00:04.170 --> 00:07.162 Josh Feinberg: Hi, this is Josh, welcome to this week's Josh's 00:07.226 --> 00:11.238 jab, grab, grab the jab before it hits. Yeah, this week's topic 00:11.301 --> 00:15.377 is going to be, is it about the money? Or is it not? For myself, 00:15.440 --> 00:19.070 in thinking about my career over the past seven years and 00:19.133 --> 00:22.763 operating Everlasting Capital, you know, obviously, a big 00:22.827 --> 00:26.393 factor is making money. But realistically, that's just a 00:26.456 --> 00:30.149 byproduct of what actually goes in every single day is the 00:30.213 --> 00:33.652 motivation money? Not for me. Motive, my motivation is 00:33.715 --> 00:37.281 building something working on a project, and in hopes of 00:37.345 --> 00:41.356 completing it, and then moving on to another project and making 00:41.420 --> 00:45.177 it so it is for the betterment of the company. Now, if your 00:45.241 --> 00:48.998 motivation is mainly money, that's great, cool, use it. But 00:49.061 --> 00:52.946 the thing is, is at the end, you're only going to have money. 00:53.009 --> 00:56.702 So if you can find something that you're passionate about, 00:56.766 --> 01:00.714 and you can continue to strive every single day to get better, 01:00.778 --> 01:04.853 and grow as a person, the money is just going to be a byproduct. 01:04.917 --> 01:08.801 Someone once said, I think it was either Donald Trump or Mark 01:08.865 --> 01:12.558 Cuban, where they were talking about how money isn't their 01:12.621 --> 01:16.378 motivator. That's just the scoreboard to keep track to make 01:16.442 --> 01:20.454 sure that they're on the right path. And I can absolutely agree 01:20.517 --> 01:24.593 for myself, that's what I try to do every single day is I try to 01:24.656 --> 01:28.668 you know, better the company, I try to better myself and try to 01:28.732 --> 01:32.679 focus on the next project that's going to obviously eventually 01:32.743 --> 01:36.882 bring money, but it's more about the passion and love that I have 01:36.946 --> 01:40.766 for the business and you know, just growing as a person, and 01:40.830 --> 01:44.842 then everything else will fall into place, that money will fall 01:44.905 --> 01:48.471 into place. You know, the houses, the cars, the anything 01:48.535 --> 01:52.037 that you want to do, the vacations that all comes along 01:52.101 --> 01:56.049 with having passion for what you do, and really striving to be 01:56.112 --> 01:59.997 better. So you know, if you can try to switch your mindset of 02:00.060 --> 02:03.945 just focusing on the money and try to just focus on a project 02:04.008 --> 02:07.829 and know that that money will come along. Trust me, you will 02:07.892 --> 02:10.440 see the change. Have a great week, guys.