00:00.000 --> 00:03.120 Oz Konar: Building the discipline of consistency. As 00:03.150 --> 00:06.960 like as I think about it, it's probably the most important 00:06.960 --> 00:11.040 thing that you need to have. Today most people do things 00:11.040 --> 00:14.940 based on how they feel. Oh, yeah, I don't feel like doing 00:14.940 --> 00:19.290 this, which the world doesn't give a crap about, right? But if 00:19.290 --> 00:24.480 you live a life by principles, every principle come with the 00:24.480 --> 00:28.140 reward. And if you have the principle of let's say, you 00:28.140 --> 00:32.310 develop a principle of, I will work two hours on my business 00:32.340 --> 00:37.200 every single day. That's a solid statement that has no emotions. 00:37.470 --> 00:41.190 That's a discipline, focus less on how you're feeling like I 00:41.190 --> 00:45.060 don't think no one is dying to wake up at 8am in the morning, 00:45.090 --> 00:48.870 no one feels like doing it. But if you have to do it, you got to 00:48.870 --> 00:52.560 do it. Whether you feel like it or not, right. Don't give into 00:52.560 --> 00:56.910 that popular belief of I'll do things when I only feel right 00:56.910 --> 00:59.940 about it. That's not how you build anything.