00:03.540 --> 00:04.800 Sean Murray: Are we still waiting for a thumbs up? Or are 00:04.801 --> 00:05.550 we live now? 00:05.551 --> 00:10.970 Now that means we go? Okay, we are live. 00:11.780 --> 00:13.820 Johny Fernandez: Hey, what's going on everyone? I'm Johnny 00:13.820 --> 00:14.810 Fernandez. 00:15.680 --> 00:16.730 Sean Murray: And I'm Sean Murray. 00:16.880 --> 00:18.680 Johny Fernandez: And this is our 00:19.100 --> 00:20.180 Do we have a name for a show? 00:20.180 --> 00:20.750 deBanked TV 00:20.750 --> 00:22.610 Sean Murray: deBanked TV 00:25.760 --> 00:28.520 And we're the co-host. I'm the president of deBanked this is 00:28.520 --> 00:29.390 Johnny Fernandez. 00:29.450 --> 00:31.670 Johny Fernandez: I'm one of the reporters here. And we're gonna 00:31.670 --> 00:34.070 recap this week about what's pretty much going on in the 00:34.070 --> 00:37.850 business. Sean and I were gonna talk and kind of give you guys 00:37.850 --> 00:42.080 fill you guys in on the latest. So why don't we start with PPP? 00:42.440 --> 00:43.970 Sean Murray: PPP? Yeah, so 00:44.000 --> 00:47.540 Johny Fernandez: Something big I know it came back. People were 00:47.540 --> 00:50.660 able to start applying in January, right first first 00:50.660 --> 00:53.660 couple weeks of January. So Sean, let's let's walk through 00:53.660 --> 00:56.630 what exactly can number one people expect? And number two, 00:56.630 --> 00:59.360 what's the latest with the PPP situation? 00:59.930 --> 01:02.990 Sean Murray: Yeah, so everyone knows PPP has come back. Or if 01:02.990 --> 01:04.940 you're a business owner, maybe you didn't know. But if you're a 01:04.940 --> 01:09.860 broker, you know, because you have to compete against PPP. And 01:10.730 --> 01:14.390 as much as it's a good thing for the economy, it can be really 01:14.390 --> 01:17.180 tough if you're a broker, because I know earlier in 2020, 01:17.450 --> 01:22.580 when PPP first became available, you had to compete against PPP. 01:22.940 --> 01:25.610 And PPP is essentially free money from the government, if 01:25.610 --> 01:28.820 you use it correctly. And so if you're a broker, and you're and 01:28.820 --> 01:32.780 you're offering unsecured loans are MCA or factoring, there was 01:32.780 --> 01:36.740 a tendency for business owners to to hold off, right? Because 01:36.740 --> 01:40.910 they said I had PPP coming. I'm not going to take on debt. I'm 01:40.910 --> 01:44.930 going to use the free government program, right? And so if you're 01:44.930 --> 01:46.880 a broker, you kind of had to wait until until that money 01:46.910 --> 01:51.260 filtered through the system. And then once that did, you were 01:51.260 --> 01:54.710 still up against the whole challenge of whether or not 01:54.740 --> 01:57.920 there would be another round of stimulus or PPP. And so you had 01:57.920 --> 02:00.080 business owners who were saying, Let me hold off and find out 02:00.080 --> 02:03.710 what happens. And I don't think anyone really thought that PPP 02:03.710 --> 02:07.520 would come back. I think they thought it ran its course, the 02:07.520 --> 02:10.490 virus will be over and we'd move on. But obviously, it's still 02:10.491 --> 02:10.670 here. 02:10.671 --> 02:11.540 Johny Fernandez: Yeah, so yes. 02:12.290 --> 02:15.680 Sean Murray: So so you know, so PPP is back, right. And so if 02:15.680 --> 02:18.320 you're a broker, you're up against the same challenge, a 02:18.320 --> 02:20.390 whole year has gone by and here you are, again, competing 02:20.390 --> 02:25.610 against PPP. And so it can be really tough to deal with. Both 02:25.670 --> 02:28.100 what I've heard so far, PPP application that had been 02:28.100 --> 02:30.950 accepted, are being scrutinized a lot more than they were the 02:30.950 --> 02:35.720 first time, I think there was an element of automation, the first 02:35.720 --> 02:38.090 time around, where everyone just got approved, hence, the large 02:38.090 --> 02:41.540 amount of fraud that we saw. And this time, banks are being a 02:41.540 --> 02:44.180 little bit more careful. I think, on the one hand, they 02:44.180 --> 02:48.290 don't want to be responsible for the debt if the government 02:48.290 --> 02:53.150 doesn't reimburse them. And they want to make sure that the right 02:53.150 --> 02:55.280 people are getting it because they don't want the nasty PR 02:55.280 --> 02:59.060 blowback on top of it. And so I think fewer people will get it 02:59.060 --> 03:01.550 this time. But I think it's still a challenging time for 03:01.550 --> 03:05.150 brokers to deal with PPP, in that market. 03:05.210 --> 03:08.240 Johny Fernandez: So let's say if like a broker did not get it the 03:08.240 --> 03:11.240 first time and they genuinely need it. Like I think everyone 03:11.270 --> 03:14.990 else, what advice would you give for them to try to actually 03:15.110 --> 03:18.530 obtain it this time? I mean, any tips? Any, any, any patterns 03:18.530 --> 03:21.950 that you've been seen? That, you know, for them to actually take 03:21.950 --> 03:22.700 advantage of it? 03:22.730 --> 03:24.890 Sean Murray: Yeah. Well, it's interesting, you brought that 03:24.890 --> 03:31.160 up, because I have heard that if you did not get round one, a PPP 03:31.160 --> 03:34.970 from your bank, you cannot go to that bank to get round two. 03:35.900 --> 03:37.490 Johny Fernandez: So you have to go to another bank ? 03:37.540 --> 03:40.870 Sean Murray: you can mmh no, I that's the whole thing, right? 03:40.870 --> 03:44.320 And this isn't a rule. This is more like a, like a bank policy, 03:44.560 --> 03:47.080 where if you didn't apply for the first round, and you're 03:47.080 --> 03:50.410 applying for the second round, that there for whatever reason, 03:50.410 --> 03:53.560 I've heard that banks are hesitant to give you just the 03:53.560 --> 03:56.500 second round when you didn't get the first one. Because I think 03:56.500 --> 03:59.950 eligibility is essentially the same, that the requirements for 03:59.950 --> 04:02.890 eligibility haven't changed. So why are you coming for the 04:02.890 --> 04:04.720 second round? If you didn't get the first one? I think they're 04:04.720 --> 04:07.690 kind of hedging. And saying, if you didn't get the first route, 04:08.050 --> 04:10.690 why are you here for number two, you should have gotten the first 04:10.691 --> 04:11.020 one. 04:12.110 --> 04:15.110 So I've heard that happening. And so that means if you held 04:15.110 --> 04:17.510 off in the first round, for whatever reason, it wasn't like, 04:17.510 --> 04:20.600 Okay, I'm going to go apply to my bank now for round two. And 04:20.600 --> 04:25.220 you're being told I, you know, sorry, I think your only other 04:25.220 --> 04:29.270 option is probably to go to an online lender, or an online 04:29.270 --> 04:33.470 platform. And I'm not going to recommend any one in particular. 04:33.980 --> 04:36.230 But there are several online platforms at which you could 04:36.230 --> 04:39.560 apply for PPP. And so if your bank is telling you this time 04:39.560 --> 04:42.680 around, sorry, we can't do it, you should seriously consider an 04:42.680 --> 04:43.490 online platform. 04:43.930 --> 04:46.150 Johny Fernandez: So I think that's a perfect segue to our 04:46.150 --> 04:49.510 next topic that we want to talk about when it comes to online 04:49.510 --> 04:53.290 lenders and just like the online banking online community. Let's 04:53.290 --> 04:57.430 talk about Robin Hood and kind of like the whole debacle of 04:57.430 --> 05:00.760 what's going on between Robin Hood, GameStop and just what 05:00.760 --> 05:03.400 people are saying and the news that's been coming out, because 05:03.400 --> 05:06.970 obviously, it's been on everyone's mind. So let's talk 05:06.970 --> 05:09.610 about that. Let's start off with the fact that what happened with 05:09.610 --> 05:14.350 Robin Hood and how overall like it's gonna, like affect the 05:14.350 --> 05:15.460 industry moving forward. 05:15.640 --> 05:16.960 Sean Murray: Okay, do you use Robin Hood? 05:17.380 --> 05:19.030 Johny Fernandez: I don't personally use Robin. 05:19.780 --> 05:23.830 Sean Murray: I don't use Robin either, but no, this has been 05:23.830 --> 05:24.580 talked about a lot. 05:24.610 --> 05:24.880 Johny Fernandez: Right. 05:24.881 --> 05:27.549 Sean Murray: So what can I what can I add to the whole 05:27.615 --> 05:31.537 conversation? It's something I've thought a lot about people 05:31.602 --> 05:35.720 have actually come to deBanked and email the bank and say, What 05:35.785 --> 05:39.315 is what does deBanked think about the whole Robin Hood 05:39.380 --> 05:43.498 GameStop debacle? And I think, after, you know, really thinking 05:43.563 --> 05:47.812 it over, is that there was a lot of surprise that the system kind 05:47.877 --> 05:51.734 of, yeah, he had this group that were essentially rebelling 05:51.799 --> 05:55.198 against hedge funds or short sellers. And they found 05:55.263 --> 05:58.728 themselves in a situation in which the system kind of 05:58.793 --> 06:02.715 rebelled back. And they felt like the system was essentially 06:02.780 --> 06:06.636 rigged against them. And that this was this this big shock. 06:06.702 --> 06:10.624 And it kind of surprised me that there was a shock, that the 06:10.689 --> 06:14.807 system would do that. Because it happens over and over and over 06:14.872 --> 06:18.859 again, I think a lot of it comes from Gen Z, it being this is 06:18.925 --> 06:22.781 their first foray into rebelling against the system, right? 06:22.846 --> 06:27.030 Because believe it or not, every every, you know, young group of 06:27.095 --> 06:31.148 20 somethings who are starting in something feel like they're, 06:31.213 --> 06:34.546 they're doing something revolutionary for the first 06:34.612 --> 06:36.900 time. To be honest with you, right? 06:36.900 --> 06:41.640 Johny Fernandez: Yeah. For for the, for the that generation was 06:41.640 --> 06:44.130 because, you know, they thought like we could, this is something 06:44.130 --> 06:46.830 we can control. You see, like, this is this is this is. 06:46.830 --> 06:49.620 Sean Murray: Yeah, and we've we've found this way, and Robin 06:49.620 --> 06:53.160 Hood has empowered us to do it. Right. And then and 06:53.160 --> 06:55.050 Johny Fernandez: then when the system essentially flipped on 06:55.051 --> 06:55.230 them, 06:55.231 --> 06:58.140 Sean Murray: And it flipped on them, right. And people are 06:58.170 --> 07:01.500 surprised and are outraged. And not saying that they shouldn't 07:01.500 --> 07:06.090 be what I'm saying is that this has happened before. I think we 07:06.090 --> 07:08.940 started to look for other examples. I can already know a 07:08.940 --> 07:13.290 few off the top of my head. A great example is Lending Club. 07:13.680 --> 07:17.520 Okay. So at this point, 12 years ago, Lending Club was one of the 07:17.520 --> 07:21.240 first to peer to peer lenders in the country. And it allowed 07:21.240 --> 07:25.620 people to lend to people by past banks, you bypass Wall Street, 07:25.830 --> 07:27.690 people helping people it 07:27.690 --> 07:29.280 Johny Fernandez: That was the whole purpose of it back then it 07:29.280 --> 07:32.340 was because they don't want to go to big corporation, big 07:32.340 --> 07:35.820 banks, they can just kind of, Hey, I'm going to help you out. 07:35.820 --> 07:38.460 You help me out, we'll keep it within that perimeter, that 07:38.460 --> 07:40.200 circle. And then 07:40.800 --> 07:42.300 Sean Murray: Exactly, banks weren't lending, right? 07:42.300 --> 07:42.840 Johny Fernandez: Yeah. 07:42.870 --> 07:44.910 Sean Murray: And they're like, well, we're still gonna, we're 07:44.910 --> 07:47.460 gonna have people work with people, we don't need Wall 07:47.460 --> 07:49.830 Street, we're rebelling against Wall Street banks don't don't 07:49.830 --> 07:54.390 get, don't get to decide who to lend to. People do and it was 07:54.390 --> 07:56.640 very freeing, and we had a lot of people dump money into peer 07:56.640 --> 08:00.390 to peer Lending Club, prosper, etc. What happened? the 08:00.390 --> 08:03.570 government stepped in was like, Whoa, they went after Lending 08:03.570 --> 08:06.360 Club that went after P:rosper, they had to register with the 08:06.360 --> 08:09.450 SEC, the same villain, you know, so to speak, or at least 08:09.450 --> 08:14.100 another, you know, the same regulator came forward. And now 08:14.100 --> 08:16.890 there is no more peer to peer lending. It doesn't exist 08:16.890 --> 08:19.260 anymore. Why? Because Wall Street did not want the 08:19.260 --> 08:22.410 individual to earn the return that they wanted for themselves. 08:22.560 --> 08:24.630 So they went to Lending Club they went to prosper and said, 08:24.930 --> 08:26.910 Why are you worrying about getting all this money from all 08:26.910 --> 08:30.180 these individuals, you know, $10 or $25 here, we'll just give you 08:30.180 --> 08:35.250 a billion dollars, we want that return. Right? And so now you 08:35.250 --> 08:37.560 don't even have peer to peer lending anymore. Partially 08:37.560 --> 08:39.690 because of the app it also partially added the fear of 08:39.690 --> 08:42.690 regulation you know, lenders felt like the individuals the 08:42.690 --> 08:45.390 peers on the platform who were lending thought that they were 08:45.390 --> 08:47.790 endangered in Lending Club prosper was like what do we 08:47.790 --> 08:51.000 really need to work with these people for right and you know 08:51.000 --> 08:54.210 what happened Lending Club became a bank as of last week 08:54.210 --> 08:57.960 they fully acquired radius bank Lending Club is now the stalwart 08:57.990 --> 09:01.140 of the financial Wall Street world you know, I mean, like you 09:01.140 --> 09:03.870 can't be any more institutional than being an you know 09:03.870 --> 09:06.120 Johny Fernandez: So essentially you want a went to what it 09:06.120 --> 09:07.350 originally was trying to get away from 09:07.590 --> 09:10.560 Sean Murray: It went exactly, it started from, so it was the 09:10.560 --> 09:15.000 rebels became, they became the very thing they sought to 09:15.000 --> 09:16.290 destroy this 09:17.500 --> 09:20.890 thing, right. It's the whole it's the whole thing happened. 09:20.920 --> 09:28.210 It happened with was SoFi, I think, it's SoFi was kind of the 09:28.210 --> 09:31.810 the Cavalier student lender who they put out commercials that 09:31.810 --> 09:36.340 were that said a lot of things that regulators didn't like, and 09:36.340 --> 09:40.570 they tried to be the non bank, anti bank, debanked bank, right. 09:41.230 --> 09:43.900 And now they're becoming a bank. They even have their own 09:44.620 --> 09:47.950 stadium. I think it's out in in San Diego. In fact, the 09:47.950 --> 09:50.170 Superbowl is being played in Sofia Stadium, not this year, 09:50.170 --> 09:55.090 but next year, and if there's another company right where the 09:55.090 --> 09:59.320 rebels became everything they sell to destroy and so the 09:59.320 --> 10:03.070 surprise that we're seeing now that that wall street could 10:03.070 --> 10:08.380 strike back to squash, a rebellion happens all the time. 10:08.590 --> 10:09.040 Alright. 10:09.270 --> 10:11.790 Johny Fernandez: So a person that uses Robin Hood, for 10:11.790 --> 10:14.160 example, let's say like, they're outraged, and they're like, I 10:14.160 --> 10:17.850 can't believe this happen. Should they be mad? And should 10:17.850 --> 10:23.880 they use Robin Hood? Or should they say, hey, this has happened 10:23.880 --> 10:27.270 before? This isn't anything new. Now I just have to find a 10:27.270 --> 10:31.860 different app to use. But what would you say should be the 10:31.860 --> 10:32.490 approach? 10:33.880 --> 10:35.320 Sean Murray: You know, I don't want to tell people not to use 10:35.320 --> 10:38.080 Robin Hood. And I don't have any personal dog in the fight. 10:38.110 --> 10:38.560 Johny Fernandez: Yeah. 10:39.740 --> 10:42.920 Sean Murray: I think that whatever, whatever the real 10:42.920 --> 10:45.740 situation was, I know Robin Hood sent out an email trying to 10:45.740 --> 10:48.290 explain to people what happened. I know, a few lawsuits were 10:48.290 --> 10:52.010 filed against Robin Hood, blaming them for what happened. 10:52.430 --> 10:55.820 And I think people can decide for themselves whether or not 10:56.060 --> 10:59.840 this single event would cause them to continue using Robin 10:59.840 --> 11:03.470 Hood, or not, I think I think it's up to that. So then let's 11:03.470 --> 11:07.280 talk about GameStop. Now because obviously, people were investing 11:07.280 --> 11:10.850 in GameStop. And GameStop was something that was no one was 11:10.880 --> 11:12.470 even really going there. Like, a 11:12.471 --> 11:18.530 I haven't been to a GameStop in 25 years.I was there I was there 11:18.880 --> 11:20.370 Johny Fernandez: here's always store at the mall that you 11:20.530 --> 11:19.940 the day they opened in like, you know, 11:20.370 --> 11:22.860 would like go in and no one was like it was either really, 11:22.861 --> 11:26.610 really full or like no one was here. And now it had a massive 11:26.611 --> 11:34.610 Sean Murray: I-I'm, honestly I'm a little too old to well, 11:34.611 --> 11:34.650 Comeback. But you know, 11:34.651 --> 11:35.920 actually, you know what, that's not true. Because there are 11:35.920 --> 11:39.010 people who are in the 30s and 40s who play video games. I 11:39.010 --> 11:42.640 happen to not be one of those people so I don't have any 11:42.640 --> 11:46.150 opinion as to what it means for GameStop just because I kind of 11:46.870 --> 11:49.930 I-I aged out of that whole. 11:50.860 --> 11:55.450 Johny Fernandez: Yeah. But overall for what would the 11:55.450 --> 12:00.610 situation, this is nothing new, in regards to a company pretty 12:00.610 --> 12:05.320 much doing what they did this is this something that you've seen 12:05.350 --> 12:08.770 in the past, and this is gonna repeat itself again, and again. 12:08.770 --> 12:09.250 And again. 12:09.390 --> 12:12.270 Sean Murray: When when the retail investor rebels against 12:12.270 --> 12:15.810 Wall Street, you know, it's Wall Street's nature to strike back. 12:16.170 --> 12:19.590 And I think that the element of shock that a lot of people felt 12:19.620 --> 12:21.780 it just because they they're feeling it for the first time 12:21.780 --> 12:27.630 ever. And Bitcoin, you know, I don't want to get I don't talk 12:27.630 --> 12:30.810 about Bitcoin today. But because Bitcoin is a good example of 12:32.220 --> 12:35.520 rebels fighting back against, you know, the institution, the 12:35.520 --> 12:39.510 institution, the institution, they're really being almost the 12:39.510 --> 12:42.720 federal government, because it's challenging the dollar, right, 12:42.720 --> 12:45.930 and centralized control. And I think the only reason that 12:45.960 --> 12:48.930 Bitcoin has gone on as long as it did is because it's 12:48.930 --> 12:53.730 decentralized. And that's prevented Wall Street from truly 12:53.940 --> 12:55.110 controlling it. 12:55.140 --> 12:55.440 Johny Fernandez: Yeah. 12:55.440 --> 12:58.020 Sean Murray: And from the government from stepping in and 12:58.020 --> 13:00.810 stopping it, right. And so that that's what made bitcoins so 13:00.810 --> 13:05.640 powerful, but that was that was the Robin Hood/Game Stop. You 13:05.640 --> 13:09.060 know, crypto has been the Robin Hood/GameStop. You know, that 13:09.060 --> 13:11.400 was, like, every few years, like, what's the next thing and 13:11.400 --> 13:13.620 like, before that it was like it was online poker. And I mean, it 13:13.950 --> 13:15.870 was, it was something else before that. It was something 13:15.870 --> 13:16.110 else. 13:16.110 --> 13:16.470 Johny Fernandez: Yeah. 13:16.530 --> 13:21.990 Sean Murray: And so to Gen Z out there, this is life and prepare 13:21.990 --> 13:25.950 to be prepared to be disappointed when Wall Street 13:25.950 --> 13:28.380 Strikes Back. It's going to happen again in the future. 13:29.200 --> 13:32.500 Johny Fernandez: And you're right I think it did hit Gen Z 13:32.860 --> 13:33.820 Specifically, 13:33.850 --> 13:36.520 I think, you know, they weren't the only ones who were caught up 13:36.730 --> 13:39.610 in it because I know people who are in their 40s and 50s who 13:39.610 --> 13:39.850 were 13:39.880 --> 13:42.370 but I think the disappointment, the disappointment, the outrage 13:42.370 --> 13:42.790 that it cause 13:43.180 --> 13:44.740 Sean Murray: the disappointment and outrage It was definitely, I 13:44.740 --> 13:45.760 feel was really 13:45.790 --> 13:47.860 Johny Fernandez: Lose their focus. Well, and it's also it 13:47.860 --> 13:51.070 was because it exploded on like an online social media platform. 13:51.070 --> 13:51.430 Sean Murray: Yeah. 13:51.490 --> 13:52.990 Johny Fernandez: Where things blew up. 13:53.020 --> 13:53.440 Sean Murray: Yeah. 13:53.620 --> 13:56.080 Johny Fernandez: And that's where most it was the it was 13:56.080 --> 14:01.660 their first taste of how unfair the world is. Yeah, and I think 14:01.660 --> 14:04.210 that that's just kind of how how it is 14:04.270 --> 14:05.800 Sean Murray: Yeah, definitely. 14:06.700 --> 14:09.970 Johny Fernandez: So the last one is well, we can we can jump into 14:09.970 --> 14:12.880 this is the Super Bowl. Obviously we got the Chiefs in 14:12.880 --> 14:15.190 the Buccaneers. Are you specifically going for any 14:15.190 --> 14:21.310 specific team of the two? I know you're a Bills fan so hard, but 14:21.310 --> 14:21.730 you know, 14:22.930 --> 14:26.560 Sean Murray: yeah, I was a Bills fan when I was younger. It's 14:26.560 --> 14:29.260 hard being a Bills fan. First of all, I grew up on Long Island, 14:29.470 --> 14:31.120 which is Giants and Jets country. 14:31.150 --> 14:31.570 Johny Fernandez: Yeah. 14:31.630 --> 14:33.430 Sean Murray: So being a Bills fan automatically. 14:33.520 --> 14:35.230 Johny Fernandez: Already already put it in the bag. 14:35.260 --> 14:37.690 Sean Murray: Yeah, I already put me on a list of people, you 14:37.690 --> 14:41.800 know, to, to, to torture and torment. And then of course, 14:41.800 --> 14:44.830 they weren't good for the last 25 some odd years, right. 14:45.520 --> 14:46.450 Johny Fernandez: But they came back. 14:46.690 --> 14:49.360 Sean Murray: They came they came back and what's really sad about 14:49.360 --> 14:54.310 the whole thing, and it's, for me the only kind of takeaway 14:54.310 --> 14:57.520 there I can be like, Oh, thank you know, the one thing that 14:57.520 --> 15:01.750 makes me feel okay about them losing bis the fact that this is 15:01.750 --> 15:05.080 the first season of football I have not watched since I was a 15:05.080 --> 15:07.990 little kid. The pandemic just took it out of me. Yeah, I 15:07.990 --> 15:10.060 didn't think the season was gonna be real. I thought it was 15:10.060 --> 15:10.420 gonna be. 15:11.830 --> 15:13.000 Johny Fernandez: Well, everything else was washed. 15:13.030 --> 15:14.320 Sean Murray: They were gonna be playing, they would play a few 15:14.320 --> 15:16.510 games and call it quits. Yeah, it wouldn't be all the backup 15:16.510 --> 15:19.060 players. And so I said, I'm just gonna not watch, I'm gonna 15:19.600 --> 15:22.300 divert my attention to other things. And I did. And then of 15:22.300 --> 15:25.120 course, I hear the Bills were in the championship game. And after 15:25.180 --> 15:27.640 them not been there for 25 years, I said, You got to be 15:27.640 --> 15:29.590 kidding me. You got to be kidding me. This was 15:31.000 --> 15:32.410 this was the year I missed the whole thing. 15:32.440 --> 15:33.850 Johny Fernandez: I know, this the year to watch it. 15:34.060 --> 15:36.730 Sean Murray: So the reason they lost in case Bills, fans are 15:36.730 --> 15:39.640 wondering, the real reason the Bills last it's because I 15:39.640 --> 15:47.170 watched. If I hadn't watched it, because I watched the Bills know 15:47.170 --> 15:49.510 when I'm watching, when I'm watching the Bills, the Bills 15:49.510 --> 15:51.880 always lose. So that's. So that's why 15:53.910 --> 15:57.630 You might be able to guess who I'm rooting for, if you know is 15:57.630 --> 16:01.260 rooting for the bills, because the natural enemy of the bills 16:01.290 --> 16:04.530 is the Patriots Patriots. So you might say I had a strong dislike 16:04.530 --> 16:09.180 for Tom Brady, for a very long period of time. And I think it's 16:09.180 --> 16:11.790 true that he's probably the greatest quarterback of all 16:11.790 --> 16:12.120 time. 16:12.140 --> 16:13.160 Johny Fernandez: Okay, so you admit that? 16:13.210 --> 16:16.960 Sean Murray: Oh, I mean, the only argument against it that 16:16.960 --> 16:20.440 you can make is that he cheated or something right. And you had 16:20.440 --> 16:24.670 to hold the fights and stuff. And that was the one, you know, 16:25.180 --> 16:29.620 a little hole in his perfect, perfect record. And people just 16:29.620 --> 16:33.820 went right through it. And even I was like, the whole time 16:33.820 --> 16:39.400 cheating with those two play balls. And then and then of 16:39.400 --> 16:42.070 course, he still went on to what go to another Super Bowl. Yeah. 16:42.130 --> 16:45.010 And I think I also thought it maybe was just a matter of his 16:45.010 --> 16:48.190 offensive line. And I didn't take him away from the Patriots. 16:48.190 --> 16:49.180 You put them on a different team. 16:49.200 --> 16:51.090 Johny Fernandez: But then like the other team still like BAM 16:51.090 --> 16:53.280 comes back. And it's like I there is some 16:53.490 --> 16:55.830 Sean Murray: something to it. Right. So I think Tom Brady's 16:55.830 --> 16:57.750 probably the greatest quarterback of all time, I think 16:57.750 --> 17:01.740 it's unfair that he's played for so long. Yeah, I tend to enjoy 17:02.250 --> 17:05.280 when older players keep playing the game, I have a lot of 17:05.280 --> 17:08.430 respect for them. I think Tom Brady needs to hang up the 17:08.430 --> 17:11.970 jersey and go home. Okay, I think he's so good and too good. 17:12.240 --> 17:17.340 That he's ruining the NFL. Okay. I'm talking about someone who 17:17.370 --> 17:19.950 doesn't like him. Yeah, but I respect his skill to such a 17:19.950 --> 17:22.890 degree. I don't want to watch him in every single Super Bowl. 17:22.920 --> 17:25.170 Johny Fernandez: Yeah. But he's like, pretty much been there. 17:25.170 --> 17:25.350 Like, 17:26.070 --> 17:27.690 Sean Murray: I read a stat and I don't know if it's true, or 17:27.720 --> 17:31.530 something like he's been an 18% of all Super Bowls, ever. 17:34.350 --> 17:37.650 Johny Fernandez: That's it's, it's wild. I think it definitely 17:37.650 --> 17:40.110 taught for just having to hang out at the gym. 17:40.200 --> 17:41.880 Sean Murray: I mean, he doesn't need the money. No, he 17:41.930 --> 17:46.370 Johny Fernandez: said he said for life. But I think talking 17:46.370 --> 17:48.530 about the Super Bowl, let's talk about the commercials. Because 17:48.740 --> 17:52.280 definitely if, obviously, you know, we see some familiar 17:52.280 --> 17:55.850 faces, or some familiar companies, including whole 17:55.850 --> 17:59.000 United Wholesale, Mortgage, and then Rocket Mortgage, the 17:59.000 --> 18:02.330 commercials last year, they went out each other, and Twitter blew 18:02.330 --> 18:05.000 up about it. And this year, they're gonna have a similar 18:05.030 --> 18:09.560 situation where they will be making commercials and kind of 18:09.980 --> 18:12.200 being a little bit more nicer. But there's Yeah, there's always 18:12.200 --> 18:14.300 that rival. Yeah, and the commercials are going to be 18:14.300 --> 18:18.110 great. You see how they end up, you know, pretty much going at 18:18.110 --> 18:20.060 each other and jabbing at each other. So it's gonna coolmto 18:20.060 --> 18:20.570 watch. 18:20.600 --> 18:23.090 Sean Murray: Yeah, I mean, you know, just to, for anyone who 18:23.090 --> 18:26.300 doesn't remember what he's talking about, we had the 18:26.300 --> 18:30.290 hashtag last year called brokers, #brokersarebetter, and 18:30.290 --> 18:34.550 it was about Mortgage Brokers. And it was a query by a company 18:34.550 --> 18:36.920 called United Wholesale Mortgage. And they basically, 18:36.920 --> 18:40.640 were trying to celebrate individual mortgage brokers. And 18:40.640 --> 18:43.340 the reason they felt compelled to do that was because companies 18:43.340 --> 18:47.930 like Rocket Mortgage, which is owned by Quicken Loans, was 18:47.930 --> 18:51.170 trying to push the whole automated and technological 18:51.170 --> 18:55.760 FinTech aspect. And this was their way of striking back 18:55.760 --> 18:58.310 essentially, at Fintech because I think a lot of people in this 18:58.310 --> 19:01.190 world is still using a independent human mortgage 19:01.190 --> 19:04.970 broker versus, you know, the Push, push, push button app. I 19:04.970 --> 19:06.980 know that if I'm gonna apply for a mortgage, I'm not gonna you 19:06.980 --> 19:07.340 know, 19:07.340 --> 19:09.080 Johny Fernandez: I'm not I want like, yeah, old school 19:09.080 --> 19:11.600 Sean Murray: That's not a dig against FinTech. Yeah. But it's, 19:11.810 --> 19:14.660 I want I want to talk to somebody for a mortgage, I want 19:14.660 --> 19:17.330 to, I want to, I want to talk to an independent mortgage broker, 19:17.360 --> 19:18.950 Johny Fernandez: Because it feels more real. Like if you're 19:18.950 --> 19:20.270 doing it versus like doing the app 19:20.300 --> 19:22.520 Sean Murray: I don't want the app. Yeah. You know what I mean? 19:22.520 --> 19:23.990 I don't maybe it's generational. \ 19:24.020 --> 19:24.770 Johny Fernandez: Yeah. Well, 19:25.400 --> 19:27.830 Sean Murray: I don't really know, but for a mortgage is not 19:27.830 --> 19:32.810 for me. But anyway, so the brokers are better campaign, 19:33.020 --> 19:37.490 made fun of Rocket Mortgage, and they did a whole spoof on Rocket 19:37.490 --> 19:39.320 Mortgage. I don't know. But you can go and watch it online if 19:39.320 --> 19:43.970 you want to. And this year, both sides are running commercials 19:43.970 --> 19:46.340 again. So naturally, we went and looked to see what are they 19:46.340 --> 19:49.280 going to air and the rivalry has softened a lot. 19:49.310 --> 19:50.450 Johny Fernandez: Yeah. Compared to last year 19:50.480 --> 19:51.230 Sean Murray: compared to last year. Yeah. 19:51.230 --> 19:52.700 Johny Fernandez: Because last year. They're are like, remember 19:52.700 --> 19:55.250 they threw the rocket and they're like, 19:55.310 --> 19:55.490 Sean Murray: yeah, 19:55.490 --> 19:56.600 Johny Fernandez: They know rockets are. 19:57.830 --> 19:59.480 Sean Murray: And they said, Oh, the longer we talk to them 19:59.480 --> 20:01.730 afterwards. They said it was all in good fun. And they actually 20:01.730 --> 20:05.450 expected that it would end up helping both of them. Yeah. 20:05.480 --> 20:09.530 Because they were also planting in people's minds that there was 20:09.530 --> 20:12.110 an alternative. They're like, what's the rocket? People want 20:12.110 --> 20:12.890 to know what the rocket was? 20:12.890 --> 20:13.010 Johny Fernandez: Yes. 20:13.010 --> 20:16.010 Sean Murray: And they think Rocket Mortgage Rocket Mortgage. 20:16.370 --> 20:19.940 And so this year is a little bit more friendly. My understanding 20:19.940 --> 20:21.770 is that they are 20:22.680 --> 20:25.560 Johny Fernandez: 10 years. One of them's like a Tinder app 20:26.160 --> 20:27.150 where they can swipe. 20:27.810 --> 20:31.560 Sean Murray: Yeah, there's a one with a Tinder app, where like 20:31.560 --> 20:32.700 your mortgage broker is essentially, 20:33.060 --> 20:34.500 Johny Fernandez: like on the phone, I just swipe 20:34.570 --> 20:37.780 Sean Murray: Exactly like a Tinder app, and then Quicken is 20:37.780 --> 20:42.370 celebrating the individual mortgage brokers. So rather than 20:42.370 --> 20:45.400 push the whole tech aspect entirely, they are paying 20:45.400 --> 20:49.810 tribute to the mortgage brokers out there who do the good work 20:49.840 --> 20:53.710 that they feel they also do. And so it's kind of, it's almost 20:53.710 --> 20:58.570 like unity this time around. And I think, sure, they probably 20:58.570 --> 21:00.850 learned something from last year, but I think after the 21:00.850 --> 21:02.860 pandemic, to go out and like 21:02.890 --> 21:03.370 Johny Fernandez: Yeah 21:03.490 --> 21:05.590 Sean Murray: Kinda like, you know, put your thumb in somebody 21:05.590 --> 21:08.620 else's eye on national TV. It's just kind of in bad taste. Yeah, 21:08.620 --> 21:13.390 at the moment. And so they are coming back, but the rivalry is 21:13.390 --> 21:14.350 gonna be a lot more friendly. 21:14.510 --> 21:16.730 Johny Fernandez: Yeah. And it's all in good fun at the end of 21:16.730 --> 21:22.100 the day. Alright Sean, I think that wraps it up for this 21:22.160 --> 21:24.170 episode. There's a live episode. So 21:24.640 --> 21:26.700 Sean Murray: Were you the host? or Am I the host? w 21:27.330 --> 21:32.250 Johny Fernandez: You depend I can? Do you want 21:32.540 --> 21:34.880 Sean Murray: It sounded like you are signing off. Sounded like 21:34.880 --> 21:35.570 you were the host. 21:35.600 --> 21:37.400 Johny Fernandez: Oh, I want you to be the host. You can be the 21:37.400 --> 21:37.700 host. 21:42.650 --> 21:44.570 Sean Murray: That about wraps it up for today. Thanks for 21:44.570 --> 21:47.600 watching our first episode and all one of our viewers out 21:47.600 --> 21:49.910 there. Sean Murray with deBanked 21:50.000 --> 21:52.460 Johny Fernandez: I'm Johnny fan of deBanked, and we will see you 21:52.760 --> 21:54.680 next time. See you guys later.