00:00.000 --> 00:02.670 Kayla Ayres: A big wall street bank may be entering the small 00:02.670 --> 00:05.910 business lending market. Goldman Sachs is said to be negotiating 00:05.910 --> 00:09.180 with Amazon to provide capital to merchants on the Amazon 00:09.180 --> 00:12.570 Marketplace. Some experts say this move was to be expected as 00:12.570 --> 00:15.750 Goldman Sachs already successfully rolled out Marcus, 00:15.900 --> 00:18.660 which is an online savings account brand and consumer 00:18.660 --> 00:22.080 lending division. Meanwhile, Amazon quietly entered the small 00:22.080 --> 00:26.280 business loan market in 2011. By our estimates here at deBanked, 00:26.460 --> 00:29.520 Amazon is one of the five largest online lenders in the 00:29.520 --> 00:33.750 country. You can help Ocrolus provide loans to underserved 00:33.750 --> 00:37.650 entrepreneurs around the world. Ocrolus is asking its customers 00:37.650 --> 00:41.400 to publish their fintech story on its website. In exchange for 00:41.430 --> 00:45.840 each story. Ocrolus will give $5,000 for Kiva-backed loans. 00:45.990 --> 00:49.440 Ocrolus' chief operating officer told deBanked, the best part of 00:49.440 --> 00:52.890 Kiva is the type of people who are being helped and the impact 00:52.890 --> 00:55.830 that this can have. There's a new face on the board of the 00:55.830 --> 01:00.270 Canadian Lenders Association. BFS capital CEO, Mark Ruddock 01:00.300 --> 01:03.120 has joined the board of directors. The CLA is the 01:03.120 --> 01:06.630 premier lending and fintech association in Canada. Ruddock 01:06.630 --> 01:10.170 says "the fast growth Canadian lending marketplace and the 01:10.170 --> 01:14.130 vibrancy of Toronto as a center for tech and AI talent makes it 01:14.130 --> 01:17.910 an exciting place from which to reimagine and build the future 01:17.910 --> 01:21.540 of small business financial services." I'm Kayla Ayres and 01:21.540 --> 01:23.460 this is deBanked News.