1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:01,230 Johny Fernandez: What is a true up? 2 00:00:02,850 --> 00:00:05,653 Sean Murray: A true up? Okay, good question. What is a true 3 00:00:05,714 --> 00:00:09,005 up? So a true up, in the circumstance, I'm assuming in 4 00:00:09,066 --> 00:00:12,539 the context of which I'm assuming it was asked is it true 5 00:00:12,600 --> 00:00:16,135 up is, this would be part probably part of a merchant cash 6 00:00:16,196 --> 00:00:19,669 advance deal. And in a merchant cash advance payments are 7 00:00:19,730 --> 00:00:23,387 supposed to be collected in accordance with the revenue that 8 00:00:23,448 --> 00:00:27,043 a merchant generates. So there are some companies that will 9 00:00:27,104 --> 00:00:30,700 debit out a fixed amount per day. And that's supposed to be 10 00:00:30,761 --> 00:00:34,173 tied to how much they're actually doing in revenue, it's 11 00:00:34,234 --> 00:00:37,647 based on a projection. Now, let's say that the merchants 12 00:00:37,708 --> 00:00:41,486 revenue doubled. And the amount that they the funder or lender 13 00:00:41,547 --> 00:00:45,326 collected, this is the funder because it's the MCA, the amount 14 00:00:45,386 --> 00:00:49,043 that the funder collected was really tied to what the normal 15 00:00:49,104 --> 00:00:52,456 volume would be. But now they found out that the volume 16 00:00:52,517 --> 00:00:56,295 doubled, they technically would be entitled to take double the 17 00:00:56,356 --> 00:00:59,769 money, because that would be consistent with the revenue 18 00:00:59,830 --> 00:01:03,608 that's being generated. And a merchant could choose to true up 19 00:01:03,669 --> 00:01:07,447 the deal by saying please debit out even more than what you've 20 00:01:07,508 --> 00:01:11,165 already taken, so that we're living up to the, you know, the 21 00:01:11,226 --> 00:01:15,065 exact precise arrangement of the contract. However, on the flip 22 00:01:15,126 --> 00:01:19,087 side, and here's where it's most often talked about, because most 23 00:01:19,148 --> 00:01:22,865 merchants don't want to pay more sooner is, let's say the the 24 00:01:22,926 --> 00:01:26,887 business, the revenue dropped in half. And the merchant said, you 25 00:01:26,948 --> 00:01:30,422 took this amount of money, and that was supposed to be in 26 00:01:30,483 --> 00:01:34,139 relationship, this volume of revenue, but my revenue dropped 27 00:01:34,200 --> 00:01:37,857 in half. And so now the amount you took, is technically more 28 00:01:37,918 --> 00:01:41,574 than you were supposed to. So they can true it up by saying, 29 00:01:41,635 --> 00:01:45,292 here's what my actual revenue was, you know, this shows some 30 00:01:45,353 --> 00:01:49,009 kind of proof. Here's my bank statement. And then the funder 31 00:01:49,070 --> 00:01:52,666 is supposed to, as long as the merchant has everything that 32 00:01:52,726 --> 00:01:56,261 they're supposed to, the funder is supposed to refund, the 33 00:01:56,322 --> 00:02:00,161 overage that they collected to be consistent for the collection 34 00:02:00,222 --> 00:02:03,635 to have been consistent with the terms of the actual MCA 35 00:02:03,696 --> 00:02:07,170 arrangement and they call that truing it up or a true up.