00:00.450 --> 00:02.880 Jerry Mack: The business our office is actually in Manhattan. 00:02.940 --> 00:06.330 Okay, but I live in Delaware. Okay, so all remote at this 00:06.330 --> 00:06.600 point. 00:06.630 --> 00:08.790 Johny Fernandez: So kind of walk me through. I mean, you've been 00:08.790 --> 00:11.550 in this in this game for a while, walk me through the 00:11.550 --> 00:15.420 changes that you've seen after crazy last two years being at 00:15.420 --> 00:18.060 Broker Fair 2021 Walk me through, 00:18.810 --> 00:21.600 Jerry Mack: It's been quite quite a ride the last couple of 00:21.600 --> 00:25.110 years. I mean, literally from one day doing business to 00:25.110 --> 00:29.100 shutting our doors almost. And being out of the business for a 00:29.100 --> 00:32.640 period of time getting back in when people started to fund. And 00:32.640 --> 00:36.120 a lot of my contacts were gone. They had to find other jobs, 00:36.120 --> 00:39.930 other avenues or they had tried to diversify to where we are 00:39.930 --> 00:43.080 today with I don't know what the total is. But hundreds and 00:43.080 --> 00:46.560 hundreds of people here enjoying the day and sort of reconnecting 00:46.560 --> 00:48.600 and getting to see each other face to face is pretty 00:48.600 --> 00:49.110 impressive. 00:49.409 --> 00:51.089 Johny Fernandez: So what was your favorite part? I mean, we 00:51.089 --> 00:53.069 had different panels, we had different discussions, what was 00:53.069 --> 00:54.239 your favorite part overall? 00:54.840 --> 00:57.600 Jerry Mack: For me, it's the ability to get together and meet 00:57.600 --> 01:01.140 people face to face. You know, we're I think we all became a 01:01.140 --> 01:04.590 little more bit a little bit more remote during COVID. And to 01:04.590 --> 01:07.920 once again, to put a name to a face and sit down and, and have 01:07.920 --> 01:10.380 a sandwich together and sort of talk through things. There's 01:10.380 --> 01:11.550 real value in that. 01:11.790 --> 01:14.010 Johny Fernandez: So there's a lot of new people here that are 01:14.010 --> 01:17.040 brand new to the industry. I've met some of them, you've 01:17.040 --> 01:19.560 probably met some of them, what would be your advice for them? 01:20.530 --> 01:23.200 Jerry Mack: I think we're coming. We're still not there I 01:23.200 --> 01:26.680 don't believe. The funding game is still coming back month over 01:26.680 --> 01:30.790 month, obviously, you had PPP and EIDL. I think it's stayed 01:30.790 --> 01:34.990 the course. Hang in there, things are getting better. And 01:34.990 --> 01:38.050 people are needing capital. I think really, there's outside 01:38.050 --> 01:41.410 sources. I mean, you get things the inability for people to 01:41.410 --> 01:44.470 hire, it's tough to grow a business if you can't hire Why 01:44.470 --> 01:47.500 do I need capital if I can't hire so I think all those things 01:47.500 --> 01:50.290 will work themselves out. So I think it's sort of stay the 01:50.290 --> 01:53.740 course things are getting better and you know what we'll all get 01:53.740 --> 01:55.840 through it. Things are things are on the upswing. 01:55.920 --> 01:57.480 Johny Fernandez: Awesome. And what advice would you have to 01:57.480 --> 02:00.630 someone watching this that was not able to make it to Broker 02:00.630 --> 02:00.960 Fair? 02:01.680 --> 02:04.170 Jerry Mack: Um, I think it's valuable. And I think all of us 02:04.170 --> 02:07.170 sort of, you know, there's, I don't know, I think a lot of us 02:07.170 --> 02:09.750 are sort of like, Oh, God, I got to get up I gotta go do it. I 02:09.750 --> 02:13.170 got to put on my game face. It's worth it. It's worth it to be 02:13.170 --> 02:16.110 here you meet lots of people you meet, you know, depending on 02:16.110 --> 02:18.720 what side of the fence you're on. You can meet a new broker, 02:18.720 --> 02:22.530 you can meet a new ISO, you can build a new relationship because 02:22.530 --> 02:25.440 ultimately we all do something a little bit different. So you 02:25.440 --> 02:27.720 need a lot of different people and a lot of different partners 02:27.720 --> 02:30.360 to make it all work so you make money and you help customers. 02:30.630 --> 02:32.430 Johny Fernandez: Awesome. Well, thank you so much Jerry Mack 02:32.430 --> 02:33.360 with Wall Street Funding. 02:33.360 --> 02:35.190 Jerry Mack: Thank you, man. Appreciate it if you like