:04.140 formatted to the state that you did the transaction in, and then 03:04.140 --> 03:06.810 you have to comply with all the local rules. They're, they're 03:06.810 --> 03:10.080 trying to just eliminate it across the board. And they're 03:10.080 --> 03:12.780 citing the Bloomberg story. Yeah, from a long time ago that 03:12.780 --> 03:15.900 came out. So it seems like they're, you know, they're still 03:15.900 --> 03:19.620 hot on? Yes. So I guess solving, you know, this, this what they 03:19.620 --> 03:23.190 perceive as an issue. And it's actually it's got some 03:23.190 --> 03:27.570 bipartisan support too this guy, Marco Rubio and Sherrod Brown, 03:27.900 --> 03:30.360 are the two co-sponsors of the bill. You know, you have a 03:30.360 --> 03:34.260 Republican and Democrat. But what's interesting is that, even 03:34.260 --> 03:37.500 though it's bipartisan, they've been proponents of the bill 03:37.530 --> 03:41.340 before this bill has come out before. It came out 2018, came 03:41.340 --> 03:44.940 out in 2019. Last year, they skipped it probably because of 03:44.940 --> 03:47.910 it, it was a presidential election year. And it's now just 03:47.910 --> 03:50.340 come back. So if you're out there wondering, well, what's 03:50.340 --> 03:53.400 the big deal about a COJ ban? They're they're talking about 03:53.400 --> 03:56.880 now banning them entirely nationwide 03:56.910 --> 03:58.770 Johny Fernandez: Versus just a state like the state of New 03:58.770 --> 03:59.040 York. 03:59.040 --> 04:01.850 Sean Murray: Yeah, just versus versus New York, and what might 04:01.850 --> 04:04.640 be different this time versus the last two times it's been 04:04.640 --> 04:08.150 attempted? Is that before there were they a party? They know 04:08.150 --> 04:12.140 there was a firm republican control of the Senate. So even 04:12.140 --> 04:15.590 though somebody like Marco Rubio, who was a Republican 04:15.770 --> 04:19.670 Senator, I don't think the bill had that type of support in the 04:19.670 --> 04:24.770 Senate at large. It might now you're supposed to be Marco 04:24.770 --> 04:26.630 Rubio, if you have some Republicans who are willing to 04:26.630 --> 04:29.120 sign on to it. Yeah, this bill could go through. You also have 04:29.120 --> 04:31.940 a democratic president before we had a republican president, 04:32.000 --> 04:34.370 Republican controlled Senate. And I think that might be 04:34.370 --> 04:38.150 partially why the bill died. So if you still use COJs, or you 04:38.150 --> 04:43.160 competed against them, this whole, you know, era of COJs 04:43.160 --> 04:46.280 might be coming to an end totally. But obviously, we'll 04:46.280 --> 04:48.170 just keep everyone updated on like, What's going 04:48.170 --> 04:51.420 Johny Fernandez: Yeah, as it continues to develop and what 04:51.420 --> 04:57.210 happens to it. So keep keep your eye out on debanked.com. Yeah. 04:57.600 --> 05:01.470 So Sean, the next topic, we're going to talk about is when he 05:01.470 --> 05:06.570 talks about COVID-19 vaccine cards. They'll transition us 05:06.570 --> 05:10.500 into the topic after that. But something that was interesting 05:10.500 --> 05:14.640 was obviously, we've talked a lot about, like, you know, how 05:14.640 --> 05:18.600 to, like, how do you make money fast? And how do you know pretty 05:18.600 --> 05:23.340 much we can inform our audience. We're not definitely not telling 05:23.520 --> 05:26.040 our audience to do this. But the story that came out recently was 05:26.040 --> 05:30.090 that there was someone, the there was an account on eBay 05:30.090 --> 05:33.720 that was linked into with a pharmaceutical pharmacists 05:33.720 --> 05:38.430 account. And it looks like he was selling fake COVID-19 05:38.460 --> 05:42.060 vaccination cards. So he didn't make millions of dollars, you 05:42.060 --> 05:44.970 know, he made a couple $1,000, he was selling these cards for 05:45.000 --> 05:48.990 $10. And those cards specifically, were completely 05:48.990 --> 05:52.320 false. And they were using these cards to sell to people and 05:52.320 --> 05:55.230 people could pretty much show like they've been vaccinated, 05:55.230 --> 05:58.410 but the card itself is completely invalid. And 05:58.410 --> 06:01.800 apparently, they're paying up to like $10 for one and the guy 06:03.030 --> 06:03.420 knows 06:03.420 --> 06:05.400 Sean Murray: $10 for a fake back for fake vaccine card? 06:06.470 --> 06:08.510 Johny Fernandez: It's interesting to say like, in the 06:08.510 --> 06:13.460 article, what was interesting was that the actual card itself 06:14.150 --> 06:17.330 was like the goal was to for people to use it so they can get 06:17.330 --> 06:20.150 into different places and show their vaccine card. But 06:20.150 --> 06:25.520 obviously, like the big, you know, problem with that is that 06:25.520 --> 06:28.760 these people aren't vaccinated. Yes, using this card. Yeah. So 06:28.760 --> 06:31.430 it's really interesting, because now it's like, this is 06:31.430 --> 06:35.330 completely gone. You know, people are 2making money, again, 06:35.870 --> 06:41.240 using faulty information. We both like faulty cards and their 06:41.240 --> 06:44.630 information on it. And it's really interesting to see, you 06:44.630 --> 06:47.660 know, this guy, obviously, he's in big trouble now. And he's , 06:47.690 --> 06:52.070 going through the court process. And I don't know what his 06:52.070 --> 06:53.870 sentencing will be and all that. But 06:54.620 --> 06:57.680 Sean Murray: It's interesting that he's in trouble, because as 06:57.680 --> 07:01.430 soon maybe he was selling like a novelty vaccine card that seems 07:01.430 --> 07:05.210 to be like house certain, like, counterfeiters will get away 07:05.210 --> 07:08.750 with selling , it's like a big, big issue in the lending 07:08.750 --> 07:13.070 industry is selling the sale of counterfeit bank statements 07:13.130 --> 07:15.860 where you can. I don't know if it's eBay, but you could go onto 07:15.860 --> 07:20.000 like Craigslist, or one of the listing sites, and you could buy 07:20.060 --> 07:24.710 fake bank statements, or fake leases or fake checks are 07:24.740 --> 07:28.940 whatever it is. And the way that the seller would try to 07:28.940 --> 07:31.400 circumvent it being a scam and that they would sell it. It's 07:31.400 --> 07:35.090 like, it's a novelty, the novelty novelty bank statement, 07:35.120 --> 07:38.900 you know, so I don't know if this guy, you know, was trying 07:38.930 --> 07:42.620 at least added the novelty where he didn't put all fake. Yeah, 07:42.620 --> 07:49.010 you know, and in the thing, but I've seen that sellers who sell 07:49.010 --> 07:52.070 fake stuff. They they put that in there. And it's interesting. 07:52.070 --> 07:53.660 You say he got he already got in trouble. 07:53.660 --> 07:55.220 Johny Fernandez: He got like two weeks 07:55.220 --> 07:57.590 Sean Murray: Getting sued or something. Yeah. You know, that. 07:57.620 --> 08:00.590 That seems like never happened to people selling like, novel, 08:00.620 --> 08:04.730 novel novelty bank statements. Like, they seem to get away with 08:04.730 --> 08:07.850 it for long periods of time. But I guess in this day and age, you 08:07.850 --> 08:12.830 know, the whole idea of something about COVID being , is 08:12.830 --> 08:14.180 taken to like a whole nother level. 08:14.180 --> 08:17.090 Johny Fernandez: Yeah, it's, it's,it's interesting, because, 08:17.480 --> 08:22.040 I mean, we've talked about it, like, he probably made about 08:22.040 --> 08:26.330 like, maybe anywhere from 1000 to like, $3,000 off of this and 08:26.660 --> 08:30.680 for like him to get in trouble to go to that extent for $15,000 08:30.740 --> 08:31.670 I don't know if it's worth 08:32.030 --> 08:36.290 Sean Murray: No sound like, like, now that doesn't sound too 08:36.290 --> 08:36.560 good. 08:36.620 --> 08:36.980 Johny Fernandez: No. 08:39.510 --> 08:43.080 Sean Murray: But I think there's gonna be a lot of kind of like, 08:43.080 --> 08:46.560 what's real, and like, what's not real debate, and like, the 08:46.560 --> 08:50.640 next few months, because like, if you go into a sporting event, 08:50.640 --> 08:52.890 you have to show your vaccine card, you know, the idea of 08:52.890 --> 08:54.990 whether or not it's going to be, you know, whether or not it's 08:54.990 --> 08:57.930 real or not, I think if you're, if you're out there and you're 08:57.930 --> 09:00.540 in the lending or the funding industry, you're gonna have to 09:00.540 --> 09:03.360 deal with some kind of the same stuff. Now, they're not gonna 09:03.360 --> 09:07.530 have to ask you borrowers or business owners or whatever, are 09:07.530 --> 09:10.650 vaccinated. I don't know that they can ask that. But I think 09:10.650 --> 09:13.830 they're gonna have to determine probably what's real, you're 09:13.830 --> 09:15.660 gonna have to determine out there what's real, what's not 09:15.660 --> 09:19.680 real, because in the olden days, olden days being year and a half 09:19.680 --> 09:23.220 ago, advantage went to the scale players. Yeah, if you could 09:23.220 --> 09:26.790 automate everything, you were essentially winning the game, 09:26.790 --> 09:29.010 because you could just approve things and fun things just 09:29.010 --> 09:32.010 faster than everything else, everybody else. And now that I 09:32.010 --> 09:34.560 don't know that advantage goes to the skill players, I think 09:34.560 --> 09:38.760 advantage goes to the manual players, because there's going 09:38.760 --> 09:42.030 to be all these legacy issues that a lot of businesses have 09:42.870 --> 09:46.650 behind the scenes that aren't going to be right there evident 09:46.650 --> 09:49.410 on the bank statement, because you might see that sales are 09:49.410 --> 09:53.670 good, right? But you don't know that they owe 11 month's rent. 09:53.910 --> 09:56.790 Yeah, right. Or that they haven't paid their tax, or the 09:56.790 --> 09:57.930 bag just in general. 09:57.960 --> 09:59.820 Johny Fernandez: They have because at the end of the day, I 09:59.820 --> 10:02.940 mean It's been a year and some change of, you know, some people 10:02.940 --> 10:07.020 not paying their bills and some people trying to get out of the 10:07.020 --> 10:11.850 hole. Yeah, you know the COVID hole, of like, just trying to 10:11.850 --> 10:15.960 like figure out like, you know, like, dig themselves out of the 10:15.960 --> 10:17.670 problems that they had. And so yeah, 10:17.670 --> 10:19.130 Sean Murray: And that's the whole thing, right? Like the 10:19.130 --> 10:21.860 ones who if you're evaluating a small business right now you're 10:21.860 --> 10:24.920 like, Oh, they survived to COVID. They're good, you know 10:24.920 --> 10:28.880 that that type of strength is looked at as a good sign. But 10:28.910 --> 10:31.610 you might not know why they a survived. Yeah, you don't I 10:31.610 --> 10:33.920 mean, or you might think you do. But you but you don't know the 10:33.920 --> 10:38.660 whole story. Yeah. And I know that it's pretty common to look 10:38.720 --> 10:41.300 at whether or not someone is up to date on your on their rent, 10:41.330 --> 10:44.330 but you're going to have a landlord probably, the landlord 10:44.330 --> 10:46.670 may not be as candid as they once were, if they thought that 10:46.670 --> 10:49.640 they were going to get a piece of whatever, whatever, whatever 10:49.640 --> 10:52.370 you are going to fund them. And I think that that creates an 10:52.370 --> 10:56.630 issue. Even if there's moratoriums on evictions and 10:56.630 --> 10:59.690 stuff like. Well, there's a moratorium on evictions. I think 10:59.720 --> 11:01.940 what it comes down to is that when you're dealing with small 11:01.940 --> 11:06.740 business, is that's a lot of, you know, personal relationships 11:06.740 --> 11:09.020 between the business owner and the landlord. You know, what I 11:09.020 --> 11:12.830 mean, to work things out, that you're not exactly, you know, 11:12.830 --> 11:16.580 that kind of falls outside the bounds of the law says; You 11:17.000 --> 11:19.940 can't do this right. And so you, you fund someone thinking, 11:19.940 --> 11:21.530 you're, you're under the impression that everything's 11:21.530 --> 11:25.730 gonna be fine, or the moratorium on fiction, etc. And then that 11:25.790 --> 11:28.100 personal relationship between the landlord and the business 11:28.100 --> 11:31.460 just breaks down. Yeah, right. You can't really like catify, 11:31.580 --> 11:34.970 that I can't really just like, create some sort of model to 11:34.970 --> 11:38.180 understand what's happening in these conversations. . And so I 11:38.180 --> 11:40.460 think that puts everybody at risk. And so if you're, if 11:40.460 --> 11:43.550 you're a manual underwriting company, you probably have the 11:43.550 --> 11:47.420 advantage, or at least the opportunity now to delve into 11:47.420 --> 11:49.970 that, because that's probably what you're already really good 11:49.970 --> 11:55.850 at. And it goes for tax too. I'm sure lots of business owners. 11:56.570 --> 11:58.310 And I don't know if they were completely up to date on their 11:58.310 --> 12:03.140 tax write. And also PPP. You might say, hey, they got PPP 12:03.140 --> 12:08.360 money. Great. But we don't know what's going to happen if people 12:08.660 --> 12:12.470 got more than they we're supposed to for PPP. And whether 12:12.470 --> 12:15.050 or not the government is going to come calling back and say, 12:15.590 --> 12:19.970 Hey, come pay me. I know that the amount beyond what you were 12:19.970 --> 12:21.800 actually eligible for, like if somebody was only supposed to 12:21.800 --> 12:24.680 get to 50k and they got 100k. And you're just looking at the 12:24.680 --> 12:28.730 statements are like, hey, they got they got PPP. Good for them. 12:28.760 --> 12:31.130 Yeah, you know, they survive. And then you fund them in the 12:31.130 --> 12:36.350 government's like, hey, I want 50k. Back. We don't know what 12:36.350 --> 12:38.690 the government's going to do in terms of forcement. Like, if 12:38.690 --> 12:40.880 it's not outright fraud, we've seen all the headlines for 12:40.880 --> 12:46.430 fraud. But when it comes down to people who just got, you know, 12:46.430 --> 12:48.590 that wasn't fraud, do they mean it was like kind of like a 12:48.590 --> 12:53.540 mistake or someone did the numbers wrong, or, you know, the 12:53.540 --> 12:56.060 rules are changing so quickly, so they don't really know what 12:56.060 --> 12:59.840 happened. But I think it will be important to find out how the 12:59.840 --> 13:04.070 government starts trading, what I believe are probably a lot of 13:04.100 --> 13:09.530 overpayments in PPP. And that could be a risk factor in the in 13:09.530 --> 13:12.260 the, in the funding that you give to merchants, because what 13:12.260 --> 13:14.210 if I just kind of send out notices all at once, you know, I 13:14.210 --> 13:18.230 mean, like, hey, to pay us back this, whatever overage can also 13:18.230 --> 13:21.830 be an opportunity, I suppose. If you're like a lender or broker 13:22.400 --> 13:25.040 that you're gonna you could encounter a lot of businesses or 13:25.040 --> 13:28.550 like, I need money, because I took too much PPP. Yeah. Now the 13:28.550 --> 13:31.670 government wants it back. But I spent it because I was supposed 13:31.670 --> 13:35.480 to. So and now they want it back quick. So that could be one of 13:35.480 --> 13:39.620 those opportunities, like people got overpaid PPP. Now the money 13:39.770 --> 13:42.950 from a lender online funding company to make good with the 13:42.950 --> 13:43.430 government. 13:45.260 --> 13:48.230 Johny Fernandez: It's what a year. 13:49.700 --> 13:50.060 Sean Murray: Yeah. 13:51.650 --> 13:54.500 Johny Fernandez: Well, Sean, that's all for today. 13:55.130 --> 13:56.870 Sean Murray: No, no, there was one. There was one other thing. 13:56.960 --> 14:00.530 That was one of the thing. Well, we haven't put the story up yet. 14:00.890 --> 14:02.240 But I want to talk about it anyway. 14:02.360 --> 14:02.720 Johny Fernandez: Alright. 14:02.870 --> 14:05.480 Sean Murray: It's, um, the story is gonna come up. There's, the 14:05.480 --> 14:07.550 story's gonna come out later, but I already want to talk about 14:07.550 --> 14:10.550 it because I find it so fascinating. It has to do with 14:11.510 --> 14:16.520 kind of innovation in this, in the funding world. I saw a 14:16.520 --> 14:21.770 commercial last week, and it was called an inheritance, cash 14:21.770 --> 14:26.540 advance. And normally you'd be like, Okay, so what, but all the 14:26.540 --> 14:29.810 language they were using related to inheritance, inheritance, 14:29.840 --> 14:33.410 cash advance, sounded very much like a merchant cash advance. 14:33.830 --> 14:37.700 They were actually saying that they were that they will buy the 14:37.730 --> 14:40.460 future receivables of an heir. 14:41.320 --> 14:44.830 Johny Fernandez: And then they said, You're heir, I'm a heir. 14:44.830 --> 14:46.870 Yeah. We're all heirs. 14:46.900 --> 14:49.450 Sean Murray: Yeah, they're like you no heirs, no heirs, like, 14:49.480 --> 14:51.970 yeah, it was like heirs, like, you know what I mean, if you're 14:51.970 --> 14:55.930 an heir and you need access to your cash, no, we're here and I 14:55.930 --> 14:57.970 just thought it was so interesting that first of all, 14:57.970 --> 15:00.250 the word heir I always think that makes me think of like Game 15:00.250 --> 15:03.640 of Thrones. Yeah, I mean, like, like, or like or like the royal 15:03.640 --> 15:04.000 family. 15:04.570 --> 15:06.550 Johny Fernandez: Yeah. Like you're an air. Here's the heir 15:06.550 --> 15:07.960 like, yeah. To your money. 15:07.990 --> 15:11.350 Sean Murray: Yeah. And it talks. So, frankly, about being an 15:11.350 --> 15:15.970 heir, heir heirs like you eloquently do, but I actually 15:15.970 --> 15:19.750 think it's an innovative kind of solution. Yeah. Because it, at 15:19.750 --> 15:22.930 least according to the commercials that I watched, it 15:22.930 --> 15:25.150 can take up to a year and a half, supposedly, through the 15:25.150 --> 15:25.630 court system, 15:25.630 --> 15:27.310 Johny Fernandez: The court systems what we'll end with 15:27.310 --> 15:29.320 these guys, it can take up to three days. 15:29.320 --> 15:32.570 Sean Murray: They can fund you your future inheritance in as 15:32.570 --> 15:35.810 little as three days. Yeah. And it's not alone against your 15:35.810 --> 15:38.120 future inheritance either very, they're very carefully 15:38.120 --> 15:40.940 explained. They say that it was that there are buying your 15:40.940 --> 15:44.480 future inheritance, receivables, you're buying your future 15:44.480 --> 15:51.560 inheritance payments. It's not a loan. And you know, I wonder if 15:51.560 --> 15:56.150 that's actually going to be a booming industry in the future? 15:56.210 --> 16:00.710 Like, surely there are people who that would have benefited 16:00.920 --> 16:06.890 before. But I think we're living in a in a day and age of there's 16:06.890 --> 16:09.950 a need for capital, and money and funding and all that stuff. 16:10.700 --> 16:15.110 And I think it's possible that, and I don't haven't read up that 16:15.110 --> 16:19.520 much on the industry. But to think that they're especially, 16:19.580 --> 16:22.310 you know, the whole boomers, and you know, Gen Z and all this 16:22.310 --> 16:25.130 stuff, and you have you have all these boomers, right, yeah. That 16:25.130 --> 16:30.200 the idea of get access to your inheritance faster, could 16:30.200 --> 16:33.290 actually become an interesting area of opportunity. 16:33.560 --> 16:37.190 Johny Fernandez: Because it's quick. It's not quick money, but 16:37.190 --> 16:39.050 it's faster money than 16:39.290 --> 16:43.070 Sean Murray: Well, it's quick. I mean, I suppose, I guess 16:43.070 --> 16:46.550 compared to how long, I've never received any inheritance, I 16:46.550 --> 16:51.020 don't have outbursts can take so whatever. But it's interesting 16:51.020 --> 16:54.650 to think about how if you were to be in a position where you 16:54.680 --> 16:57.290 stand to receive some inheritance, you could actually 16:57.290 --> 16:59.930 be dealing with a company and very similar to what a merchant 16:59.930 --> 17:01.310 cashprovider does. 17:01.400 --> 17:03.980 Johny Fernandez: It'll be interesting to see. And, like we 17:03.980 --> 17:07.310 talked about it, too. It's a fairly new concept, too. So it's 17:07.310 --> 17:12.500 like, you know, it will be interesting to see how how it 17:12.500 --> 17:18.080 works and how people respond to it. Because like we've said, 17:18.080 --> 17:21.140 like, it's very similar, like, the language, everything is very 17:21.140 --> 17:26.840 similar to MCA. That it's like, seems like a copy paste. Yeah. I 17:26.840 --> 17:30.470 mean, we'll see what happens. We'll see how I mean, these guys 17:30.470 --> 17:31.520 have been around for years. 17:31.520 --> 17:33.140 Sean Murray: Yeah. They said something like 20 years. 17:33.140 --> 17:34.250 Sean Murray: And I mean, I'm surprised I had not heard 17:34.250 --> 17:34.350 Johny Fernandez: Yeah 17:35.350 --> 17:38.310 encountered it or heard of it since then. I mean, we're in the 17:38.310 --> 17:41.790 last 20 years. But I guess it's out there and the way that they 17:41.790 --> 17:45.360 throw the throw around the word heir, it just kind of sounded, 17:46.290 --> 17:49.680 like for me, being in the business side, the word merchant 17:50.460 --> 17:53.340 is so commonly thrown around the merchant did this merchant did 17:53.340 --> 17:56.850 that or whatever. And just to hear the lingo, like in the heir 17:57.000 --> 18:00.150 ,the heir, you know, all the heirs, heirs and get funded 18:00.150 --> 18:04.080 quick. I don't know if you're out there wondering, you know, 18:04.110 --> 18:07.230 what else, you know, what other innovations are occurring in the 18:07.380 --> 18:11.520 funding industry? Heir financing? Seems to be it's a 18:11.820 --> 18:14.670 hot thing. The hot things happening? Yeah. So if you're an 18:14.670 --> 18:15.150 heir, 18:15.270 --> 18:16.020 Johny Fernandez: Are you there? 18:16.140 --> 18:18.420 Sean Murray: I'm not I am not an heir, at least not that I know 18:18.420 --> 18:18.480 of. 18:18.480 --> 18:19.980 Johny Fernandez: According to the commercial an heir 18:20.190 --> 18:21.780 Sean Murray: According to okay, all right. 18:23.400 --> 18:25.800 Johny Fernandez: According to the commercial, I can't be an 18:25.800 --> 18:26.460 heir. Okay. 18:26.490 --> 18:28.860 Sean Murray: Well, you can be the heir to, you know, a throne, 18:28.860 --> 18:29.310 I guess. 18:29.340 --> 18:31.860 Johny Fernandez: I guess. Yeah. I wish my family had cool heir 18:31.860 --> 18:32.400 things, 18:32.670 --> 18:33.420 Sean Murray: Cool heir, things? 18:33.450 --> 18:36.180 Johny Fernandez: Like, you know, in the will. But 18:36.870 --> 18:38.190 oh, now you know who to call? 18:38.220 --> 18:42.000 Oh, actually, you know, my parents said they're gonna leave 18:42.000 --> 18:43.410 me their house when they die. 18:43.530 --> 18:44.970 Sean Murray: Well, if you can't wait, 18:46.590 --> 18:50.700 Johny Fernandez: There's Heir Funding for me. I'm going to 18:50.700 --> 18:55.140 call them about that. Okay, guys. Let's get this. I need the 18:55.140 --> 18:55.560 money. 18:55.950 --> 18:58.800 Sean Murray: All right. All right. So one person versus 18:58.830 --> 19:01.650 person is already sold. Yeah. So yeah. If you're a broker out 19:01.650 --> 19:04.530 there, this guy is looking for heir funding 19:07.080 --> 19:07.500 Johny Fernandez: On the air. 19:13.870 --> 19:16.600 Sean Murray: All right. Well, thank you for coming to our our 19:16.840 --> 19:19.960 somewhat makeshift livestream today, given that we are lacking 19:19.960 --> 19:21.160 a technical, 19:21.160 --> 19:21.640 Johny Fernandez: Technical, 19:21.640 --> 19:24.430 Sean Murray: Technical onsite technical team. And so 19:24.490 --> 19:25.060 Johny Fernandez: We made it. 19:25.180 --> 19:27.490 Sean Murray: Yea our sign off might be a little awkward as I 19:27.820 --> 19:31.360 am going to have to proceed to run out of here. Run of the room 19:32.200 --> 19:33.760 to turn it off, isn't it? Oh, yeah. 19:33.790 --> 19:34.660 Johny Fernandez: Don't forget your mic. 19:35.050 --> 19:36.730 Sean Murray: Yeah, that would be that would be really funny. 19:36.790 --> 19:39.040 Right out of here and left the mic connected and then 19:39.040 --> 19:39.550 everything justcrashed. 19:41.500 --> 19:42.760 Johny Fernandez: Alright, so what's your name? 19:43.030 --> 19:45.430 Sean Murray: My name is yeah, my name is Sean Murray with deBanke 19:45.430 --> 19:48.610 TV Live. I'm about to sign off and then run out of the room. 19:48.790 --> 19:51.610 Johny Fernandez: I'm Johnny Fernandez. I'm with deBanked TV 19:51.640 --> 19:53.530 and we'll see you next time.