00:05.279 --> 00:10.529 Frederick Lavoie: So Flinks, we started in 2016. So we're a 22, 00:10.889 --> 00:15.959 23 months old company. And we're an open banking enabler for 00:15.959 --> 00:20.279 companies. So we allow users of financial apps, whether in 00:20.279 --> 00:23.969 banking, or in FinTech to connect their bank account to 00:23.969 --> 00:25.949 the app they're choosing. 00:27.150 --> 00:29.160 Speaker 1: Incredible. And where are you guys based? 00:29.460 --> 00:31.860 Frederick Lavoie: So yeah, we're based out of Montreal. So all of 00:31.860 --> 00:34.770 our development team is there. And we have also a business 00:34.860 --> 00:36.180 development team in Toronto. 00:36.840 --> 00:39.720 Speaker 1: Great, great, I'll check the next question to you. 00:40.050 --> 00:43.410 So what are some of the major challenges or problems that you 00:43.410 --> 00:44.850 face within your company? 00:44.850 --> 00:44.900 Miles Schwartz: So major challenges we faced is scaling. 00:45.320 --> 00:46.670 So even though we've done a really good job, we, as Fred 00:46.670 --> 00:48.380 said to be commercialized just over a year ago, and we already 00:48.380 --> 00:49.970 have over 40 people at the company, but keeping the 00:49.970 --> 00:58.070 traction going at the same rate, same level and constantly 00:58.700 --> 01:05.030 innovating, is not really a challenge, which it's more of a, 01:05.390 --> 01:07.670 something that comes along with having a business that grows as 01:07.670 --> 01:08.810 quickly as Flinks has. 01:09.320 --> 01:12.710 Speaker 1: Awesome. What really excites you about your business? 01:12.710 --> 01:18.000 Frederick Lavoie: The, the the potential, the untapped 01:18.000 --> 01:22.320 potential of a couple of elements in the in the lending 01:22.320 --> 01:24.870 space, specifically in, in finance, in general, but in the 01:24.870 --> 01:31.200 lending space, specifically, where there's, there's not a lot 01:31.200 --> 01:34.380 of usage of machine learning and artificial intelligence, a lot 01:34.380 --> 01:38.910 of companies are exploring it. And a lot of companies are 01:38.910 --> 01:43.170 talking about it, but not many entities are actually using 01:43.170 --> 01:46.560 machine learning and artificial intelligence in production for 01:47.070 --> 01:52.230 to enhance their services. So in lending, it's, it's, it's very, 01:52.290 --> 01:56.640 it's also something that that it's a bit new and larger 01:56.640 --> 02:01.140 entities are yet to really deploy it at scale. And so 02:01.140 --> 02:04.650 that's, that's one of the two main things that Flinks is 02:04.650 --> 02:10.770 tapping on is, is bringing machine learning to, to lending 02:10.770 --> 02:17.160 and to production to have it live with, with with loan 02:17.190 --> 02:21.810 decisions being enhanced by that. And the the other aspect 02:21.810 --> 02:26.040 that's very exciting is a lot of the lending, historically has 02:26.040 --> 02:29.850 been based in terms of risk has been based on credit bureau 02:29.850 --> 02:34.050 data, we're talking about consumer lending mostly. And 02:34.650 --> 02:38.400 there's a huge amount of data that typically is called 02:38.430 --> 02:42.000 alternative data that is not used by most lenders to, to make 02:42.000 --> 02:46.170 decisions. So there's a lot of improvements that can be made 02:46.170 --> 02:48.810 with leveraging alternative data, we're talking about mostly 02:48.810 --> 02:53.580 transactional data and behavioral profiles that we can 02:53.910 --> 02:57.660 access from having access to the to the bank transactions, which 02:57.660 --> 03:00.660 is what Flinks does, as well as machine learning. So these two 03:00.660 --> 03:03.870 combined are very, very exciting for the next couple years in 03:03.870 --> 03:05.460 that in terms of innovation. 03:05.820 --> 03:08.670 Speaker 1: That's great. Would you like to add on anything? Or 03:08.670 --> 03:09.570 respond to the question? 03:09.600 --> 03:11.010 Miles Schwartz: No, so he touched on it. So it's just 03:11.010 --> 03:14.370 really exciting that we're able to leverage the data, we have to 03:14.880 --> 03:18.210 build AI machine learning tools to build better analytics and 03:18.210 --> 03:22.290 decision for lenders. And we're, it's cool to be a fintech that 03:22.290 --> 03:25.530 helps other fintechs thrive and not compete against other 03:25.530 --> 03:29.190 fintechs as we're an enabler and giving better decisioning and 03:29.190 --> 03:31.680 onboarding for all fintechs especially for lenders. 03:31.720 --> 03:35.740 Speaker 1: Great answer. Okay. Perfect. Do you have any goals 03:35.770 --> 03:40.780 that you'd like to talk about? Long term? Aided that's a 03:40.780 --> 03:41.650 broaden question. 03:41.680 --> 03:44.650 Frederick Lavoie: Yeah. So in terms of if we formulate that, 03:44.650 --> 03:50.500 in terms of vision, the vision for us is to, to accelerate the 03:50.530 --> 03:55.570 usage of machine learning and lending. And fundamentally, 03:55.570 --> 04:00.910 there's innovate innovating aspects to allowing companies to 04:00.910 --> 04:06.610 access user data, which is a which is the core product that 04:06.610 --> 04:10.210 Flinks has built initially was was that the the ability of 04:10.210 --> 04:13.420 users to quickly in one click synchronize their their bank 04:13.420 --> 04:17.140 info to the app, so it simplifies the experience. And 04:17.140 --> 04:26.560 so the story goals, yeah, the goals. So. I'm sorry. 04:26.650 --> 04:27.340 Speaker 1: Or the vision. 04:27.400 --> 04:31.210 Frederick Lavoie: Yeah, well, it's in terms of vision, which 04:31.210 --> 04:36.700 is a I think it's an touching on. So that's, that's the first 04:36.730 --> 04:40.930 sort of first phase for us was to, to distribute that ability 04:40.930 --> 04:43.780 to as many companies as we could. And so in less than two 04:43.780 --> 04:46.900 years, we've managed to deploy our technology in more than 200 04:47.470 --> 04:50.920 fintechs and banks alike, and most recently, we've worked 04:50.920 --> 04:53.380 with, with banks more. Hey. 05:05.410 --> 05:12.280 Speaker 1: Okay okay, feel free? 05:12.450 --> 05:15.390 Frederick Lavoie: Yeah, sure. So so to get back to the to the 05:15.390 --> 05:21.180 vision, the big the bigger goals for us is to, to continue to 05:21.180 --> 05:25.860 deploy that. It's a bit of a foundation for innovation to 05:25.920 --> 05:32.040 enable access to user data. And as well as to deploy the 05:32.040 --> 05:37.740 enhancement of, of the data to as many entities in lending and 05:37.740 --> 05:40.260 lending in Canada and in North America. 05:40.660 --> 05:44.230 Speaker 1: That's great. And just to end off, if there's any 05:44.230 --> 05:47.680 final thoughts or one underlying principle that you would 05:47.680 --> 05:50.740 describe to a layperson about your company, what would you 05:50.740 --> 05:55.450 like to say to one person or to the general public layperson? 05:55.480 --> 05:55.870 Yeah. 05:56.980 --> 06:00.460 Frederick Lavoie: Yeah, sure. So the one thing that they can 06:00.460 --> 06:03.370 expect from finance and finance, finance is typically is boring. 06:03.400 --> 06:06.370 It's like most people don't like finance, when they don't have to 06:06.370 --> 06:10.510 think about it. And the future of finance is more of that is 06:10.510 --> 06:16.450 more of a better finance, easily accessible. So better products 06:16.450 --> 06:22.420 and, and more and more simple products. So in that, in that 06:22.420 --> 06:26.440 comes from from every aspect of the financial industry, bank and 06:26.440 --> 06:30.730 fintechs alike, so the the, for consumers, it's quite, it's 06:30.730 --> 06:35.440 quite exciting. What's what's ahead in terms of the quality 06:35.440 --> 06:40.330 and the, how easy the products are, are going to be to use. 06:42.780 --> 06:44.775 Miles Schwartz: Sure, yeah, just to say like, it's gonna be so 06:44.818 --> 06:47.465 frictionless, like people say, like, the thing that hit them, 06:47.508 --> 06:50.198 like they hate you on the bank is more than they hate going to 06:50.241 --> 06:53.018 the dentist. That's all going to change with all the innovations 06:53.061 --> 06:55.751 that are happening in fintech and instant decisioning. Instant 06:55.794 --> 06:58.311 adjudication, no more walking into branches. So the entire 06:58.354 --> 07:01.174 financial landscape is changing. And we're a big part of that and 07:01.217 --> 07:03.777 we're happy to be a part of that and we're happy to see the 07:03.820 --> 07:05.339 evolution happen and be part of it.