00:04.890 --> 00:07.770 Josh Feinberg: Hi, this is Josh, welcome to this week's Josh's 00:07.800 --> 00:11.490 JabGrab, grab the jab before it hits ya. Hey, I wanted to come 00:11.490 --> 00:15.360 to you today, about a topic of being able to actually ask for 00:15.360 --> 00:20.130 something. I see so many times every single day, where either 00:20.130 --> 00:24.780 people are too lazy, or too scared to ask for a certain 00:24.780 --> 00:28.470 something. It could be a simple thing is just asking for an 00:28.470 --> 00:31.320 email, it could just be a simple thing of asking for a phone 00:31.320 --> 00:34.530 number. Or it could just be calling your wife saying, Hey, 00:34.530 --> 00:37.290 listen, can I go grab a bite to eat with my friends at the end 00:37.290 --> 00:40.440 of the day, right? But the thing is, is if you don't ask, you'll 00:40.440 --> 00:44.220 never receive. How many times have you heard somebody say, oh, 00:44.220 --> 00:47.850 I've been working in a certain job for so long, and they 00:47.850 --> 00:51.900 haven't given me a raise and they're complaining. But they 00:51.900 --> 00:54.780 never asked, right? Why are they gonna give something if they 00:54.780 --> 00:59.010 don't ask? So the thing is that you need to think about is you 00:59.010 --> 01:01.380 know, selling ice to an Eskimo, right? People always say that I 01:01.380 --> 01:04.470 can sell ice to an Eskimo. You can't sell ice to an Eskimo if 01:04.470 --> 01:08.580 you don't have any ice, you have to be able to ask. In our 01:08.580 --> 01:12.090 industry, you could call about equipment financing and leasing 01:12.240 --> 01:14.730 or working capital. At Everlasting Capital, that's what 01:14.730 --> 01:19.140 we do. However, if you don't ask, "Hey, are you purchasing 01:19.140 --> 01:21.780 any equipment?" and you just pitch the capital, you're never 01:21.780 --> 01:25.380 gonna get an equipment deal and vice versa. So make sure this 01:25.380 --> 01:28.350 week you're asking the questions that you need to ask or you want 01:28.350 --> 01:32.730 to ask. Don't be lazy. Don't be scared. Just get it done. Have a 01:32.730 --> 01:33.270 good week.